from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import numpy as np import os import re import subprocess import sys def wait_for_output(proc): """This is a convenience method to parse a process's stdout and stderr. Args: proc: A process started by subprocess.Popen. Returns: A tuple of the stdout and stderr of the process as strings. """ stdout_data, stderr_data = proc.communicate() if stdout_data is not None: try: # NOTE(rkn): This try/except block is here because I once saw an # exception raised here and want to print more information if that # happens again. stdout_data = stdout_data.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Exception("Failed to decode stdout_data:", stdout_data) if stderr_data is not None: try: # NOTE(rkn): This try/except block is here because I once saw an # exception raised here and want to print more information if that # happens again. stderr_data = stderr_data.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError: raise Exception("Failed to decode stderr_data:", stderr_data) return stdout_data, stderr_data class DockerRunner(object): """This class manages the logistics of running multiple nodes in Docker. This class is used for starting multiple Ray nodes within Docker, stopping Ray, running a workload, and determining the success or failure of the workload. Attributes: head_container_id: The ID of the docker container that runs the head node. worker_container_ids: A list of the docker container IDs of the Ray worker nodes. head_container_ip: The IP address of the docker container that runs the head node. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the DockerRunner.""" self.head_container_id = None self.worker_container_ids = [] self.head_container_ip = None def _get_container_id(self, stdout_data): """Parse the docker container ID from stdout_data. Args: stdout_data: This should be a string with the standard output of a call to a docker command. Returns: The container ID of the docker container. """ p = re.compile("([0-9a-f]{64})\n") m = p.match(stdout_data) if m is None: return None else: return def _get_container_ip(self, container_id): """Get the IP address of a specific docker container. Args: container_id: The docker container ID of the relevant docker container. Returns: The IP address of the container. """ proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "inspect", "--format={{.NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge" ".IPAddress}}", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) p = re.compile("([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})") m = p.match(stdout_data) if m is None: raise RuntimeError("Container IP not found.") else: return def _start_head_node(self, docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, num_redis_shards, num_cpus, num_gpus, development_mode): """Start the Ray head node inside a docker container.""" mem_arg = ["--memory=" + mem_size] if mem_size else [] shm_arg = ["--shm-size=" + shm_size] if shm_size else [] volume_arg = (["-v", "{}:{}".format(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)), "/ray/test/jenkins_tests")] if development_mode else []) command = (["docker", "run", "-d"] + mem_arg + shm_arg + volume_arg + [docker_image, "ray", "start", "--head", "--block", "--redis-port=6379", "--num-redis-shards={}".format(num_redis_shards), "--num-cpus={}".format(num_cpus), "--num-gpus={}".format(num_gpus)]) print("Starting head node with command:{}".format(command)) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if container_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find container ID.") self.head_container_id = container_id self.head_container_ip = self._get_container_ip(container_id) def _start_worker_node(self, docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, num_cpus, num_gpus, development_mode): """Start a Ray worker node inside a docker container.""" mem_arg = ["--memory=" + mem_size] if mem_size else [] shm_arg = ["--shm-size=" + shm_size] if shm_size else [] volume_arg = (["-v", "{}:{}".format(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)), "/ray/test/jenkins_tests")] if development_mode else []) command = (["docker", "run", "-d"] + mem_arg + shm_arg + volume_arg + ["--shm-size=" + shm_size, docker_image, "ray", "start", "--block", "--redis-address={:s}:6379".format(self.head_container_ip), "--num-cpus={}".format(num_cpus), "--num-gpus={}".format(num_gpus)]) print("Starting worker node with command:{}".format(command)) proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if container_id is None: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find container id") self.worker_container_ids.append(container_id) def start_ray(self, docker_image=None, mem_size=None, shm_size=None, num_nodes=None, num_redis_shards=1, num_cpus=None, num_gpus=None, development_mode=None): """Start a Ray cluster within docker. This starts one docker container running the head node and num_nodes - 1 docker containers running the Ray worker nodes. Args: docker_image: The docker image to use for all of the nodes. mem_size: The amount of memory to start each docker container with. This will be passed into `docker run` as the --memory flag. If this is None, then no --memory flag will be used. shm_size: The amount of shared memory to start each docker container with. This will be passed into `docker run` as the `--shm-size` flag. num_nodes: The number of nodes to use in the cluster (this counts the head node as well). num_redis_shards: The number of Redis shards to use on the head node. num_cpus: