# Originally from: # github.com/pytorch/tutorials/blob/60d6ef365e36f3ba82c2b61bf32cc40ac4e86c7b/custom_directives.py # noqa from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives from docutils.statemachine import StringList from docutils import nodes import os import sphinx_gallery try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundError = IOError # This is not a top level item in the directory, so we use `../` to refer # to images located at the top level. GALLERY_TEMPLATE = """ .. raw:: html
.. only:: html .. figure:: ../{thumbnail} {description} .. raw:: html
""" class CustomGalleryItemDirective(Directive): """Create a sphinx gallery style thumbnail. tooltip and figure are self explanatory. Description could be a link to a document like in below example. Example usage: .. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: I am writing this tutorial to focus specifically on NLP. :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/babel.jpg :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial` If figure is specified, a thumbnail will be made out of it and stored in _static/thumbs. Therefore, consider _static/thumbs as a "built" directory. """ required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = { "tooltip": directives.unchanged, "figure": directives.unchanged, "description": directives.unchanged } has_content = False add_index = False def run(self): # Cutoff the `tooltip` after 195 chars. if "tooltip" in self.options: tooltip = self.options["tooltip"] if len(self.options["tooltip"]) > 195: tooltip = tooltip[:195] + "..." else: raise ValueError("Need to provide :tooltip: under " "`.. customgalleryitem::`.") # Generate `thumbnail` used in the gallery. if "figure" in self.options: env = self.state.document.settings.env rel_figname, figname = env.relfn2path(self.options["figure"]) thumb_dir = os.path.join(env.srcdir, "_static/thumbs/") os.makedirs(thumb_dir, exist_ok=True) image_path = os.path.join(thumb_dir, os.path.basename(figname)) sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.scale_image(figname, image_path, 400, 280) thumbnail = os.path.relpath(image_path, env.srcdir) else: thumbnail = "/_static/img/thumbnails/default.png" if "description" in self.options: description = self.options["description"] else: raise ValueError("Need to provide :description: under " "`customgalleryitem::`.") thumbnail_rst = GALLERY_TEMPLATE.format( tooltip=tooltip, thumbnail=thumbnail, description=description) thumbnail = StringList(thumbnail_rst.split("\n")) thumb = nodes.paragraph() self.state.nested_parse(thumbnail, self.content_offset, thumb) return [thumb]