import collections
import platform
import random
from typing import Optional

from ray.util.timer import _Timer
from ray.rllib.execution.replay_ops import SimpleReplayBuffer
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, SampleBatch
from ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.multi_agent_replay_buffer import ReplayMode
from ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.replay_buffer import _ALL_POLICIES
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import PolicyID, SampleBatchType

class MixInMultiAgentReplayBuffer:
    """This buffer adds replayed samples to a stream of new experiences.

    - Any newly added batch (`add_batch()`) is immediately returned upon
    the next `replay` call (close to on-policy) as well as being moved
    into the buffer.
    - Additionally, a certain number of old samples is mixed into the
    returned sample according to a given "replay ratio".
    - If >1 calls to `add_batch()` are made without any `replay()` calls
    in between, all newly added batches are returned (plus some older samples
    according to the "replay ratio").

        >>> from ray.rllib.execution.replay_buffer import MixInMultiAgentReplayBuffer
        # replay ratio 0.66 (2/3 replayed, 1/3 new samples):
        >>> buffer = MixInMultiAgentReplayBuffer(capacity=100, # doctest: +SKIP
        ...                                      replay_ratio=0.66) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> A, B, C, D = ... # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.add_batch(A) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.add_batch(B) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.replay() # doctest: +SKIP
        [A, B, B]
        >>> buffer.add_batch(C) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.replay() # doctest: +SKIP
        [C, A, B]
        >>> # or: [C, A, A] or [C, B, B], but always C as it
        >>> # is the newest sample
        >>> buffer.add_batch(D) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.replay() # doctest: +SKIP
        [D, A, C]
        >>> # replay proportion 0.0 -> replay disabled:
        >>> from ray.rllib.execution import MixInReplay
        >>> buffer = MixInReplay(capacity=100, replay_ratio=0.0) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.add_batch(A) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.replay() # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.add_batch(B) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> buffer.replay() # doctest: +SKIP

    def __init__(
        capacity: int,
        replay_ratio: float,
        replay_mode: ReplayMode = ReplayMode.INDEPENDENT,
        """Initializes MixInReplay instance.

            capacity: Number of batches to store in total.
            replay_ratio: Ratio of replayed samples in the returned
                batches. E.g. a ratio of 0.0 means only return new samples
                (no replay), a ratio of 0.5 means always return newest sample
                plus one old one (1:1), a ratio of 0.66 means always return
                the newest sample plus 2 old (replayed) ones (1:2), etc...
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.replay_ratio = replay_ratio
        self.replay_proportion = None
        if self.replay_ratio != 1.0:
            self.replay_proportion = self.replay_ratio / (1.0 - self.replay_ratio)

        if replay_mode in ["lockstep", ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP]:
            self.replay_mode = ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP
        elif replay_mode in ["independent", ReplayMode.INDEPENDENT]:
            self.replay_mode = ReplayMode.INDEPENDENT
            raise ValueError("Unsupported replay mode: {}".format(replay_mode))

        def new_buffer():
            return SimpleReplayBuffer(num_slots=capacity)

        self.replay_buffers = collections.defaultdict(new_buffer)

        # Metrics.
        self.add_batch_timer = _Timer()
        self.replay_timer = _Timer()
        self.update_priorities_timer = _Timer()

        # Added timesteps over lifetime.
        self.num_added = 0

        # Last added batch(es).
        self.last_added_batches = collections.defaultdict(list)

    def add_batch(self, batch: SampleBatchType) -> None:
        """Adds a batch to the appropriate policy's replay buffer.

        Turns the batch into a MultiAgentBatch of the DEFAULT_POLICY_ID if
        it is not a MultiAgentBatch. Subsequently adds the individual policy
        batches to the storage.

            batch: The batch to be added.
        # Make a copy so the replay buffer doesn't pin plasma memory.
        batch = batch.copy()
        batch = batch.as_multi_agent()

        with self.add_batch_timer:
            if self.replay_mode == ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP:
                # Lockstep mode: Store under _ALL_POLICIES key (we will always
                # only sample from all policies at the same time).
                # This means storing a MultiAgentBatch to the underlying buffer
                # Store independent SampleBatches
                for policy_id, sample_batch in batch.policy_batches.items():

        self.num_added += batch.count

    def replay(
        self, policy_id: PolicyID = DEFAULT_POLICY_ID
    ) -> Optional[SampleBatchType]:
        if self.replay_mode == ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP and policy_id != _ALL_POLICIES:
            raise ValueError(
                "Trying to sample from single policy's buffer in lockstep "
                "mode. In lockstep mode, all policies' experiences are "
                "sampled from a single replay buffer which is accessed "
                "with the policy id `{}`".format(_ALL_POLICIES)

        buffer = self.replay_buffers[policy_id]
        # Return None, if:
        # - Buffer empty or
        # - `replay_ratio` < 1.0 (new samples required in returned batch)
        #   and no new samples to mix with replayed ones.
        if len(buffer) == 0 or (
            len(self.last_added_batches[policy_id]) == 0 and self.replay_ratio < 1.0
            return None

        # Mix buffer's last added batches with older replayed batches.
        with self.replay_timer:
            output_batches = self.last_added_batches[policy_id]
            self.last_added_batches[policy_id] = []

            # No replay desired -> Return here.
            if self.replay_ratio == 0.0:
                return SampleBatch.concat_samples(output_batches)
            # Only replay desired -> Return a (replayed) sample from the
            # buffer.
            elif self.replay_ratio == 1.0:
                return buffer.replay()

            # Replay ratio = old / [old + new]
            # Replay proportion: old / new
            num_new = len(output_batches)
            replay_proportion = self.replay_proportion
            while random.random() < num_new * replay_proportion:
                replay_proportion -= 1
            return SampleBatch.concat_samples(output_batches)

    def get_host(self) -> str:
        """Returns the computer's network name.

            The computer's networks name or an empty string, if the network
            name could not be determined.
        return platform.node()