"""Contributed port of MADDPG from OpenAI baselines. The implementation has a couple assumptions: - The number of agents is fixed and known upfront. - Each agent is bound to a policy of the same name. - Discrete actions are sent as logits (pre-softmax). For a minimal example, see twostep_game.py, and the README for how to run with the multi-agent particle envs. """ import logging from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import with_common_config from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.dqn import GenericOffPolicyTrainer from ray.rllib.contrib.maddpg.maddpg_policy import MADDPGTFPolicy from ray.rllib.optimizers import SyncReplayOptimizer from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch, MultiAgentBatch logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({ # === Settings for each individual policy === # ID of the agent controlled by this policy "agent_id": None, # Use a local critic for this policy. "use_local_critic": False, # === Evaluation === # Evaluation interval "evaluation_interval": None, # Number of episodes to run per evaluation period. "evaluation_num_episodes": 10, # === Model === # Apply a state preprocessor with spec given by the "model" config option # (like other RL algorithms). This is mostly useful if you have a weird # observation shape, like an image. Disabled by default. "use_state_preprocessor": False, # Postprocess the policy network model output with these hidden layers. If # use_state_preprocessor is False, then these will be the *only* hidden # layers in the network. "actor_hiddens": [64, 64], # Hidden layers activation of the postprocessing stage of the policy # network "actor_hidden_activation": "relu", # Postprocess the critic network model output with these hidden layers; # again, if use_state_preprocessor is True, then the state will be # preprocessed by the model specified with the "model" config option first. "critic_hiddens": [64, 64], # Hidden layers activation of the postprocessing state of the critic. "critic_hidden_activation": "relu", # N-step Q learning "n_step": 1, # Algorithm for good policies "good_policy": "maddpg", # Algorithm for adversary policies "adv_policy": "maddpg", # === Replay buffer === # Size of the replay buffer. Note that if async_updates is set, then # each worker will have a replay buffer of this size. "buffer_size": int(1e6), # Observation compression. Note that compression makes simulation slow in # MPE. "compress_observations": False, # In multi-agent mode, whether to replay experiences from the same time # step for all policies. This is required for MADDPG. "multiagent_sync_replay": True, # If set, this will fix the ratio of sampled to replayed timesteps. # Otherwise, replay will proceed at the native ratio determined by # (train_batch_size / rollout_fragment_length). "training_intensity": None, # === Optimization === # Learning rate for the critic (Q-function) optimizer. "critic_lr": 1e-2, # Learning rate for the actor (policy) optimizer. "actor_lr": 1e-2, # Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` steps. "target_network_update_freq": 0, # Update the target by \tau * policy + (1-\tau) * target_policy "tau": 0.01, # Weights for feature regularization for the actor "actor_feature_reg": 0.001, # If not None, clip gradients during optimization at this value "grad_norm_clipping": 0.5, # How many steps of the model to sample before learning starts. "learning_starts": 1024 * 25, # Update the replay buffer with this many samples at once. Note that this # setting applies per-worker if num_workers > 1. "rollout_fragment_length": 100, # Size of a batched sampled from replay buffer for training. Note that # if async_updates is set, then each worker returns gradients for a # batch of this size. "train_batch_size": 1024, # Number of env steps to optimize for before returning "timesteps_per_iteration": 0, # === Parallelism === # Number of workers for collecting samples with. This only makes sense # to increase if your environment is particularly slow to sample, or if # you're using the Async or Ape-X optimizers. "num_workers": 1, # Prevent iterations from going lower than this time span "min_iter_time_s": 0, }) # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable def set_global_timestep(trainer): global_timestep = trainer.optimizer.num_steps_sampled trainer.train_start_timestep = global_timestep def before_learn_on_batch(multi_agent_batch, policies, train_batch_size): samples = {} # Modify keys. for pid, p in policies.items(): i = p.config["agent_id"] keys = multi_agent_batch.policy_batches[pid].data.keys() keys = ["_".join([k, str(i)]) for k in keys] samples.update( dict( zip(keys, multi_agent_batch.policy_batches[pid].data.values()))) # Make ops and feed_dict to get "new_obs" from target action sampler. new_obs_ph_n = [p.new_obs_ph for p in policies.values()] new_obs_n = list() for k, v in samples.items(): if "new_obs" in k: new_obs_n.append(v) target_act_sampler_n = [p.target_act_sampler for p in policies.values()] feed_dict = dict(zip(new_obs_ph_n, new_obs_n)) new_act_n = p.sess.run(target_act_sampler_n, feed_dict) samples.update( {"new_actions_%d" % i: new_act for i, new_act in enumerate(new_act_n)}) # Share samples among agents. policy_batches = {pid: SampleBatch(samples) for pid in policies.keys()} return MultiAgentBatch(policy_batches, train_batch_size) def make_optimizer(workers, config): return SyncReplayOptimizer( workers, learning_starts=config["learning_starts"], buffer_size=config["buffer_size"], train_batch_size=config["train_batch_size"], before_learn_on_batch=before_learn_on_batch, synchronize_sampling=True, prioritized_replay=False) def add_trainer_metrics(trainer, result): global_timestep = trainer.optimizer.num_steps_sampled result.update( timesteps_this_iter=global_timestep - trainer.train_start_timestep, info=dict({ "num_target_updates": trainer.state["num_target_updates"], }, **trainer.optimizer.stats())) def collect_metrics(trainer): result = trainer.collect_metrics() return result def add_maddpg_postprocessing(config): """Add the before learn on batch hook. This hook is called explicitly prior to TrainOneStep() in the execution setups for DQN and APEX. """ def f(batch, workers, config): policies = dict(workers.local_worker() .foreach_trainable_policy(lambda p, i: (i, p))) return before_learn_on_batch(batch, policies, config["train_batch_size"]) config["before_learn_on_batch"] = f return config MADDPGTrainer = GenericOffPolicyTrainer.with_updates( name="MADDPG", default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, default_policy=MADDPGTFPolicy, validate_config=add_maddpg_postprocessing, get_policy_class=None, before_init=None, before_train_step=set_global_timestep, make_policy_optimizer=make_optimizer, after_train_result=add_trainer_metrics, collect_metrics_fn=collect_metrics, before_evaluate_fn=None)