#!/usr/bin/env bash # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e # Show explicitly which commands are currently running. set -x BUCKET_NAME=ray-integration-testing/ASV COMMIT=$(cat /ray/git-rev) ASV_RESULTS_DIR=/ray/python/ASV_RESULTS pip install awscli # Install Ray fork of ASV git clone https://github.com/ray-project/asv.git /tmp/asv/ || true cd /tmp/asv/ pip install -e . cd /ray/python/ asv machine --machine jenkins mkdir $ASV_RESULTS_DIR || true aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET_NAME/ASV_RESULTS/benchmarks.json $ASV_RESULTS_DIR/benchmarks.json || true asv run --show-stderr --python=same --force-record-commit=$COMMIT aws s3 cp $ASV_RESULTS_DIR/benchmarks.json s3://$BUCKET_NAME/ASV_RESULTS/benchmarks_$COMMIT.json aws s3 sync $ASV_RESULTS_DIR/ s3://$BUCKET_NAME/ASV_RESULTS/