from typing import Any, Dict import random # Import ray before psutil will make sure we use psutil's bundled version import ray # noqa F401 import psutil # noqa E402 from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import ExperimentalAPI, override from ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer from ray.rllib.utils.typing import SampleBatchType from ray.rllib.execution.buffers.replay_buffer import warn_replay_capacity @ExperimentalAPI class ReservoirBuffer(ReplayBuffer): """This buffer implements reservoir sampling. The algorithm has been described by Jeffrey S. Vitter in "Random sampling with a reservoir". See for the full paper. """ def __init__(self, capacity: int = 10000, storage_unit: str = "timesteps"): """Initializes a ReservoirBuffer instance. Args: capacity: Max number of timesteps to store in the FIFO buffer. After reaching this number, older samples will be dropped to make space for new ones. storage_unit: Either 'sequences' or 'timesteps'. Specifies how experiences are stored. """ ReplayBuffer.__init__(self, capacity, storage_unit) self._num_add_calls = 0 self._num_evicted = 0 @ExperimentalAPI @override(ReplayBuffer) def add(self, batch: SampleBatchType, **kwargs) -> None: """Adds a batch of experiences. Args: batch: SampleBatch to add to this buffer's storage. """ # Update add counts. self._num_add_calls += 1 # Update our timesteps counts. self._num_timesteps_added += batch.count self._num_timesteps_added_wrap += batch.count if self._num_timesteps_added < self.capacity: ReplayBuffer.add(self, batch) else: # Eviction of older samples has already started (buffer is "full") self._eviction_started = True idx = random.randint(0, self._num_add_calls - 1) if idx < self.capacity: self._num_evicted += 1 self._evicted_hit_stats.push(self._hit_count[idx]) self._hit_count[idx] = 0 self._storage[idx] = batch assert batch.count > 0, batch warn_replay_capacity(item=batch, num_items=self.capacity / batch.count) @ExperimentalAPI @override(ReplayBuffer) def stats(self, debug: bool = False) -> dict: """Returns the stats of this buffer. Args: debug: If True, adds sample eviction statistics to the returned stats dict. Returns: A dictionary of stats about this buffer. """ data = { "num_evicted": self._num_evicted, "num_add_calls": self._num_add_calls, } parent = ReplayBuffer.stats(self, debug) parent.update(data) return parent @ExperimentalAPI @override(ReplayBuffer) def get_state(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns all local state. Returns: The serializable local state. """ parent = ReplayBuffer.get_state(self) parent.update(self.stats()) return parent @ExperimentalAPI @override(ReplayBuffer) def set_state(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Restores all local state to the provided `state`. Args: state: The new state to set this buffer. Can be obtained by calling `self.get_state()`. """ self._num_evicted = state["num_evicted"] self._num_add_calls = state["num_add_calls"] ReplayBuffer.set_state(self, state)