from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, Extra, root_validator, validator from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict from ray._private.runtime_env.packaging import parse_uri from ray.serve.api import Deployment, deployment from ray.serve.common import DeploymentStatus, DeploymentStatusInfo class RayActorOptionsSchema(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): runtime_env: dict = Field( default=None, description=( "This deployment's runtime_env. working_dir and " "py_modules may contain only remote URIs." ), ) num_cpus: float = Field( default=None, description=( "The number of CPUs required by the deployment's " "application per replica. This is the same as a ray " "actor's num_cpus. Uses a default if null." ), ge=0, ) num_gpus: float = Field( default=None, description=( "The number of GPUs required by the deployment's " "application per replica. This is the same as a ray " "actor's num_gpus. Uses a default if null." ), ge=0, ) memory: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Restrict the heap memory usage of each replica. Uses a default if null." ), ge=0, ) object_store_memory: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Restrict the object store memory used per replica when " "creating objects. Uses a default if null." ), ge=0, ) resources: Dict = Field( default=None, description=("The custom resources required by each replica.") ) accelerator_type: str = Field( default=None, description=( "Forces replicas to run on nodes with the specified accelerator type." ), ) @validator("runtime_env") def runtime_env_contains_remote_uris(cls, v): # Ensure that all uris in py_modules and working_dir are remote if v is None: return uris = v.get("py_modules", []) if "working_dir" in v: uris.append(v["working_dir"]) for uri in uris: if uri is not None: parse_uri(uri) return v class DeploymentSchema(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): name: str = Field( ..., description=("Globally-unique name identifying this deployment.") ) import_path: str = Field( default=None, description=( "The application's full import path. Should be of the " 'form "module.submodule_1...submodule_n.' 'MyClassOrFunction." This is equivalent to ' '"from module.submodule_1...submodule_n import ' 'MyClassOrFunction". Only works with Python 3 ' "applications." ), # This regex checks that there is at least one character, followed by # a dot, followed by at least one more character. regex=r".+\..+", ) init_args: Union[Tuple, List] = Field( default=None, description=( "The application's init_args. Only works with Python 3 applications." ), ) init_kwargs: Dict = Field( default=None, description=( "The application's init_args. Only works with Python 3 applications." ), ) num_replicas: int = Field( default=None, description=( "The number of processes that handle requests to this " "deployment. Uses a default if null." ), gt=0, ) route_prefix: str = Field( default=None, description=( "Requests to paths under this HTTP path " "prefix will be routed to this deployment. When null, no HTTP " "endpoint will be created. Routing is done based on " "longest-prefix match, so if you have deployment A with " 'a prefix of "/a" and deployment B with a prefix of "/a/b", ' 'requests to "/a", "/a/", and "/a/c" go to A and requests ' 'to "/a/b", "/a/b/", and "/a/b/c" go to B. Routes must not ' 'end with a "/" unless they\'re the root (just "/"), which ' "acts as a catch-all." ), ) max_concurrent_queries: int = Field( default=None, description=( "The max number of pending queries in a single replica. " "Uses a default if null." ), gt=0, ) user_config: Dict = Field( default=None, description=( "[EXPERIMENTAL] Config to pass into this deployment's " "reconfigure method. This can be updated dynamically " "without restarting replicas" ), ) autoscaling_config: Dict = Field( default=None, description=( "[EXPERIMENTAL] Config specifying autoscaling " "parameters for the deployment's number of replicas. " "If null, the deployment won't autoscale its number of " "replicas; the number of replicas will be fixed at " "num_replicas." ), ) graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Duration that deployment replicas will wait until there " "is no more work to be done before shutting down. Uses a " "default if null." ), ge=0, ) graceful_shutdown_timeout_s: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Serve controller waits for this duration before " "forcefully killing the replica for shutdown. Uses a " "default if null." ), ge=0, ) health_check_period_s: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Frequency at which the controller will health check " "replicas. Uses a default if null." ), gt=0, ) health_check_timeout_s: float = Field( default=None, description=( "Timeout that the controller will wait for a response " "from the replica's health check before marking it " "unhealthy. Uses a default if null." ), gt=0, ) ray_actor_options: RayActorOptionsSchema = Field( default=None, description="Options set for each replica actor." ) @root_validator def application_sufficiently_specified(cls, values): """ Some application information, such as the path to the function or class must be specified. Additionally, some attributes only work in specific languages (e.g. init_args and init_kwargs make sense in Python but not Java). Specifying attributes that belong to different languages is invalid. """ # Ensure that an application path is set application_paths = {"import_path"} specified_path = None for path in application_paths: if path in values and values[path] is not None: specified_path = path if specified_path is None: raise ValueError( "A path to the application's class or function must be specified." ) # Ensure that only attributes belonging to the application path's # language are specified. # language_attributes contains all attributes in this schema related to # the application's language language_attributes = {"import_path", "init_args", "init_kwargs"} # corresponding_attributes maps application_path attributes to all the # attributes that may be set in that path's language corresponding_attributes = { # Python "import_path": {"import_path", "init_args", "init_kwargs"} } possible_attributes = corresponding_attributes[specified_path] for attribute in values: if ( attribute not in possible_attributes and attribute in language_attributes ): raise ValueError( f'Got "{values[specified_path]}" for ' f"{specified_path} and {values[attribute]} " f"for {attribute}. {specified_path} and " f"{attribute} do not belong to the same " f"language and cannot be specified at the " f"same time. Expected one of these to be " f"null." ) return values @root_validator def num_replicas_and_autoscaling_config_mutually_exclusive(cls, values): if ( values.get("num_replicas", None) is not None and values.get("autoscaling_config", None) is not None ): raise ValueError( "Manually setting num_replicas is not allowed " "when autoscaling_config is provided." ) return values @validator("route_prefix") def route_prefix_format(cls, v): """ The route_prefix 1. must start with a / character 2. must not end with a / character (unless the entire prefix is just /) 3. cannot contain wildcards (must not have "{" or "}") """ # route_prefix of None means the deployment is not exposed # over HTTP. if v is None: return v if len(v) < 1 or v[0] != "/": raise ValueError( f'Got "{v}" for route_prefix. Route prefix ' 'must start with "/".' ) if v[-1] == "/" and len(v) > 1: raise ValueError( f'Got "{v}" for route_prefix. Route prefix ' 'cannot end with "/" unless the ' 'entire prefix is just "/".' ) if "{" in v or "}" in v: raise ValueError( f'Got "{v}" for route_prefix. Route prefix ' "cannot contain wildcards, so it cannot " 'contain "{" or "}".' ) return v class ServeApplicationSchema(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): deployments: List[DeploymentSchema] = Field(...) class DeploymentStatusSchema(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): name: str = Field(..., description="The deployment's name.") status: DeploymentStatus = Field( default=None, description="The deployment's status." ) message: str = Field( default="", description="Information about the deployment's status." ) class ServeApplicationStatusSchema(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid): statuses: List[DeploymentStatusSchema] = Field(...) def deployment_to_schema(d: Deployment) -> DeploymentSchema: if d.ray_actor_options is not None: ray_actor_options_schema = RayActorOptionsSchema.parse_obj(d.ray_actor_options) else: ray_actor_options_schema = None return DeploymentSchema(, import_path=d.func_or_class, init_args=d.init_args, init_kwargs=d.init_kwargs, num_replicas=d.num_replicas, route_prefix=d.route_prefix, max_concurrent_queries=d.max_concurrent_queries, user_config=d.user_config, autoscaling_config=d._config.autoscaling_config, graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s=d._config.graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s, graceful_shutdown_timeout_s=d._config.graceful_shutdown_timeout_s, health_check_period_s=d._config.health_check_period_s, health_check_timeout_s=d._config.health_check_timeout_s, ray_actor_options=ray_actor_options_schema, ) def schema_to_deployment(s: DeploymentSchema) -> Deployment: if s.ray_actor_options is None: ray_actor_options = None else: ray_actor_options = s.ray_actor_options.dict() return deployment(, num_replicas=s.num_replicas, init_args=s.init_args, init_kwargs=s.init_kwargs, route_prefix=s.route_prefix, ray_actor_options=ray_actor_options, max_concurrent_queries=s.max_concurrent_queries, _autoscaling_config=s.autoscaling_config, _graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s=s.graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s, _graceful_shutdown_timeout_s=s.graceful_shutdown_timeout_s, _health_check_period_s=s.health_check_period_s, _health_check_timeout_s=s.health_check_timeout_s, )(s.import_path) def serve_application_to_schema( deployments: List[Deployment], ) -> ServeApplicationSchema: schemas = [deployment_to_schema(d) for d in deployments] return ServeApplicationSchema(deployments=schemas) def schema_to_serve_application(schema: ServeApplicationSchema) -> List[Deployment]: return [schema_to_deployment(s) for s in schema.deployments] def status_info_to_schema( deployment_name: str, status_info: Union[DeploymentStatusInfo, Dict] ) -> DeploymentStatusSchema: if isinstance(status_info, DeploymentStatusInfo): return DeploymentStatusSchema( name=deployment_name, status=status_info.status, message=status_info.message ) elif isinstance(status_info, dict): return DeploymentStatusSchema( name=deployment_name, status=status_info["status"], message=status_info["message"], ) else: raise TypeError( f"Got {type(status_info)} as status_info's " "type. Expected status_info to be either a " "DeploymentStatusInfo or a dictionary." ) def serve_application_status_to_schema( status_infos: Dict[str, Union[DeploymentStatusInfo, Dict]] ) -> ServeApplicationStatusSchema: schemas = [ status_info_to_schema(deployment_name, status_info) for deployment_name, status_info in status_infos.items() ] return ServeApplicationStatusSchema(statuses=schemas)