.. _tune-analysis-docs:

Analysis (tune.analysis)

You can use the ``ExperimentAnalysis`` object for analyzing results. It is returned automatically when calling ``tune.run``.

.. code-block:: python

    analysis = tune.run(

Here are some example operations for obtaining a summary of your experiment:

.. code-block:: python

    # Get a dataframe for the last reported results of all of the trials
    df = analysis.results_df

    # Get a dataframe for the max accuracy seen for each trial
    df = analysis.dataframe(metric="mean_accuracy", mode="max")

    # Get a dict mapping {trial logdir -> dataframes} for all trials in the experiment.
    all_dataframes = analysis.trial_dataframes

    # Get a list of trials
    trials = analysis.trials

You may want to get a summary of multiple experiments that point to the same ``local_dir``. For this, you can use the ``Analysis`` class.

.. code-block:: python

    from ray.tune import Analysis
    analysis = Analysis("~/ray_results/example-experiment")

.. _exp-analysis-docstring:

ExperimentAnalysis (tune.ExperimentAnalysis)

.. autoclass:: ray.tune.ExperimentAnalysis

Analysis (tune.Analysis)

.. autoclass:: ray.tune.Analysis