import logging from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union import ray from import ActorHandle from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import ExperimentalAPI logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @ExperimentalAPI def asynchronous_parallel_requests( remote_requests_in_flight: DefaultDict[ActorHandle, Set[ray.ObjectRef]], actors: List[ActorHandle], ray_wait_timeout_s: Optional[float] = None, max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker: int = 2, remote_fn: Optional[ Callable[[Any, Optional[Any], Optional[Any]], Any] ] = lambda actor: actor.sample(), remote_args: Optional[List[List[Any]]] = None, remote_kwargs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, return_result_obj_ref_ids: bool = False, num_requests_to_launch: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> Dict[ActorHandle, Any]: """Runs parallel and asynchronous rollouts on all remote workers. May use a timeout (if provided) on `ray.wait()` and returns only those samples that could be gathered in the timeout window. Allows a maximum of `max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker` remote calls to be in-flight per remote actor. Alternatively to calling `actor.sample.remote()`, the user can provide a `remote_fn()`, which will be applied to the actor(s) instead. Args: remote_requests_in_flight: Dict mapping actor handles to a set of their currently-in-flight pending requests (those we expect to ray.get results for next). If you have an RLlib Trainer that calls this function, you can use its `self.remote_requests_in_flight` property here. actors: The List of ActorHandles to perform the remote requests on. ray_wait_timeout_s: Timeout (in sec) to be used for the underlying `ray.wait()` calls. If None (default), never time out (block until at least one actor returns something). max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker: Maximum number of remote requests sent to each actor. 2 (default) is probably sufficient to avoid idle times between two requests. remote_fn: If provided, use `actor.apply.remote(remote_fn)` instead of `actor.sample.remote()` to generate the requests. remote_args: If provided, use this list (per-actor) of lists (call args) as *args to be passed to the `remote_fn`. E.g.: actors=[A, B], remote_args=[[...] <- *args for A, [...] <- *args for B]. remote_kwargs: If provided, use this list (per-actor) of dicts (kwargs) as **kwargs to be passed to the `remote_fn`. E.g.: actors=[A, B], remote_kwargs=[{...} <- **kwargs for A, {...} <- **kwargs for B]. return_result_obj_ref_ids: If True, return the object ref IDs of the ready results, otherwise return the actual results. num_requests_to_launch: Number of remote requests to launch on each of the actors. Returns: A dict mapping actor handles to the results received by sending requests to these actors. None, if no samples are ready. Examples: >>> # Define an RLlib Trainer. >>> trainer = ... # doctest: +SKIP >>> # 2 remote rollout workers (num_workers=2): >>> batches = asynchronous_parallel_requests( # doctest: +SKIP ... trainer.remote_requests_in_flight, # doctest: +SKIP ... actors=trainer.workers.remote_workers(), # doctest: +SKIP ... ray_wait_timeout_s=0.1, # doctest: +SKIP ... remote_fn=lambda w: time.sleep(1) # doctest: +SKIP ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(len(batches)) # doctest: +SKIP ... 2 >>> # Expect a timeout to have happened. >>> batches[0] is None and batches[1] is None ... True """ if remote_args is not None: assert len(remote_args) == len(actors) if remote_kwargs is not None: assert len(remote_kwargs) == len(actors) # For faster hash lookup. actor_set = set(actors) # Collect all currently pending remote requests into a single set of # object refs. pending_remotes = set() # Also build a map to get the associated actor for each remote request. remote_to_actor = {} for actor, set_ in remote_requests_in_flight.items(): # Only consider those actors' pending requests that are in # the given `actors` list. if actor in actor_set: pending_remotes |= set_ for r in set_: remote_to_actor[r] = actor # Add new requests, if possible (if # `max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker` setting allows it). for actor_idx, actor in enumerate(actors): # Still room for another request to this actor. if ( len(remote_requests_in_flight[actor]) < max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker ): if remote_fn is not None: args = remote_args[actor_idx] if remote_args else [] kwargs = remote_kwargs[actor_idx] if remote_kwargs else {} for _ in range(num_requests_to_launch): if ( len(remote_requests_in_flight[actor]) >= max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker ): break req = actor.apply.remote(remote_fn, *args, **kwargs) # Add to our set to send to ray.wait(). pending_remotes.add(req) # Keep our mappings properly updated. remote_requests_in_flight[actor].add(req) remote_to_actor[req] = actor assert len(pending_remotes) > 0 # There must always be pending remote requests. pending_remote_list = list(pending_remotes) # No timeout: Block until at least one result is returned. if ray_wait_timeout_s is None: # First try to do a `ray.wait` w/o timeout for efficiency. ready, _ = ray.wait( pending_remote_list, num_returns=len(pending_remotes), timeout=0 ) # Nothing returned and `timeout` is None -> Fall back to a # blocking wait to make sure we can return something. if not ready: ready, _ = ray.wait(pending_remote_list, num_returns=1) # Timeout: Do a `ray.wait() call` w/ timeout. else: ready, _ = ray.wait( pending_remote_list, num_returns=len(pending_remotes), timeout=ray_wait_timeout_s, ) # Return empty results if nothing ready after the timeout. if not ready: return {} # Remove in-flight records for ready refs. for obj_ref in ready: remote_requests_in_flight[remote_to_actor[obj_ref]].remove(obj_ref) results = ready if return_result_obj_ref_ids else ray.get(ready) assert len(ready) == len(results) # Return mapping from (ready) actors to their results. ret = defaultdict(list) for obj_ref, result in zip(ready, results): ret[remote_to_actor[obj_ref]].append(result) return ret def wait_asynchronous_requests( remote_requests_in_flight: DefaultDict[ActorHandle, Set[ray.ObjectRef]], ray_wait_timeout_s: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Dict[ActorHandle, Any]: ready_requests = asynchronous_parallel_requests( remote_requests_in_flight=remote_requests_in_flight, actors=list(remote_requests_in_flight.keys()), ray_wait_timeout_s=ray_wait_timeout_s, max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker=float("inf"), remote_fn=None, ) return ready_requests class AsyncRequestsManager: """A manager for asynchronous requests to actors. Args: workers: A list of ray remote workers to operate on. These workers must have an `apply` method which takes a function and a list of arguments to that function. max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker: The maximum number of remote requests that can be in flight per actor. Any requests made to the pool that cannot be scheduled because the max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker per actor has been reached will be queued. ray_wait_timeout_s: The maximum amount of time to wait for inflight requests to be done and ready when calling AsyncRequestsManager.get_ready_results(). Example: >>> import time >>> import ray >>> from ray.rllib.execution.parallel_requests_manager import ( ... AsyncRequestsManager) >>> >>> @ray.remote ... class MyActor: ... def apply(self, fn, *args: List[Any], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: ... return fn(*args, **kwargs) ... ... def task(self, a: int, b: int) -> Any: ... time.sleep(0.5) ... return a + b >>> >>> workers = [MyActor.remote() for _ in range(3)] >>> manager = AsyncRequestsManager(workers, ... max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker=2) >>> worker, a, b: worker.task(a, b), fn_args=[1, 2]) >>> print(manager.get_ready()) >>> worker, a, b: worker.task(a, b), ... fn_kwargs={"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> time.sleep(2) # Wait for the tasks to finish. >>> print(manager.get_ready()) """ def __init__( self, workers: List[ActorHandle], max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker: int = 2, ray_wait_timeout_s: Optional[float] = 0.0, return_object_refs: bool = False, ): self._ray_wait_timeout_s = ray_wait_timeout_s self._return_object_refs = return_object_refs self._max_remote_requests_in_flight = max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_worker self._pending_to_actor = {} self._pending_remotes = [] self._remote_requests_in_flight = defaultdict(set) self._all_workers = ( list(workers) if not isinstance(workers, list) else workers.copy() ) self._curr_actor_ptr = 0 def call( self, remote_fn: Callable, *, actor: ActorHandle = None, fn_args: List[Any] = None, fn_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> bool: """Call a remote function on an available worker or on actor if actor is specified. Args: remote_fn: The remote