Guide to Population Based Training (PBT) ======================================== Tune includes a distributed implementation of `Population Based Training (PBT) `__ as a :ref:`scheduler `. .. image:: /images/tune_advanced_paper1.png PBT starts by training many neural networks in parallel with random hyperparameters, using information from the rest of the population to refine these hyperparameters and allocate resources to promising models. Let's walk through how to use this algorithm. .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: none Trainable API with Population Based Training -------------------------------------------- PBT takes its inspiration from genetic algorithms where each member of the population can exploit information from the remainder of the population. For example, a worker might copy the model parameters from a better performing worker. It can also explore new hyperparameters by changing the current values randomly. As the training of the population of neural networks progresses, this process of exploiting and exploring is performed periodically, ensuring that all the workers in the population have a good base level of performance and also that new hyperparameters are consistently explored. This means that PBT can quickly exploit good hyperparameters, can dedicate more training time to promising models and, crucially, can adapt the hyperparameter values throughout training, leading to automatic learning of the best configurations. First, we define a Trainable that wraps a ConvNet model. .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/ :language: python :start-after: __trainable_begin__ :end-before: __trainable_end__ The example reuses some of the functions in ray/tune/examples/, and is also a good demo for how to decouple the tuning logic and original training code. Here, we also override ``reset_config``. This method is optional but can be implemented to speed up algorithms such as PBT, and to allow performance optimizations such as running experiments with ``reuse_actors=True``. Then, we define a PBT scheduler: .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/ :language: python :start-after: __pbt_begin__ :end-before: __pbt_end__ Some of the most important parameters are: - ``hyperparam_mutations`` and ``custom_explore_fn`` are used to mutate the hyperparameters. ``hyperparam_mutations`` is a dictionary where each key/value pair specifies the candidates or function for a hyperparameter. custom_explore_fn is applied after built-in perturbations from hyperparam_mutations are applied, and should return config updated as needed. - ``resample_probability``: The probability of resampling from the original distribution when applying hyperparam_mutations. If not resampled, the value will be perturbed by a factor of 1.2 or 0.8 if continuous, or changed to an adjacent value if discrete. Note that ``resample_probability`` by default is 0.25, thus hyperparameter with a distribution may go out of the specific range. Now we can kick off the tuning process by invoking .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/ :language: python :start-after: __tune_begin__ :end-before: __tune_end__ During the training, we can constantly check the status of the models from console log: .. code-block:: bash == Status == Memory usage on this node: 10.4/16.0 GiB PopulationBasedTraining: 4 checkpoints, 1 perturbs Resources requested: 4/12 CPUs, 0/0 GPUs, 0.0/3.42 GiB heap, 0.0/1.17 GiB objects Number of trials: 4 ({'RUNNING': 4}) Result logdir: /Users/yuhao.yang/ray_results/pbt_test +--------------------------+----------+---------------------+----------+------------+--------+------------------+----------+ | Trial name | status | loc | lr | momentum | iter | total time (s) | acc | |--------------------------+----------+---------------------+----------+------------+--------+------------------+----------| | PytorchTrainble_3b42d914 | RUNNING | | 0.122032 | 0.302176 | 18 | 3.8689 | 0.8875 | | PytorchTrainble_3b45091e | RUNNING | | 0.505325 | 0.628559 | 18 | 3.90404 | 0.134375 | | PytorchTrainble_3b454c46 | RUNNING | | 0.490228 | 0.969013 | 17 | 3.72111 | 0.0875 | | PytorchTrainble_3b458a9c | RUNNING | | 0.961861 | 0.169701 | 13 | 2.72594 | 0.1125 | +--------------------------+----------+---------------------+----------+------------+--------+------------------+----------+ In {LOG_DIR}/{MY_EXPERIMENT_NAME}/, all mutations are logged in pbt_global.txt and individual policy perturbations are recorded in pbt_policy_{i}.txt. Tune logs: [target trial tag, clone trial tag, target trial iteration, clone trial iteration, old config, new config] on each perturbation step. Checking the accuracy: .. code-block:: python # Plot by wall-clock time dfs = analysis.fetch_trial_dataframes() # This plots everything on the same plot ax = None for d in dfs.values(): ax = d.plot("training_iteration", "mean_accuracy", ax=ax, legend=False) plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.ylabel("Test Accuracy") print('best config:', analysis.get_best_config("mean_accuracy")) .. image:: /images/tune_advanced_plot1.png DCGAN with Trainable and PBT ---------------------------- The Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) (Goodfellow et al., 2014) framework learns generative models via a training paradigm consisting of two competing modules – a generator and a discriminator. GAN training can be remarkably brittle and unstable in the face of suboptimal hyperparameter selection with generators often collapsing to a single mode or diverging entirely. As presented in `Population Based Training (PBT) `__, PBT can help with the DCGAN training. We will now walk through how to do this in Tune. Complete code example at `github `__ We define the Generator and Discriminator with standard Pytorch API: .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/pbt_dcgan_mnist/ :language: python :start-after: __GANmodel_begin__ :end-before: __GANmodel_end__ To train the model with PBT, we need to define a metric for the scheduler to evaluate the model candidates. For a GAN network, inception score is arguably the most commonly used metric. We trained a mnist classification model (LeNet) and use it to inference the generated images and evaluate the image quality. .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/pbt_dcgan_mnist/ :language: python :start-after: __INCEPTION_SCORE_begin__ :end-before: __INCEPTION_SCORE_end__ The ``Trainable`` class includes a Generator and a Discriminator, each with an independent learning rate and optimizer. .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/pbt_dcgan_mnist/ :language: python :start-after: __Trainable_begin__ :end-before: __Trainable_end__ We specify inception score as the metric and start the tuning: .. literalinclude:: /../../python/ray/tune/examples/pbt_dcgan_mnist/ :language: python :start-after: __tune_begin__ :end-before: __tune_end__ The trained Generator models can be loaded from log directory, and generate images from noise signals. Visualization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Below, we visualize the increasing inception score from the training logs. .. code-block:: python lossG = [df['is_score'].tolist() for df in list(analysis.trial_dataframes.values())] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.title("Inception Score During Training") for i, lossg in enumerate(lossG): plt.plot(lossg,label=i) plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.ylabel("is_score") plt.legend() .. image:: /images/tune_advanced_dcgan_inscore.png And the Generator loss: .. code-block:: python lossG = [df['lossg'].tolist() for df in list(analysis.trial_dataframes.values())] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.title("Generator Loss During Training") for i, lossg in enumerate(lossG): plt.plot(lossg,label=i) plt.xlabel("iterations") plt.ylabel("LossG") plt.legend() .. image:: /images/tune_advanced_dcgan_Gloss.png Training of the MNist Generator takes a couple of minutes. The example can be easily altered to generate images for other datasets, e.g. cifar10 or LSUN.