import asyncio import json import logging import os.path import itertools import subprocess import sys import secrets import uuid import traceback from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Union, Any import ray.new_dashboard.utils as dashboard_utils from ray.new_dashboard.utils import create_task from ray.new_dashboard.modules.job import job_consts from ray.new_dashboard.modules.job.job_description import JobDescription from ray.core.generated import job_agent_pb2 from ray.core.generated import job_agent_pb2_grpc from ray.core.generated import agent_manager_pb2 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class JobInfo(JobDescription): # TODO(fyrestone): We should use job id instead of unique id. unique_id: str # The temp directory. temp_dir: str # The log directory. log_dir: str # The driver process instance. driver: Union[None, asyncio.subprocess.Process] def __init__(self, **data: Any): super().__init__(**data) # Support json values for env. self.env = { k: v if isinstance(v, str) else json.dumps(v) for k, v in self.env.items() } class JobProcessor: """Wraps the job info and provides common utils to download packages, start drivers, etc. Args: job_info (JobInfo): The job info. """ _cmd_index_gen = itertools.count(1) def __init__(self, job_info): assert isinstance(job_info, JobInfo) self._job_info = job_info async def _download_package(self, http_session, url, filename): unique_id = self._job_info.unique_id cmd_index = next(self._cmd_index_gen)"[%s] Start download[%s] %s to %s", unique_id, cmd_index, url, filename) async with http_session.get(url, ssl=False) as response: with open(filename, "wb") as f: while True: chunk = await job_consts.DOWNLOAD_BUFFER_SIZE) if not chunk: break f.write(chunk)"[%s] Finished download[%s] %s to %s", unique_id, cmd_index, url, filename) async def _unpack_package(self, filename, path): code = f"import shutil; " \ f"shutil.unpack_archive({repr(filename)}, {repr(path)})" unzip_cmd = [self._get_current_python(), "-c", code] await self._check_output_cmd(unzip_cmd) async def _check_output_cmd(self, cmd): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) unique_id = self._job_info.unique_id cmd_index = next(self._cmd_index_gen) proc.cmd_index = cmd_index"[%s] Run cmd[%s] %s", unique_id, cmd_index, repr(cmd)) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")"[%s] Output of cmd[%s]: %s", unique_id, cmd_index, stdout) if proc.returncode != 0: stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") logger.error("[%s] Error of cmd[%s]: %s", unique_id, cmd_index, stderr) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( proc.returncode, cmd, output=stdout, stderr=stderr) return stdout async def _start_driver(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, env): unique_id = self._job_info.unique_id job_package_dir = job_consts.JOB_UNPACK_DIR.format( temp_dir=self._job_info.temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id) cmd_str = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env={ **os.environ, **env, }, cwd=job_package_dir, )"[%s] Start driver cmd %s with pid %s", unique_id, repr(cmd_str), return proc @staticmethod def _get_current_python(): return sys.executable @staticmethod def _new_log_files(log_dir, filename): if log_dir is None: return None, None stdout = open( os.path.join(log_dir, filename + ".out"), "a", buffering=1) stderr = open( os.path.join(log_dir, filename + ".err"), "a", buffering=1) return stdout, stderr @abstractmethod async def run(self): pass class DownloadPackage(JobProcessor): """ Download the job package. Args: job_info (JobInfo): The job info. http_session (aiohttp.ClientSession): The client session. """ def __init__(self, job_info, http_session): super().__init__(job_info) self._http_session = http_session async def run(self): temp_dir = self._job_info.temp_dir unique_id = self._job_info.unique_id filename = job_consts.DOWNLOAD_PACKAGE_FILE.format( temp_dir=temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id) unpack_dir = job_consts.JOB_UNPACK_DIR.format( temp_dir=temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id) url = self._job_info.runtime_env.working_dir await self._download_package(self._http_session, url, filename) await self._unpack_package(filename, unpack_dir) class StartPythonDriver(JobProcessor): """ Start the driver for Python job. Args: job_info (JobInfo): The job info. redis_address (tuple): The (ip, port) of redis. redis_password (str): The password of redis. """ _template = """import sys sys.path.append({import_path}) import ray from ray._private.utils import hex_to_binary ray.init(ignore_reinit_error=True, address={redis_address}, _redis_password={redis_password}, job_config=ray.job_config.JobConfig({job_config_args}), ) import {driver_entry} {driver_entry}.main({driver_args}) # If the driver exits normally, we invoke Ray.shutdown() again # here, in case the user code forgot to invoke it. ray.shutdown() """ def __init__(self, job_info, redis_address, redis_password): super().