from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal import pytest import tensorflow as tf import ray def make_linear_network(w_name=None, b_name=None): # Define the inputs. x_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[100]) y_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[100]) # Define the weights and computation. w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([1], -1.0, 1.0), name=w_name) b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]), name=b_name) y = w * x_data + b # Return the loss and weight initializer. return (tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_data)), tf.global_variables_initializer(), x_data, y_data) class LossActor(object): def __init__(self, use_loss=True): # Uses a separate graph for each network. with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Create the network. var = [tf.Variable(1)] loss, init, _, _ = make_linear_network() sess = tf.Session() # Additional code for setting and getting the weights. weights = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables( loss if use_loss else None, sess, input_variables=var) # Return all of the data needed to use the network. self.values = [weights, init, sess] def set_and_get_weights(self, weights): self.values[0].set_weights(weights) return self.values[0].get_weights() def get_weights(self): return self.values[0].get_weights() class NetActor(object): def __init__(self): # Uses a separate graph for each network. with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Create the network. loss, init, _, _ = make_linear_network() sess = tf.Session() # Additional code for setting and getting the weights. variables = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(loss, sess) # Return all of the data needed to use the network. self.values = [variables, init, sess] def set_and_get_weights(self, weights): self.values[0].set_weights(weights) return self.values[0].get_weights() def get_weights(self): return self.values[0].get_weights() class TrainActor(object): def __init__(self): # Almost the same as above, but now returns the placeholders and # gradient. with tf.Graph().as_default(): loss, init, x_data, y_data = make_linear_network() sess = tf.Session() variables = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(loss, sess) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.9) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) train = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads) self.values = [ loss, variables, init, sess, grads, train, [x_data, y_data] ] def training_step(self, weights): _, variables, _, sess, grads, _, placeholders = self.values variables.set_weights(weights) return [grad[0] for grad in grads], feed_dict=dict(zip(placeholders, [[1] * 100, [2] * 100]))) def get_weights(self): return self.values[1].get_weights() @pytest.fixture def ray_start_regular(): # Start the Ray processes. ray.init(num_cpus=2) yield None # The code after the yield will run as teardown code. ray.shutdown() def test_tensorflow_variables(ray_start_regular): sess = tf.Session() loss, init, _, _ = make_linear_network() variables = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(loss, sess) weights = variables.get_weights() for (name, val) in weights.items(): weights[name] += 1.0 variables.set_weights(weights) assert weights == variables.get_weights() loss2, init2, _, _ = make_linear_network("w", "b") variables2 = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(loss2, sess) weights2 = variables2.get_weights() for (name, val) in weights2.items(): weights2[name] += 2.0 variables2.set_weights(weights2) assert weights2 == variables2.get_weights() flat_weights = variables2.get_flat() + 2.0 variables2.set_flat(flat_weights) assert_almost_equal(flat_weights, variables2.get_flat()) variables3 = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables([loss2]) assert variables3.sess is None sess = tf.Session() variables3.set_session(sess) assert variables3.sess == sess # Test that the variable names for the two different nets are not # modified by TensorFlow to be unique (i.e., they should already # be unique because of the variable prefix). def test_variable_name_collision(ray_start_regular): net1 = NetActor() net2 = NetActor() # This is checking that the variable names of the two nets are the # same, i.e., that the names in the weight dictionaries are the same. net1.values[0].set_weights(net2.values[0].get_weights()) # Test that TensorFlowVariables can take in addition variables through # input_variables arg and with no loss. def test_additional_variables_no_loss(ray_start_regular): net = LossActor(use_loss=False) assert len(net.values[0].variables.items()) == 1 assert len(net.values[0].placeholders.items()) == 1 net.values[0].set_weights(net.values[0].get_weights()) # Test that TensorFlowVariables can take in addition variables through # input_variables arg and with a loss. def test_additional_variables_with_loss(ray_start_regular): net = LossActor() assert len(net.values[0].variables.items()) == 3 assert len(net.values[0].placeholders.items()) == 3 net.values[0].set_weights(net.values[0].get_weights()) # Test that different networks on the same worker are independent and # we can get/set their weights without any interaction. def test_networks_independent(ray_start_regular): # Note we use only one worker to ensure that all of the remote # functions run on the same worker. net1 = NetActor() net2 = NetActor() # Make sure the two networks have different weights. TODO(rkn): Note # that equality comparisons of numpy arrays normally does not work. # This only works because at the moment they have size 1. weights1 = net1.get_weights() weights2 = net2.get_weights() assert weights1 != weights2 # Set the weights and get the weights, and make sure they are # unchanged. new_weights1 = net1.set_and_get_weights(weights1) new_weights2 = net2.set_and_get_weights(weights2) assert weights1 == new_weights1 assert weights2 == new_weights2 # Swap the weights. new_weights1 = net2.set_and_get_weights(weights1) new_weights2 = net1.set_and_get_weights(weights2) assert weights1 == new_weights1 assert weights2 == new_weights2 # This test creates an additional network on the driver so that the # tensorflow variables on the driver and the worker differ. def test_network_driver_worker_independent(ray_start_regular): # Create a network on the driver locally. sess1 = tf.Session() loss1, init1, _, _ = make_linear_network() ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(loss1, sess1) net2 = ray.remote(NetActor).remote() weights2 = ray.get(net2.get_weights.remote()) new_weights2 = ray.get( net2.set_and_get_weights.remote(net2.get_weights.remote())) assert weights2 == new_weights2 def test_variables_control_dependencies(ray_start_regular): # Creates a network and appends a momentum optimizer. sess = tf.Session() loss, init, _, _ = make_linear_network() minimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(0.9, 0.9).minimize(loss) net_vars = ray.experimental.TensorFlowVariables(minimizer, sess) # Tests if all variables are properly retrieved, 2 variables and 2 # momentum variables. assert len(net_vars.variables.items()) == 4 def test_remote_training_step(ray_start_regular): net = ray.remote(TrainActor).remote() ray.get(net.training_step.remote(net.get_weights.remote())) def test_remote_training_loss(ray_start_regular): net = ray.remote(TrainActor).remote() net_values = TrainActor().values loss, variables, _, sess, grads, train, placeholders = net_values before_acc = loss, feed_dict=dict(zip(placeholders, [[2] * 100, [4] * 100]))) for _ in range(3): gradients_list = ray.get([ net.training_step.remote(variables.get_weights()) for _ in range(2) ]) mean_grads = [ sum(gradients[i] for gradients in gradients_list) / len(gradients_list) for i in range(len(gradients_list[0])) ] feed_dict = { grad[0]: mean_grad for (grad, mean_grad) in zip(grads, mean_grads) }, feed_dict=feed_dict) after_acc = loss, feed_dict=dict(zip(placeholders, [[2] * 100, [4] * 100]))) assert before_acc < after_acc