import gym from gym.spaces import Box, Discrete import numpy as np from typing import Optional, Tuple from ray.rllib.models.torch.misc import SlimFC from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_modelv2 import TorchModelV2 from ray.rllib.utils.framework import get_activation_fn, try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.simplex import Simplex from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ModelConfigDict, TensorType torch, nn = try_import_torch() class SACTorchModel(TorchModelV2, nn.Module): """Extension of the standard TorchModelV2 for SAC. Instances of this Model get created via wrapping this class around another default- or custom model (inside rllib/agents/sac/ Doing so simply adds this class' methods (`get_q_values`, etc..) to the wrapped model, such that the wrapped model can be used by the SAC algorithm. Data flow: `obs` -> forward() -> `model_out` `model_out` -> get_policy_output() -> pi(actions|obs) `model_out`, `actions` -> get_q_values() -> Q(s, a) `model_out`, `actions` -> get_twin_q_values() -> Q_twin(s, a) """ def __init__(self, obs_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, num_outputs: Optional[int], model_config: ModelConfigDict, name: str, actor_hidden_activation: str = "relu", actor_hiddens: Tuple[int] = (256, 256), critic_hidden_activation: str = "relu", critic_hiddens: Tuple[int] = (256, 256), twin_q: bool = False, initial_alpha: float = 1.0, target_entropy: Optional[float] = None): """Initializes a SACTorchModel instance. 7 Args: actor_hidden_activation (str): Activation for the actor network. actor_hiddens (list): Hidden layers sizes for the actor network. critic_hidden_activation (str): Activation for the critic network. critic_hiddens (list): Hidden layers sizes for the critic network. twin_q (bool): Build twin Q networks (Q-net and target) for more stable Q-learning. initial_alpha (float): The initial value for the to-be-optimized alpha parameter (default: 1.0). target_entropy (Optional[float]): A target entropy value for the to-be-optimized alpha parameter. If None, will use the defaults described in the papers for SAC (and discrete SAC). Note that the core layers for forward() are not defined here, this only defines the layers for the output heads. Those layers for forward() should be defined in subclasses of SACModel. """ nn.Module.__init__(self) super(SACTorchModel, self).__init__(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name) if isinstance(action_space, Discrete): self.action_dim = action_space.n self.discrete = True action_outs = q_outs = self.action_dim action_ins = None # No action inputs for the discrete case. elif isinstance(action_space, Box): self.action_dim = np.product(action_space.shape) self.discrete = False action_outs = 2 * self.action_dim action_ins = self.action_dim q_outs = 1 else: assert isinstance(action_space, Simplex) self.action_dim = np.product(action_space.shape) self.discrete = False action_outs = self.action_dim action_ins = self.action_dim q_outs = 1 # Build the policy network. self.action_model = nn.Sequential() ins = self.num_outputs self.obs_ins = ins activation = get_activation_fn( actor_hidden_activation, framework="torch") for i, n in enumerate(actor_hiddens): self.action_model.add_module( "action_{}".format(i), SlimFC( ins, n, initializer=torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, activation_fn=activation)) ins = n self.action_model.add_module( "action_out", SlimFC( ins, action_outs, initializer=torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, activation_fn=None)) # Build the Q-net(s), including target Q-net(s). def build_q_net(name_): activation = get_activation_fn( critic_hidden_activation, framework="torch") # For continuous actions: Feed obs and actions (concatenated) # through the NN. For discrete actions, only obs. q_net = nn.Sequential() ins = self.obs_ins + (0 if self.discrete else action_ins) for i, n in enumerate(critic_hiddens): q_net.add_module( "{}_hidden_{}".format(name_, i), SlimFC( ins, n, initializer=torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, activation_fn=activation)) ins = n q_net.add_module( "{}_out".format(name_), SlimFC( ins, q_outs, initializer=torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_, activation_fn=None)) return q_net self.q_net = build_q_net("q") if twin_q: self.twin_q_net = build_q_net("twin_q") else: self.twin_q_net = None log_alpha = nn.Parameter( torch.from_numpy(np.array([np.log(initial_alpha)])).float()) self.register_parameter("log_alpha", log_alpha) # Auto-calculate the target entropy. if target_entropy is None or target_entropy == "auto": # See hyperparams in [2] ( if self.discrete: target_entropy = 0.98 * np.array( -np.log(1.0 / action_space.n), dtype=np.float32) # See [1] ( else: target_entropy = self.target_entropy = torch.tensor( data=[target_entropy], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False) def get_q_values(self, model_out: TensorType, actions: Optional[TensorType] = None) -> TensorType: """Returns Q-values, given the output of self.__call__(). This implements Q(s, a) -> [single Q-value] for the continuous case and Q(s) -> [Q-values for all actions] for the discrete case. Args: model_out (TensorType): Feature outputs from the model layers (result of doing `self.__call__(obs)`). actions (Optional[TensorType]): Continuous action batch to return Q-values for. Shape: [BATCH_SIZE, action_dim]. If None (discrete action case), return Q-values for all actions. Returns: TensorType: Q-values tensor of shape [BATCH_SIZE, 1]. """ # Continuous case -> concat actions to model_out. if actions is not None: return self.q_net([model_out, actions], -1)) # Discrete case -> return q-vals for all actions. else: return self.q_net(model_out) def get_twin_q_values(self, model_out: TensorType, actions: Optional[TensorType] = None) -> TensorType: """Same as get_q_values but using the twin Q net. This implements the twin Q(s, a). Args: model_out (TensorType): Feature outputs from the model layers (result of doing `self.__call__(obs)`). actions (Optional[Tensor]): Actions to return the Q-values for. Shape: [BATCH_SIZE, action_dim]. If None (discrete action case), return Q-values for all actions. Returns: TensorType: Q-values tensor of shape [BATCH_SIZE, 1]. """ # Continuous case -> concat actions to model_out. if actions is not None: return self.twin_q_net([model_out, actions], -1)) # Discrete case -> return q-vals for all actions. else: return self.twin_q_net(model_out) def get_policy_output(self, model_out: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Returns policy outputs, given the output of self.__call__(). For continuous action spaces, these will be the mean/stddev distribution inputs for the (SquashedGaussian) action distribution. For discrete action spaces, these will be the logits for a categorical distribution. Args: model_out (TensorType): Feature outputs from the model layers (result of doing `self.__call__(obs)`). Returns: TensorType: Distribution inputs for sampling actions. """ return self.action_model(model_out) def policy_variables(self): """Return the list of variables for the policy net.""" return list(self.action_model.parameters()) def q_variables(self): """Return the list of variables for Q / twin Q nets.""" return list(self.q_net.parameters()) + \ (list(self.twin_q_net.parameters()) if self.twin_q_net else [])