__init__(job_info) self._redis_address = redis_address self._redis_password = redis_password def _gen_driver_code(self): temp_dir = self._job_info.temp_dir unique_id = self._job_info.unique_id job_package_dir = job_consts.JOB_UNPACK_DIR.format( temp_dir=temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id) driver_entry_file = job_consts.JOB_DRIVER_ENTRY_FILE.format( temp_dir=temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id, uuid=uuid.uuid4()) ip, port = self._redis_address # Per job config job_config_items = { "worker_env": self._job_info.env, "code_search_path": [job_package_dir], } job_config_args = ", ".join(f"{key}={repr(value)}" for key, value in job_config_items.items() if value is not None) driver_args = ", ".join([repr(x) for x in self._job_info.driver_args]) driver_code = self._template.format( job_config_args=job_config_args, import_path=repr(job_package_dir), redis_address=repr(ip + ":" + str(port)), redis_password=repr(self._redis_password), driver_entry=self._job_info.driver_entry, driver_args=driver_args) with open(driver_entry_file, "w") as fp: fp.write(driver_code) return driver_entry_file async def run(self): python = self._get_current_python() driver_file = self._gen_driver_code() driver_cmd = [python, "-u", driver_file] stdout_file, stderr_file = self._new_log_files( self._job_info.log_dir, f"driver-{self._job_info.unique_id}") return await self._start_driver(driver_cmd, stdout_file, stderr_file, self._job_info.env) class JobAgent(dashboard_utils.DashboardAgentModule, job_agent_pb2_grpc.JobAgentServiceServicer): """ The JobAgentService defined in job_agent.proto for initializing / cleaning job environments. """ async def InitializeJobEnv(self, request, context): # TODO(fyrestone): Handle duplicated InitializeJobEnv requests # when initializing job environment. # TODO(fyrestone): Support reinitialize job environment. # TODO(fyrestone): Use job id instead of unique id. unique_id = secrets.token_hex(6) # Parse the job description from the request. try: job_description_data = json.loads(request.job_description) job_info = JobInfo( unique_id=unique_id, temp_dir=self._dashboard_agent.temp_dir, log_dir=self._dashboard_agent.log_dir, **job_description_data) except json.JSONDecodeError as ex: error_message = str(ex) error_message += f", job_payload:\n{request.job_description}" logger.error("[%s] Initialize job environment failed, %s.", unique_id, error_message) return job_agent_pb2.InitializeJobEnvReply( status=agent_manager_pb2.AGENT_RPC_STATUS_FAILED, error_message=error_message) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) return job_agent_pb2.InitializeJobEnvReply( status=agent_manager_pb2.AGENT_RPC_STATUS_FAILED, error_message=traceback.format_exc()) async def _initialize_job_env(): os.makedirs( job_consts.JOB_DIR.format( temp_dir=job_info.temp_dir, unique_id=unique_id), exist_ok=True) # Download the job package. await DownloadPackage(job_info, self._dashboard_agent.http_session).run() # Start the driver."[%s] Starting driver.", unique_id) language = job_info.language if language == job_consts.PYTHON: driver = await StartPythonDriver( job_info, self._dashboard_agent.redis_address, self._dashboard_agent.redis_password).run() else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported language type: {language}") job_info.driver = driver initialize_task = create_task(_initialize_job_env()) try: await initialize_task except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.error("[%s] Initialize job environment has been cancelled.", unique_id) return job_agent_pb2.InitializeJobEnvReply( status=agent_manager_pb2.AGENT_RPC_STATUS_FAILED, error_message="InitializeJobEnv has been cancelled, " "did you call CleanJobEnv?") except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) return job_agent_pb2.InitializeJobEnvReply( status=agent_manager_pb2.AGENT_RPC_STATUS_FAILED, error_message=traceback.format_exc()) driver_pid = 0 if job_info.driver: driver_pid = "[%s] Job environment initialized, " "the driver (pid=%s) started.", unique_id, driver_pid) return job_agent_pb2.InitializeJobEnvReply( status=agent_manager_pb2.AGENT_RPC_STATUS_OK, driver_pid=driver_pid) async def run(self, server): job_agent_pb2_grpc.add_JobAgentServiceServicer_to_server(self, server)