function to call actor: The actor to call the remote function on. fn_args: The arguments to pass to the remote function fn_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the remote function Raises: ValueError: If actor has not been added to the manager. ValueError: If there are no actors available to submit a request to. Returns: True if the remoted_fn was scheduled on an actor. False if it was unable to be scheduled. """ if actor and actor not in self._all_workers: raise ValueError( f"Actor {actor} has not been added to the manager." f" You must call manager.add_worker(actor) first " f"before submitting requests to actor." ) if fn_args is None: fn_args = [] if fn_kwargs is None: fn_kwargs = {} def actor_available(a): return ( len(self._remote_requests_in_flight[a]) < self._max_remote_requests_in_flight ) num_workers = len(self._all_workers) if not actor: # If no actor is specified, use a random actor. for _ in range(num_workers): if actor_available(self._all_workers[self._curr_actor_ptr]): actor = self._all_workers[self._curr_actor_ptr] self._curr_actor_ptr = (self._curr_actor_ptr + 1) % num_workers break self._curr_actor_ptr = (self._curr_actor_ptr + 1) % num_workers if not actor: # No actors available to schedule the request on. return False else: if not actor_available(actor): return False req = actor.apply.remote(remote_fn, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) self._remote_requests_in_flight[actor].add(req) self._pending_to_actor[req] = actor self._pending_remotes.append(req) return True def call_on_all_available( self, remote_fn: Callable, *, fn_args: List[Any] = None, fn_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> int: """ "Call remote_fn on all available workers Args: remote_fn: The remote function to call fn_args: The arguments to pass to the remote function fn_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the remote function Returns: The number of remote calls of remote_fn that were able to be launched. """ num_launched = 0 for worker in self._all_workers: launched = remote_fn, actor=worker, fn_args=fn_args, fn_kwargs=fn_kwargs ) num_launched += int(launched) return num_launched def get_ready(self) -> Dict[ActorHandle, List[Any]]: """Get results that are ready to be returned Returns: A dictionary of actor handles to lists of returns from tasks that were previously submitted to this actor pool that are now ready to be returned. If return_object_refs """ ready_requests_dict = defaultdict(list) ready_requests, self._pending_remotes = ray.wait( self._pending_remotes, timeout=self._ray_wait_timeout_s, num_returns=len(self._pending_remotes), ) if not self._return_object_refs: objs = ray.get(ready_requests) else: objs = ready_requests for req, obj in zip(ready_requests, objs): actor = self._pending_to_actor[req] self._remote_requests_in_flight[actor].remove(req) ready_requests_dict[actor].append(obj) del self._pending_to_actor[req] del ready_requests return dict(ready_requests_dict) def add_workers(self, new_workers: Union[List[ActorHandle], ActorHandle]) -> None: """Add a new worker to the manager Args: new_workers: The actors to add """ if isinstance(new_workers, ActorHandle): new_workers = [new_workers] for new_worker in new_workers: if new_worker not in self._all_workers: self._all_workers.append(new_worker) def remove_workers(self, workers: Union[List[ActorHandle], ActorHandle]) -> None: """Make workers unschedulable and remove them from this manager. Note: This will not stop their inflight requests. ray.kill can be used to kill the workers and their inflight requests. Args: workers: The actors to remove """ if isinstance(workers, ActorHandle): workers = [workers] workers_to_remove = set(workers) self._all_workers[:] = [ el for el in self._all_workers if el not in workers_to_remove ] if self._all_workers and (self._curr_actor_ptr >= len(self._all_workers)): # Move current pointer to the new tail of the list. self._curr_actor_ptr = len(self._all_workers) - 1 elif not self._all_workers: self._curr_actor_ptr = 0 def get_manager_statistics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get statistics about the the manager Some of the statistics include the number of actors that are available, the number of pending inflight requests, and the number of pending requests to be scheduled on the available actors. Returns: A dictionary of statistics about the manager. """ return { "num_pending_inflight_requests": len(self._pending_remotes), } @property def workers(self): return frozenset(self._all_workers)