import errno import gym import logging import numpy as np import os from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import ray import ray.experimental.tf_utils from ray.util.debug import log_once from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.policy.rnn_sequencing import pad_batch_to_sequences_of_same_size from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override, DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.debug import summarize from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, get_variable from ray.rllib.utils.schedules import ConstantSchedule, PiecewiseSchedule from ray.rllib.utils.tf_run_builder import TFRunBuilder from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ModelGradients, TensorType, \ TrainerConfigDict tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @DeveloperAPI class TFPolicy(Policy): """An agent policy and loss implemented in TensorFlow. Do not sub-class this class directly (neither should you sub-class DynamicTFPolicy), but rather use rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.build_tf_policy to generate your custom tf (graph-mode or eager) Policy classes. Extending this class enables RLlib to perform TensorFlow specific optimizations on the policy, e.g., parallelization across gpus or fusing multiple graphs together in the multi-agent setting. Input tensors are typically shaped like [BATCH_SIZE, ...]. Attributes: observation_space (gym.Space): observation space of the policy. action_space (gym.Space): action space of the policy. model (rllib.models.Model): RLlib model used for the policy. Examples: >>> policy = TFPolicySubclass( sess, obs_input, sampled_action, loss, loss_inputs) >>> print(policy.compute_actions([1, 0, 2])) (array([0, 1, 1]), [], {}) >>> print(policy.postprocess_trajectory(SampleBatch({...}))) SampleBatch({"action": ..., "advantages": ..., ...}) """ @DeveloperAPI def __init__(self, observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: TrainerConfigDict, sess: "tf1.Session", obs_input: TensorType, sampled_action: TensorType, loss: TensorType, loss_inputs: List[Tuple[str, TensorType]], model: ModelV2 = None, sampled_action_logp: Optional[TensorType] = None, action_input: Optional[TensorType] = None, log_likelihood: Optional[TensorType] = None, dist_inputs: Optional[TensorType] = None, dist_class: Optional[type] = None, state_inputs: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None, state_outputs: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None, prev_action_input: Optional[TensorType] = None, prev_reward_input: Optional[TensorType] = None, seq_lens: Optional[TensorType] = None, max_seq_len: int = 20, batch_divisibility_req: int = 1, update_ops: List[TensorType] = None, explore: Optional[TensorType] = None, timestep: Optional[TensorType] = None): """Initializes a Policy object. Args: observation_space (gym.spaces.Space): Observation space of the env. action_space (gym.spaces.Space): Action space of the env. config (TrainerConfigDict): The Policy config dict. sess (tf1.Session): The TensorFlow session to use. obs_input (TensorType): Input placeholder for observations, of shape [BATCH_SIZE, obs...]. sampled_action (TensorType): Tensor for sampling an action, of shape [BATCH_SIZE, action...] loss (TensorType): Scalar policy loss output tensor. loss_inputs (List[Tuple[str, TensorType]]): A (name, placeholder) tuple for each loss input argument. Each placeholder name must correspond to a SampleBatch column key returned by postprocess_trajectory(), and has shape [BATCH_SIZE, data...]. These keys will be read from postprocessed sample batches and fed into the specified placeholders during loss computation. model (ModelV2): used to integrate custom losses and stats from user-defined RLlib models. sampled_action_logp (Optional[TensorType]): log probability of the sampled action. action_input (Optional[TensorType]): Input placeholder for actions for logp/log-likelihood calculations. log_likelihood (Optional[TensorType]): Tensor to calculate the log_likelihood (given action_input and obs_input). dist_class (Optional[type]): An optional ActionDistribution class to use for generating a dist object from distribution inputs. dist_inputs (Optional[TensorType]): Tensor to calculate the distribution inputs/parameters. state_inputs (Optional[List[TensorType]]): List of RNN state input Tensors. state_outputs (Optional[List[TensorType]]): List of RNN state output Tensors. prev_action_input (Optional[TensorType]): placeholder for previous actions. prev_reward_input (Optional[TensorType]): placeholder for previous rewards. seq_lens (Optional[TensorType]): Placeholder for RNN sequence lengths, of shape [NUM_SEQUENCES]. Note that NUM_SEQUENCES << BATCH_SIZE. See policy/ for more information. max_seq_len (int): Max sequence length for LSTM training. batch_divisibility_req (int): pad all agent experiences batches to multiples of this value. This only has an effect if not using a LSTM model. update_ops (List[TensorType]): override the batchnorm update ops to run when applying gradients. Otherwise we run all update ops found in the current variable scope. explore (Optional[TensorType]): Placeholder for `explore` parameter into call to Exploration.get_exploration_action. timestep (Optional[TensorType]): Placeholder for the global sampling timestep. """ self.framework = "tf" super().