A list of the number of CPUs to start each node with. num_gpus: A list of the number of GPUs to start each node with. development_mode: True if you want to mount the local copy of test/jenkins_test on the head node so we can avoid rebuilding docker images during development. """ assert len(num_cpus) == num_nodes assert len(num_gpus) == num_nodes # Launch the head node. self._start_head_node(docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, num_redis_shards, num_cpus[0], num_gpus[0], development_mode) # Start the worker nodes. for i in range(num_nodes - 1): self._start_worker_node(docker_image, mem_size, shm_size, num_cpus[1 + i], num_gpus[1 + i], development_mode) def _stop_node(self, container_id): """Stop a node in the Ray cluster.""" proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "kill", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) stopped_container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if not container_id == stopped_container_id: raise Exception("Failed to stop container {}." .format(container_id)) proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "rm", "-f", container_id], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_data, _ = wait_for_output(proc) removed_container_id = self._get_container_id(stdout_data) if not container_id == removed_container_id: raise Exception("Failed to remove container {}." .format(container_id)) print("stop_node", {"container_id": container_id, "is_head": container_id == self.head_container_id}) def stop_ray(self): """Stop the Ray cluster.""" self._stop_node(self.head_container_id) for container_id in self.worker_container_ids: self._stop_node(container_id) def run_test(self, test_script, num_drivers, driver_locations=None): """Run a test script. Run a test using the Ray cluster. Args: test_script: The test script to run. num_drivers: The number of copies of the test script to run. driver_locations: A list of the indices of the containers that the different copies of the test script should be run on. If this is None, then the containers will be chosen randomly. Returns: A dictionary with information about the test script run. """ all_container_ids = ([self.head_container_id] + self.worker_container_ids) if driver_locations is None: driver_locations = [np.random.randint(0, len(all_container_ids)) for _ in range(num_drivers)] # Start the different drivers. driver_processes = [] for i in range(len(driver_locations)): # Get the container ID to run the ith driver in. container_id = all_container_ids[driver_locations[i]] command = ["docker", "exec", container_id, "/bin/bash", "-c", ("RAY_REDIS_ADDRESS={}:6379 RAY_DRIVER_INDEX={} python " "{}".format(self.head_container_ip, i, test_script))] print("Starting driver with command {}.".format(test_script)) # Start the driver. p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) driver_processes.append(p) # Wait for the drivers to finish. results = [] for p in driver_processes: stdout_data, stderr_data = wait_for_output(p) print("STDOUT:") print(stdout_data) print("STDERR:") print(stderr_data) results.append({"success": p.returncode == 0, "return_code": p.returncode}) return results if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run multinode tests in Docker.") parser.add_argument("--docker-image", default="ray-project/deploy", help="docker image") parser.add_argument("--mem-size", help="memory size") parser.add_argument("--shm-size", default="1G", help="shared memory size") parser.add_argument("--num-nodes", default=1, type=int, help="number of nodes to use in the cluster") parser.add_argument("--num-redis-shards", default=1, type=int, help=("the number of Redis shards to start on the " "head node")) parser.add_argument("--num-cpus", type=str, help=("a comma separated list of values representing " "the number of CPUs to start each node with")) parser.add_argument("--num-gpus", type=str, help=("a comma separated list of values representing " "the number of GPUs to start each node with")) parser.add_argument("--num-drivers", default=1, type=int, help="number of drivers to run") parser.add_argument("--driver-locations", type=str, help=("a comma separated list of indices of the " "containers to run the drivers in")) parser.add_argument("--test-script", required=True, help="test script") parser.add_argument("--development-mode", action="store_true", help="use local copies of the test scripts") args = parser.parse_args() # Parse the number of CPUs and GPUs to use for each worker. num_nodes = args.num_nodes num_cpus = ([int(i) for i in args.num_cpus.split(",")] if args.num_cpus is not None else num_nodes * [10]) num_gpus = ([int(i) for i in args.num_gpus.split(",")] if args.num_gpus is not None else num_nodes * [0]) # Parse the driver locations. driver_locations = (None if args.driver_locations is None else [int(i) for i in args.driver_locations.split(",")]) d = DockerRunner() d.start_ray(docker_image=args.docker_image, mem_size=args.mem_size, shm_size=args.shm_size, num_nodes=num_nodes, num_redis_shards=args.num_redis_shards, num_cpus=num_cpus, num_gpus=num_gpus, development_mode=args.development_mode) try: run_results = d.run_test(args.test_script, args.num_drivers, driver_locations=driver_locations) finally: d.stop_ray() any_failed = False for run_result in run_results: if "success" in run_result and run_result["success"]: print("RESULT: Test {} succeeded.".format(args.test_script)) else: print("RESULT: Test {} failed.".format(args.test_script)) any_failed = True if any_failed: sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)