import logging import ray.new_dashboard.consts as dashboard_consts import ray.new_dashboard.memory_utils as memory_utils # TODO(fyrestone): Not import from dashboard module. from import \ actor_classname_from_task_spec from ray.new_dashboard.utils import Dict, Signal, async_loop_forever logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GlobalSignals: node_info_fetched = Signal(dashboard_consts.SIGNAL_NODE_INFO_FETCHED) node_summary_fetched = Signal(dashboard_consts.SIGNAL_NODE_SUMMARY_FETCHED) job_info_fetched = Signal(dashboard_consts.SIGNAL_JOB_INFO_FETCHED) worker_info_fetched = Signal(dashboard_consts.SIGNAL_WORKER_INFO_FETCHED) class DataSource: # {node id hex(str): node stats(dict of GetNodeStatsReply # in node_manager.proto)} node_stats = Dict() # {node id hex(str): node physical stats(dict from} node_physical_stats = Dict() # {actor id hex(str): actor table data(dict of ActorTableData # in gcs.proto)} actors = Dict() # {job id hex(str): job table data(dict of JobTableData in gcs.proto)} jobs = Dict() # {node id hex(str): dashboard agent [http port(int), grpc port(int)]} agents = Dict() # {node id hex(str): gcs node info(dict of GcsNodeInfo in gcs.proto)} nodes = Dict() # {node id hex(str): ip address(str)} node_id_to_ip = Dict() # {node id hex(str): hostname(str)} node_id_to_hostname = Dict() # {node id hex(str): worker list} node_workers = Dict() # {node id hex(str): {actor id hex(str): actor table data}} node_actors = Dict() # {job id hex(str): worker list} job_workers = Dict() # {job id hex(str): {actor id hex(str): actor table data}} job_actors = Dict() # {worker id(str): core worker stats} core_worker_stats = Dict() # {job id hex(str): {event id(str): event dict}} events = Dict() # {node ip (str): log entries by pid # (dict from pid to list of latest log entries)} ip_and_pid_to_logs = Dict() # {node ip (str): error entries by pid # (dict from pid to list of latest err entries)} ip_and_pid_to_errors = Dict() class DataOrganizer: @staticmethod @async_loop_forever(dashboard_consts.PURGE_DATA_INTERVAL_SECONDS) async def purge(): # Purge data that is out of date. # These data sources are maintained by DashboardHead, # we do not needs to purge them: # * agents # * nodes # * node_id_to_ip # * node_id_to_hostname"Purge data.") alive_nodes = { node_id for node_id, node_info in DataSource.nodes.items() if node_info["state"] == "ALIVE" } for key in DataSource.node_stats.keys() - alive_nodes: DataSource.node_stats.pop(key) for key in DataSource.node_physical_stats.keys() - alive_nodes: DataSource.node_physical_stats.pop(key) @classmethod @async_loop_forever(dashboard_consts.ORGANIZE_DATA_INTERVAL_SECONDS) async def organize(cls): job_workers = {} node_workers = {} core_worker_stats = {} # await inside for loop, so we create a copy of keys(). for node_id in list(DataSource.nodes.keys()): workers = await cls.get_node_workers(node_id) for worker in workers: job_id = worker["jobId"] job_workers.setdefault(job_id, []).append(worker) for stats in worker.get("coreWorkerStats", []): worker_id = stats["workerId"] core_worker_stats[worker_id] = stats node_workers[node_id] = workers DataSource.job_workers.reset(job_workers) DataSource.node_workers.reset(node_workers) DataSource.core_worker_stats.reset(core_worker_stats) @classmethod async def get_node_workers(cls, node_id): workers = [] node_ip = DataSource.node_id_to_ip[node_id] node_logs = DataSource.ip_and_pid_to_logs.get(node_ip, {}) node_errs = DataSource.ip_and_pid_to_errors.get(node_ip, {}) node_physical_stats = DataSource.node_physical_stats.get(node_id, {}) node_stats = DataSource.node_stats.get(node_id, {}) # Merge coreWorkerStats (node stats) to workers (node physical stats) pid_to_worker_stats = {} pid_to_language = {} pid_to_job_id = {} for core_worker_stats in node_stats.get("coreWorkersStats", []): pid = core_worker_stats["pid"] pid_to_worker_stats.setdefault(pid, []).append(core_worker_stats) pid_to_language[pid] = core_worker_stats["language"] pid_to_job_id[pid] = core_worker_stats["jobId"] for worker in node_physical_stats.get("workers", []): worker = dict(worker) pid = worker["pid"] worker["logCount"] = len(node_logs.get(str(pid), [])) worker["errorCount"] = len(node_errs.get(str(pid), [])) worker["coreWorkerStats"] = pid_to_worker_stats.get(pid, []) worker["language"] = pid_to_language.get( pid, dashboard_consts.