from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from import TFModelV2 from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tf, try_import_tfp tf = try_import_tf() tfp = try_import_tfp() SCALE_DIAG_MIN_MAX = (-20, 2) def SquashBijector(): # lazy def since it depends on tfp class SquashBijector(tfp.bijectors.Bijector): def __init__(self, validate_args=False, name="tanh"): super(SquashBijector, self).__init__( forward_min_event_ndims=0, validate_args=validate_args, name=name) def _forward(self, x): return tf.nn.tanh(x) def _inverse(self, y): return tf.atanh(y) def _forward_log_det_jacobian(self, x): return 2. * (np.log(2.) - x - tf.nn.softplus(-2. * x)) return SquashBijector() class SACModel(TFModelV2): """Extension of standard TFModel for SAC. Data flow: obs -> forward() -> model_out model_out -> get_policy_output() -> pi(s) model_out, actions -> get_q_values() -> Q(s, a) model_out, actions -> get_twin_q_values() -> Q_twin(s, a) Note that this class by itself is not a valid model unless you implement forward() in a subclass.""" def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name, actor_hidden_activation="relu", actor_hiddens=(256, 256), critic_hidden_activation="relu", critic_hiddens=(256, 256), twin_q=False): """Initialize variables of this model. Extra model kwargs: actor_hidden_activation (str): activation for actor network actor_hiddens (list): hidden layers sizes for actor network critic_hidden_activation (str): activation for critic network critic_hiddens (list): hidden layers sizes for critic network twin_q (bool): build twin Q networks Note that the core layers for forward() are not defined here, this only defines the layers for the output heads. Those layers for forward() should be defined in subclasses of SACModel. """ if tfp is None: raise ImportError("tensorflow-probability package not found") super(SACModel, self).__init__(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) self.action_dim = np.product(action_space.shape) self.model_out = tf.keras.layers.Input( shape=(num_outputs, ), name="model_out") self.actions = tf.keras.layers.Input( shape=(self.action_dim, ), name="actions") shift_and_log_scale_diag = tf.keras.Sequential([ tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=hidden, activation=getattr(tf.nn, actor_hidden_activation), name="action_hidden_{}".format(i)) for i, hidden in enumerate(actor_hiddens) ] + [ tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=tfp.layers.MultivariateNormalTriL.params_size( self.action_dim), activation=None, name="action_out") ])(self.model_out) shift, log_scale_diag = tf.keras.layers.Lambda( lambda shift_and_log_scale_diag: tf.split( shift_and_log_scale_diag, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=-1) )(shift_and_log_scale_diag) log_scale_diag = tf.keras.layers.Lambda( lambda log_sd: tf.clip_by_value(log_sd, *SCALE_DIAG_MIN_MAX))( log_scale_diag) shift_and_log_scale_diag = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1)( [shift, log_scale_diag]) raw_action_distribution = tfp.layers.MultivariateNormalTriL( self.action_dim)(shift_and_log_scale_diag) action_distribution = tfp.layers.DistributionLambda( make_distribution_fn=SquashBijector())(raw_action_distribution) # TODO(hartikainen): Remove the unnecessary Model call here self.action_distribution_model = tf.keras.Model( self.model_out, action_distribution) self.register_variables(self.action_distribution_model.variables) def build_q_net(name, observations, actions): q_net = tf.keras.Sequential([ tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1), ] + [ tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=units, activation=getattr(tf.nn, critic_hidden_activation), name="{}_hidden_{}".format(name, i)) for i, units in enumerate(critic_hiddens) ] + [ tf.keras.layers.Dense( units=1, activation=None, name="{}_out".format(name)) ]) # TODO(hartikainen): Remove the unnecessary Model call here q_net = tf.keras.Model([observations, actions], q_net([observations, actions])) return q_net self.q_net = build_q_net("q", self.model_out, self.actions) self.register_variables(self.q_net.variables) if twin_q: self.twin_q_net = build_q_net("twin_q", self.model_out, self.actions) self.register_variables(self.twin_q_net.variables) else: self.twin_q_net = None self.log_alpha = tf.Variable(0.0, dtype=tf.float32, name="log_alpha") self.alpha = tf.exp(self.log_alpha) self.register_variables([self.log_alpha]) def get_policy_output(self, model_out, deterministic=False): """Return the (unscaled) output of the policy network. This returns the unscaled outputs of pi(s). Arguments: model_out (Tensor): obs embeddings from the model layers, of shape [BATCH_SIZE, num_outputs]. Returns: tensor of shape [BATCH_SIZE, action_dim] with range [-inf, inf]. """ action_distribution = self.action_distribution_model(model_out) if deterministic: actions = action_distribution.bijector( action_distribution.distribution.mean()) log_pis = None else: actions = action_distribution.sample() log_pis = action_distribution.log_prob(actions) return actions, log_pis def get_q_values(self, model_out, actions): """Return the Q estimates for the most recent forward pass. This implements Q(s, a). Arguments: model_out (Tensor): obs embeddings from the model layers, of shape [BATCH_SIZE, num_outputs]. actions (Tensor): action values that correspond with the most recent batch of observations passed through forward(), of shape [BATCH_SIZE, action_dim]. Returns: tensor of shape [BATCH_SIZE]. """ return self.q_net([model_out, actions]) def get_twin_q_values(self, model_out, actions): """Same as get_q_values but using the twin Q net. This implements the twin Q(s, a). Arguments: model_out (Tensor): obs embeddings from the model layers, of shape [BATCH_SIZE, num_outputs]. actions (Tensor): action values that correspond with the most recent batch of observations passed through forward(), of shape [BATCH_SIZE, action_dim]. Returns: tensor of shape [BATCH_SIZE]. """ return self.twin_q_net([model_out, actions]) def policy_variables(self): """Return the list of variables for the policy net.""" return list(self.action_distribution_model.variables) def q_variables(self): """Return the list of variables for Q / twin Q nets.""" return self.q_net.variables + (self.twin_q_net.variables if self.twin_q_net else [])