__init__(observation_space, action_space, config) # Disable env-info placeholder. if SampleBatch.INFOS in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[SampleBatch.INFOS].used_for_training = False assert model is None or isinstance(model, ModelV2), \ "Model classes for TFPolicy other than `ModelV2` not allowed! " \ "You passed in {}.".format(model) self.model = model # Auto-update model's inference view requirements, if recurrent. if self.model is not None: self._update_model_view_requirements_from_init_state() self.exploration = self._create_exploration() self._sess = sess self._obs_input = obs_input self._prev_action_input = prev_action_input self._prev_reward_input = prev_reward_input self._sampled_action = sampled_action self._is_training = self._get_is_training_placeholder() self._is_exploring = explore if explore is not None else \ tf1.placeholder_with_default(True, (), name="is_exploring") self._sampled_action_logp = sampled_action_logp self._sampled_action_prob = (tf.math.exp(self._sampled_action_logp) if self._sampled_action_logp is not None else None) self._action_input = action_input # For logp calculations. self._dist_inputs = dist_inputs self.dist_class = dist_class self._state_inputs = state_inputs or [] self._state_outputs = state_outputs or [] self._seq_lens = seq_lens self._max_seq_len = max_seq_len if len(self._state_inputs) != len(self._state_outputs): raise ValueError( "Number of state input and output tensors must match, got: " "{} vs {}".format(self._state_inputs, self._state_outputs)) if self._state_inputs and self._seq_lens is None: raise ValueError( "seq_lens tensor must be given if state inputs are defined") self._batch_divisibility_req = batch_divisibility_req self._update_ops = update_ops self._apply_op = None self._stats_fetches = {} self._timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else \ tf1.placeholder_with_default( tf.zeros((), dtype=tf.int64), (), name="timestep") self._optimizer = None self._grads_and_vars = None self._grads = None # Policy tf-variables (weights), whose values to get/set via # get_weights/set_weights. self._variables = None # Local optimizer's tf-variables (e.g. state vars for Adam). # Will be stored alongside `self._variables` when checkpointing. self._optimizer_variables = None # The loss tf-op. self._loss = None # A batch dict passed into loss function as input. self._loss_input_dict = {} if loss is not None: self._initialize_loss(loss, loss_inputs) # The log-likelihood calculator op. self._log_likelihood = log_likelihood if self._log_likelihood is None and self._dist_inputs is not None and \ self.dist_class is not None: self._log_likelihood = self.dist_class( self._dist_inputs, self.model).logp(self._action_input) def variables(self): """Return the list of all savable variables for this policy.""" return self.model.variables() def get_placeholder(self, name) -> "tf1.placeholder": """Returns the given action or loss input placeholder by name. If the loss has not been initialized and a loss input placeholder is requested, an error is raised. Args: name (str): The name of the placeholder to return. One of SampleBatch.CUR_OBS|PREV_ACTION/REWARD or a valid key from `self._loss_input_dict`. Returns: tf1.placeholder: The placeholder under the given str key. """ if name == SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: return self._obs_input elif name == SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: return self._prev_action_input elif name == SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS: return self._prev_reward_input assert self._loss_input_dict, \ "You need to populate `self._loss_input_dict` before " \ "`get_placeholder()` can be called" return self._loss_input_dict[name] def get_session(self) -> "tf1.Session": """Returns a reference to the TF session for this policy.""" return self._sess def loss_initialized(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the loss function has been initialized.""" return self._loss is not None def _initialize_loss(self, loss: TensorType, loss_inputs: List[Tuple[str, TensorType]]) -> None: """Initializes the loss op from given loss tensor and placeholders. Args: loss (TensorType): The loss op