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) worker["jobId"] = pid_to_job_id.get( pid, dashboard_consts.DEFAULT_JOB_ID) await GlobalSignals.worker_info_fetched.send(node_id, worker) workers.append(worker) return workers @classmethod async def get_node_info(cls, node_id): node_physical_stats = dict( DataSource.node_physical_stats.get(node_id, {})) node_stats = dict(DataSource.node_stats.get(node_id, {})) node = DataSource.nodes.get(node_id, {}) node_ip = DataSource.node_id_to_ip.get(node_id) # Merge node log count information into the payload log_info = DataSource.ip_and_pid_to_logs.get(node_ip, {}) node_log_count = 0 for entries in log_info.values(): node_log_count += len(entries) error_info = DataSource.ip_and_pid_to_errors.get(node_ip, {}) node_err_count = 0 for entries in error_info.values(): node_err_count += len(entries) node_stats.pop("coreWorkersStats", None) view_data = node_stats.get("viewData", []) ray_stats = cls._extract_view_data( view_data, {"object_store_used_memory", "object_store_available_memory"}) node_info = node_physical_stats # Merge node stats to node physical stats under raylet node_info["raylet"] = node_stats node_info["raylet"].update(ray_stats) # Merge GcsNodeInfo to node physical stats node_info["raylet"].update(node) # Merge actors to node physical stats node_info["actors"] = DataSource.node_actors.get(node_id, {}) # Update workers to node physical stats node_info["workers"] = DataSource.node_workers.get(node_id, []) node_info["logCount"] = node_log_count node_info["errorCount"] = node_err_count await GlobalSignals.node_info_fetched.send(node_info) return node_info @classmethod async def get_node_summary(cls, node_id): node_physical_stats = dict( DataSource.node_physical_stats.get(node_id, {})) node_stats = dict(DataSource.node_stats.get(node_id, {})) node = DataSource.nodes.get(node_id, {}) node_physical_stats.pop("workers", None) node_stats.pop("workersStats", None) view_data = node_stats.get("viewData", []) ray_stats = cls._extract_view_data( view_data, {"object_store_used_memory", "object_store_available_memory"}) node_stats.pop("viewData", None) node_summary = node_physical_stats # Merge node stats to node physical stats node_summary["raylet"] = node_stats node_summary["raylet"].update(ray_stats) # Merge GcsNodeInfo to node physical stats node_summary["raylet"].update(node) await GlobalSignals.node_summary_fetched.send(node_summary) return node_summary @classmethod async def get_all_node_summary(cls): return [ await DataOrganizer.get_node_summary(node_id) for node_id in DataSource.nodes.keys() ] @classmethod async def get_all_node_details(cls): return [ await DataOrganizer.get_node_info(node_id) for node_id in DataSource.nodes.keys() ] @classmethod async def get_all_actors(cls): return { actor_id: await cls._get_actor(actor) for actor_id, actor in DataSource.actors.items() } @staticmethod async def _get_actor(actor): actor = dict(actor) worker_id = actor["address"]["workerId"] core_worker_stats = DataSource.core_worker_stats.get(worker_id, {}) actor_constructor = core_worker_stats.get("actorTitle", "Unknown actor constructor") actor["actorConstructor"] = actor_constructor actor.update(core_worker_stats) # TODO(fyrestone): remove this, give a link from actor # info to worker info in front-end. node_id = actor["address"]["rayletId"] pid = core_worker_stats.get("pid") node_physical_stats = DataSource.node_physical_stats.get(node_id, {}) actor_process_stats = None actor_process_gpu_stats = [] if pid: for process_stats in node_physical_stats.get("workers", []): if process_stats["pid"] == pid: actor_process_stats = process_stats break for gpu_stats in node_physical_stats.get("gpus", []): for process in gpu_stats.get("processes", []): if process["pid"] == pid: actor_process_gpu_stats.append(gpu_stats) break actor["gpus"] = actor_process_gpu_stats actor["processStats"] = actor_process_stats return actor @classmethod async def get_actor_creation_tasks(cls): infeasible_tasks = sum( (list(node_stats.get("infeasibleTasks", [])) for node_stats in DataSource.node_stats.values()), []) new_infeasible_tasks = [] for task in infeasible_tasks: task = dict(task) task["actorClass"] = actor_classname_from_task_spec(task) task["state"] = "INFEASIBLE" new_infeasible_tasks.append(task) resource_pending_tasks = sum( (list(data.get("readyTasks", [])) for data in DataSource.node_stats.values()), []) new_resource_pending_tasks = [] for task in resource_pending_tasks: task = dict(task) task["actorClass"] = actor_classname_from_task_spec(task) task["state"] = "PENDING_RESOURCES" new_resource_pending_tasks.append(task) results = { task["actorCreationTaskSpec"]["actorId"]: task for task in new_resource_pending_tasks + new_infeasible_tasks } return results @classmethod async def get_memory_table(cls, sort_by=memory_utils.SortingType.OBJECT_SIZE, group_by=memory_utils.GroupByType.STACK_TRACE): all_worker_stats = [] for node_stats in DataSource.node_stats.values(): all_worker_stats.extend(node_stats.get("coreWorkersStats", [])) memory_information = memory_utils.construct_memory_table( all_worker_stats, group_by=group_by, sort_by=sort_by) return memory_information @staticmethod def _extract_view_data(views, data_keys): view_data = {} for view in views: view_name = view["viewName"] if view_name in data_keys: if not view.get("measures"): view_data[view_name] = 0 continue measure = view["measures"][0] if "doubleValue" in measure: measure_value = measure["doubleValue"] elif "intValue" in measure: measure_value = measure["intValue"] else: measure_value = 0 view_data[view_name] = measure_value return view_data