generated by some loss function. loss_inputs (List[Tuple[str, TensorType]]): The list of Tuples: (name, tf1.placeholders) needed for calculating the loss. """ self._loss_input_dict = dict(loss_inputs) self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn = { k: v for k, v in self._loss_input_dict.items() if (v not in self._state_inputs and v != self._seq_lens) } for i, ph in enumerate(self._state_inputs): self._loss_input_dict["state_in_{}".format(i)] = ph if self.model: self._loss = self.model.custom_loss(loss, self._loss_input_dict) self._stats_fetches.update({ "model": self.model.metrics() if isinstance( self.model, ModelV2) else self.model.custom_stats() }) else: self._loss = loss if self._optimizer is None: self._optimizer = self.optimizer() self._grads_and_vars = [ (g, v) for (g, v) in self.gradients(self._optimizer, self._loss) if g is not None ] self._grads = [g for (g, v) in self._grads_and_vars] if self.model: self._variables = ray.experimental.tf_utils.TensorFlowVariables( [], self._sess, self.variables()) # gather update ops for any batch norm layers if not self._update_ops: self._update_ops = tf1.get_collection( tf1.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope=tf1.get_variable_scope().name) if self._update_ops:"Update ops to run on apply gradient: {}".format( self._update_ops)) with tf1.control_dependencies(self._update_ops): self._apply_op = self.build_apply_op(self._optimizer, self._grads_and_vars) if log_once("loss_used"): logger.debug( "These tensors were used in the loss_fn:\n\n{}\n".format( summarize(self._loss_input_dict))) self._optimizer_variables = None if self._optimizer: self._optimizer_variables = \ ray.experimental.tf_utils.TensorFlowVariables( self._optimizer.variables(), self._sess) @override(Policy) def compute_actions( self, obs_batch: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType], state_batches: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None, prev_action_batch: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType] = None, prev_reward_batch: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType] = None, info_batch: Optional[Dict[str, list]] = None, episodes: Optional[List["MultiAgentEpisode"]] = None, explore: Optional[bool] = None, timestep: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs): explore = explore if explore is not None else self.config["explore"] timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else self.global_timestep builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "compute_actions") to_fetch = self._build_compute_actions( builder, obs_batch=obs_batch, state_batches=state_batches, prev_action_batch=prev_action_batch, prev_reward_batch=prev_reward_batch, explore=explore, timestep=timestep) # Execute session run to get action (and other fetches). fetched = builder.get(to_fetch) # Update our global timestep by the batch size. self.global_timestep += len(obs_batch) if isinstance(obs_batch, list) \ else obs_batch.shape[0] return fetched @override(Policy) def compute_actions_from_input_dict( self, input_dict: Dict[str, TensorType], explore: bool = None, timestep: Optional[int] = None, episodes: Optional[List["MultiAgentEpisode"]] = None, **kwargs) -> \ Tuple[TensorType, List[TensorType], Dict[str, TensorType]]: explore = explore if explore is not None else self.config["explore"] timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else self.global_timestep builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "compute_actions_from_input_dict") obs_batch = input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS] to_fetch = self._build_compute_actions( builder, input_dict=input_dict, explore=explore, timestep=timestep) # Execute session run to get action (and other fetches). fetched = builder.get(to_fetch) # Update our global timestep by the batch size. self.global_timestep += len(obs_batch) if isinstance(obs_batch, list) \ else obs_batch.shape[0] return fetched @override(Policy) def compute_log_likelihoods( self, actions: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType], obs_batch: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType], state_batches: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None, prev_action_batch: Optional[Union[List[TensorType], TensorType]] = None, prev_reward_batch: Optional[Union[List[ TensorType], TensorType]] = None) -> TensorType: if self._log_likelihood is None: raise ValueError("Cannot compute log-prob/likelihood w/o a " "self._log_likelihood op!") # Exploration hook before each forward pass. self.exploration.before_compute_actions( explore=False, tf_sess=self.get_session()) builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "compute_log_likelihoods") # Feed actions (for which we want logp values) into graph. builder.add_feed_dict({self._action_input: actions}) # Feed observations. builder.add_feed_dict({self._obs_input: obs_batch}) # Internal states. state_batches = state_batches or [] if len(self._state_inputs) != len(state_batches): raise ValueError( "Must pass in RNN state batches for placeholders {}, got {}". format(self._state_inputs, state_batches)) builder.add_feed_dict( {k: v for k, v in zip(self._state_inputs, state_batches)}) if state_batches: builder.add_feed_dict({self._seq_lens: np.ones(len(obs_batch))}) # Prev-a and r. if self._prev_action_input is not None and \ prev_action_batch is not None: builder.add_feed_dict({self._prev_action_input: prev_action_batch}) if self._prev_reward_input is not None and \ prev_reward_batch is not None: builder.add_feed_dict({self._prev_reward_input: prev_reward_batch}) # Fetch the log_likelihoods output and return. fetches = builder.add_fetches([self._log_likelihood]) return builder.get(fetches)[0] @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def learn_on_batch( self, postprocessed_batch: SampleBatch) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: assert self.loss_initialized() builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "learn_on_batch") # Callback handling. learn_stats = {} self.callbacks.on_learn_on_batch( policy=self, train_batch=postprocessed_batch, result=learn_stats) fetches = self._build_learn_on_batch(builder, postprocessed_batch) stats = builder.get(fetches) stats.update({"custom_metrics": learn_stats}) return stats @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def compute_gradients( self, postprocessed_batch: SampleBatch) -> \ Tuple[ModelGradients, Dict[str, TensorType]]: assert self.loss_initialized() builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "compute_gradients") fetches = self._build_compute_gradients(builder, postprocessed_batch) return builder.get(fetches) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def apply_gradients(self, gradients: ModelGradients) -> None: assert self.loss_initialized() builder = TFRunBuilder(self._sess, "apply_gradients") fetches = self._build_apply_gradients(builder, gradients) builder.get(fetches) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_exploration_info(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: return self.exploration.get_info(sess=self.get_session()) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_weights(self) -> Union[Dict[str, TensorType], List[TensorType]]: return self._variables.get_weights() @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def set_weights(self, weights) -> None: return self._variables.set_weights(weights) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_state(self) -> Union[Dict[str, TensorType], List[TensorType]]: # For tf Policies, return Policy weights and optimizer var values. state = super().get_state() if self._optimizer_variables and \ len(self._optimizer_variables.variables) > 0: state["_optimizer_variables"] = \ return state @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def set_state(self, state) -> None: state = state.copy() # shallow copy # Set optimizer vars first. optimizer_vars = state.pop("_optimizer_variables", None) if optimizer_vars: self._optimizer_variables.set_weights(optimizer_vars) # Then the Policy's (NN) weights. super().set_state(state) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def export_model(self, export_dir: str) -> None: """Export tensorflow graph to export_dir for serving.""" with self._sess.graph.as_default(): builder = tf1.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(export_dir) signature_def_map = self._build_signature_def() builder.add_meta_graph_and_variables( self._sess, [tf1.saved_model.tag_constants.SERVING], signature_def_map=signature_def_map, saver=tf1.summary.FileWriter(export_dir).add_graph( graph=self._sess.graph)) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def export_checkpoint(self, export_dir: str, filename_prefix: str = "model") -> None: """Export tensorflow checkpoint to export_dir.""" try: os.makedirs(export_dir) except OSError as e: # ignore error if export dir already exists if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise save_path = os.path.join(export_dir, filename_prefix) with self._sess.graph.as_default(): saver = tf1.train.Saver(), save_path) @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def import_model_from_h5(self, import_file: str) -> None: """Imports weights into tf model.""" # Make sure the session is the right one (see issue #7046). with self._sess.graph.as_default(): with self._sess.as_default(): return self.model.import_from_h5(import_file) @DeveloperAPI def copy(self, existing_inputs: List[Tuple[str, "tf1.placeholder"]]) -> \ "TFPolicy": """Creates a copy of self using existing input placeholders. Optional: Only required to work with the multi-GPU optimizer. Args: existing_inputs (List[Tuple[str, tf1.placeholder]]): Dict mapping names (str) to tf1.placeholders to re-use (share) with the returned copy of self. Returns: TFPolicy: A copy of self. """ raise NotImplementedError @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def is_recurrent(self) -> bool: return len(self._state_inputs) > 0 @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def num_state_tensors(self) -> int: return len(self._state_inputs) @DeveloperAPI def extra_compute_action_feed_dict(self) -> Dict[TensorType, TensorType]: """Extra dict to pass to the compute actions session run. Returns: Dict[TensorType, TensorType]: A feed dict to be added to the feed_dict passed to the compute_actions call. """ return {} @DeveloperAPI def extra_compute_action_fetches(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Extra values to fetch and return from compute_actions(). By default we return action probability/log-likelihood info and action distribution inputs (if present). Returns: Dict[str, TensorType]: An extra fetch-dict to be passed to and returned from the compute_actions() call. """ extra_fetches = {} # Action-logp and action-prob. if self._sampled_action_logp is not None: extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_PROB] = self._sampled_action_prob extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_LOGP] = self._sampled_action_logp # Action-dist inputs. if self._dist_inputs is not None: extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS] = self._dist_inputs return extra_fetches @DeveloperAPI def extra_compute_grad_feed_dict(self) -> Dict[TensorType, TensorType]: """Extra dict to pass to the compute gradients session run. Returns: Dict[TensorType, TensorType]: Extra feed_dict to be passed to the compute_gradients call. """ return {} # e.g, kl_coeff @DeveloperAPI def extra_compute_grad_fetches(self) -> Dict[str, any]: """Extra values to fetch and return from compute_gradients(). Returns: Dict[str, any]: Extra fetch dict to be added to the fetch dict of the compute_gradients call. """ return {LEARNER_STATS_KEY: {}} # e.g, stats, td error, etc. @DeveloperAPI def optimizer(self) -> "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer": """TF optimizer to use for policy optimization. Returns: tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer: The local optimizer to use for this Policy's Model. """ if hasattr(self, "config"): return tf1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.config["lr"]) else: return tf1.train.AdamOptimizer() @DeveloperAPI def gradients(self, optimizer: "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", loss: TensorType) -> List[Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]: """Override this for a custom gradient computation behavior. Returns: List[Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]: List of tuples with grad values and the grad-value's corresponding tf.variable in it. """ return optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) @DeveloperAPI def build_apply_op( self, optimizer: "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", grads_and_vars: List[Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]) -> \ "tf.Operation": """Override this for a custom gradient apply computation behavior. Args: optimizer (tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer): The local tf optimizer to use for applying the grads and vars. grads_and_vars (List[Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]): List of tuples with grad values and the grad-value's corresponding tf.variable in it. """ # Specify global_step for TD3 which needs to count the num updates. return optimizer.apply_gradients( self._grads_and_vars, global_step=tf1.train.get_or_create_global_step()) def _get_is_training_placeholder(self): """Get the placeholder for _is_training, i.e., for batch norm layers. This can be called safely before __init__ has run. """ if not hasattr(self, "_is_training"): self._is_training = tf1.placeholder_with_default( False, (), name="is_training") return self._is_training def _debug_vars(self): if log_once("grad_vars"): for _, v in self._grads_and_vars:"Optimizing variable {}".format(v)) def _extra_input_signature_def(self): """Extra input signatures to add when exporting tf model. Inferred from extra_compute_action_feed_dict() """ feed_dict = self.extra_compute_action_feed_dict() return { tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(k) for k in feed_dict.keys() } def _extra_output_signature_def(self): """Extra output signatures to add when exporting tf model. Inferred from extra_compute_action_fetches() """ fetches = self.extra_compute_action_fetches() return { k: tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(fetches[k]) for k in fetches.keys() } def _build_signature_def(self): """Build signature def map for tensorflow SavedModelBuilder. """ # build input signatures input_signature = self._extra_input_signature_def() input_signature["observations"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(self._obs_input) if self._seq_lens is not None: input_signature["seq_lens"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(self._seq_lens) if self._prev_action_input is not None: input_signature["prev_action"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info( self._prev_action_input) if self._prev_reward_input is not None: input_signature["prev_reward"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info( self._prev_reward_input) input_signature["is_training"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(self._is_training) if self._timestep is not None: input_signature["timestep"] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(self._timestep) for state_input in self._state_inputs: input_signature[] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(state_input) # build output signatures output_signature = self._extra_output_signature_def() for i, a in enumerate(tf.nest.flatten(self._sampled_action)): output_signature["actions_{}".format(i)] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(a) for state_output in self._state_outputs: output_signature[] = \ tf1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info(state_output) signature_def = ( tf1.saved_model.signature_def_utils.build_signature_def( input_signature, output_signature, tf1.saved_model.signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME)) signature_def_key = (tf1.saved_model.signature_constants. DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY) signature_def_map = {signature_def_key: signature_def} return signature_def_map def _build_compute_actions(self, builder, *, input_dict=None, obs_batch=None, state_batches=None, prev_action_batch=None, prev_reward_batch=None, episodes=None, explore=None, timestep=None): explore = explore if explore is not None else self.config["explore"] timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else self.global_timestep # Call the exploration before_compute_actions hook. self.exploration.before_compute_actions( timestep=timestep, explore=explore, tf_sess=self.get_session()) builder.add_feed_dict(self.extra_compute_action_feed_dict()) # `input_dict` given: Simply build what's in that dict. if input_dict is not None: if hasattr(self, "_input_dict"): for key, value in input_dict.items(): if key in self._input_dict: builder.add_feed_dict({self._input_dict[key]: value}) # For policies that inherit directly from TFPolicy. else: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._obs_input: input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS] }) if SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS in input_dict: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._prev_action_input: input_dict[ SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS] }) if SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS in input_dict: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._prev_reward_input: input_dict[ SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS] }) state_batches = [] i = 0 while "state_in_{}".format(i) in input_dict: state_batches.append(input_dict["state_in_{}".format(i)]) i += 1 builder.add_feed_dict( dict(zip(self._state_inputs, state_batches))) if "state_in_0" in input_dict: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._seq_lens: np.ones(len(input_dict["state_in_0"])) }) # Hardcoded old way: Build fixed fields, if provided. # TODO: (sven) This can be deprecated after trajectory view API flag is # removed and always True. else: state_batches = state_batches or [] if len(self._state_inputs) != len(state_batches): raise ValueError( "Must pass in RNN state batches for placeholders {}, " "got {}".format(self._state_inputs, state_batches)) builder.add_feed_dict({self._obs_input: obs_batch}) if state_batches: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._seq_lens: np.ones(len(obs_batch)) }) if self._prev_action_input is not None and \ prev_action_batch is not None: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._prev_action_input: prev_action_batch }) if self._prev_reward_input is not None and \ prev_reward_batch is not None: builder.add_feed_dict({ self._prev_reward_input: prev_reward_batch }) builder.add_feed_dict(dict(zip(self._state_inputs, state_batches))) builder.add_feed_dict({self._is_training: False}) builder.add_feed_dict({self._is_exploring: explore}) if timestep is not None: builder.add_feed_dict({self._timestep: timestep}) # Determine, what exactly to fetch from the graph. to_fetch = [self._sampled_action] + self._state_outputs + \ [self.extra_compute_action_fetches()] # Perform the session call. fetches = builder.add_fetches(to_fetch) return fetches[0], fetches[1:-1], fetches[-1] def _build_compute_gradients(self, builder, postprocessed_batch): self._debug_vars() builder.add_feed_dict(self.extra_compute_grad_feed_dict()) builder.add_feed_dict( self._get_loss_inputs_dict(postprocessed_batch, shuffle=False)) fetches = builder.add_fetches( [self._grads, self._get_grad_and_stats_fetches()]) return fetches[0], fetches[1] def _build_apply_gradients(self, builder, gradients): if len(gradients) != len(self._grads): raise ValueError( "Unexpected number of gradients to apply, got {} for {}". format(gradients, self._grads)) builder.add_feed_dict({self._is_training: True}) builder.add_feed_dict(dict(zip(self._grads, gradients))) fetches = builder.add_fetches([self._apply_op]) return fetches[0] def _build_learn_on_batch(self, builder, postprocessed_batch): self._debug_vars() builder.add_feed_dict(self.extra_compute_grad_feed_dict()) builder.add_feed_dict( self._get_loss_inputs_dict(postprocessed_batch, shuffle=False)) fetches = builder.add_fetches([ self._apply_op, self._get_grad_and_stats_fetches(), ]) return fetches[1] def _get_grad_and_stats_fetches(self): fetches = self.extra_compute_grad_fetches() if LEARNER_STATS_KEY not in fetches: raise ValueError( "Grad fetches should contain 'stats': {...} entry") if self._stats_fetches: fetches[LEARNER_STATS_KEY] = dict(self._stats_fetches, **fetches[LEARNER_STATS_KEY]) return fetches def _get_loss_inputs_dict(self, train_batch, shuffle): """Return a feed dict from a batch. Args: train_batch (SampleBatch): batch of data to derive inputs from. shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle batch sequences. Shuffle may be done in-place. This only makes sense if you're further applying minibatch SGD after getting the outputs. Returns: feed dict of data """ if not isinstance(train_batch, SampleBatch) or not train_batch.zero_padded: pad_batch_to_sequences_of_same_size( train_batch, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, shuffle=shuffle, batch_divisibility_req=self._batch_divisibility_req, feature_keys=list(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.keys()), view_requirements=self.view_requirements, ) else: train_batch["seq_lens"] = train_batch.seq_lens # Get batch ready for RNNs, if applicable. # Mark the batch as "is_training" so the Model can use this # information. train_batch["is_training"] = True # Build the feed dict from the batch. feed_dict = {} for key, placeholder in self._loss_input_dict.items(): feed_dict[placeholder] = train_batch[key] state_keys = [ "state_in_{}".format(i) for i in range(len(self._state_inputs)) ] for key in state_keys: feed_dict[self._loss_input_dict[key]] = train_batch[key] if state_keys: feed_dict[self._seq_lens] = train_batch["seq_lens"] return feed_dict @DeveloperAPI class LearningRateSchedule: """Mixin for TFPolicy that adds a learning rate schedule.""" @DeveloperAPI def __init__(self, lr, lr_schedule): self.cur_lr = tf1.get_variable("lr", initializer=lr, trainable=False) if lr_schedule is None: self.lr_schedule = ConstantSchedule(lr, framework=None) else: self.lr_schedule = PiecewiseSchedule( lr_schedule, outside_value=lr_schedule[-1][-1], framework=None) @override(Policy) def on_global_var_update(self, global_vars): super(LearningRateSchedule, self).on_global_var_update(global_vars) self.cur_lr.load( self.lr_schedule.value(global_vars["timestep"]), session=self._sess) @override(TFPolicy) def optimizer(self): return tf1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.cur_lr) @DeveloperAPI class EntropyCoeffSchedule: """Mixin for TFPolicy that adds entropy coeff decay.""" @DeveloperAPI def __init__(self, entropy_coeff, entropy_coeff_schedule): self.entropy_coeff = get_variable( entropy_coeff, framework="tf", tf_name="entropy_coeff", trainable=False) if entropy_coeff_schedule is None: self.entropy_coeff_schedule = ConstantSchedule( entropy_coeff, framework=None) else: # Allows for custom schedule similar to lr_schedule format if isinstance(entropy_coeff_schedule, list): self.entropy_coeff_schedule = PiecewiseSchedule( entropy_coeff_schedule, outside_value=entropy_coeff_schedule[-1][-1], framework=None) else: # Implements previous version but enforces outside_value self.entropy_coeff_schedule = PiecewiseSchedule( [[0, entropy_coeff], [entropy_coeff_schedule, 0.0]], outside_value=0.0, framework=None) @override(Policy) def on_global_var_update(self, global_vars): super(EntropyCoeffSchedule, self).on_global_var_update(global_vars) op_or_none = self.entropy_coeff.assign( self.entropy_coeff_schedule.value(global_vars["timestep"]), read_value=False, # return tf op (None in eager mode). ) if self._sess is not None: