""" A multi-agent, distributed multi-GPU, league-capable asynch. PPO ================================================================ """ import gym import tree from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type import ray from ray.actor import ActorHandle from ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star.distributed_learners import DistributedLearners from ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star.league_builder import AlphaStarLeagueBuilder from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import Trainer import ray.rllib.agents.ppo.appo as appo from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import RolloutWorker from ray.rllib.execution.parallel_requests import asynchronous_parallel_requests from ray.rllib.execution.buffers.mixin_replay_buffer import MixInMultiAgentReplayBuffer from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, PolicySpec from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import MultiAgentBatch from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import Deprecated from ray.rllib.utils.from_config import from_config from ray.rllib.utils.metrics import ( LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS, LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER, NUM_AGENT_STEPS_SAMPLED, NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED, NUM_ENV_STEPS_SAMPLED, NUM_TARGET_UPDATES, SAMPLE_TIMER, SYNCH_WORKER_WEIGHTS_TIMER, TARGET_NET_UPDATE_TIMER, ) from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.learner_info import LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( PartialTrainerConfigDict, PolicyID, PolicyState, TrainerConfigDict, ResultDict, ) from ray.tune.utils.placement_groups import PlacementGroupFactory from ray.util.timer import _Timer class AlphaStarConfig(appo.APPOConfig): """Defines a configuration class from which an AlphaStarTrainer can be built. Example: >>> from ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star import AlphaStarConfig >>> config = AlphaStarConfig().training(lr=0.0003, train_batch_size=512)\ ... .resources(num_gpus=4)\ ... .rollouts(num_rollout_workers=64) >>> print(config.to_dict()) >>> # Build a Trainer object from the config and run 1 training iteration. >>> trainer = config.build(env="CartPole-v1") >>> trainer.train() Example: >>> from ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star import AlphaStarConfig >>> from ray import tune >>> config = AlphaStarConfig() >>> # Print out some default values. >>> print(config.vtrace) >>> # Update the config object. >>> config.training(lr=tune.grid_search([0.0001, 0.0003]), grad_clip=20.0) >>> # Set the config object's env. >>> config.environment(env="CartPole-v1") >>> # Use to_dict() to get the old-style python config dict >>> # when running with tune. >>> tune.run( ... "AlphaStar", ... stop={"episode_reward_mean": 200}, ... config=config.to_dict(), ... ) """ def __init__(self, trainer_class=None): """Initializes a AlphaStarConfig instance.""" super().__init__(trainer_class=trainer_class or AlphaStarTrainer) # fmt: off # __sphinx_doc_begin__ # AlphaStar specific settings: self.replay_buffer_capacity = 20 self.replay_buffer_replay_ratio = 0.5 self.sample_wait_timeout = 0.01 self.learn_wait_timeout = 0.1 # League-building parameters. # The LeagueBuilder class to be used for league building logic. self.league_builder_config = { # Specify the sub-class of the `LeagueBuilder` API to use. "type": AlphaStarLeagueBuilder, # Any any number of constructor kwargs to pass to this class: # The number of random policies to add to the league. This must be an # even number (including 0) as these will be evenly distributed # amongst league- and main- exploiters. "num_random_policies": 2, # The number of initially learning league-exploiters to create. "num_learning_league_exploiters": 4, # The number of initially learning main-exploiters to create. "num_learning_main_exploiters": 4, # Minimum win-rate (between 0.0 = 0% and 1.0 = 100%) of any policy to # be considered for snapshotting (cloning). The cloned copy may then # be frozen (no further learning) or keep learning (independent of # its ancestor policy). # Set this to lower values to speed up league growth. "win_rate_threshold_for_new_snapshot": 0.9, # If we took a new snapshot of any given policy, what's the probability # that this snapshot will continue to be trainable (rather than become # frozen/non-trainable)? By default, only keep those policies trainable # that have been trainable from the very beginning. "keep_new_snapshot_training_prob": 0.0, # Probabilities of different match-types: # LE: Learning league_exploiter vs any. # ME: Learning main exploiter vs any main. # M: Main self-play (p=1.0 - LE - ME). "prob_league_exploiter_match": 0.33, "prob_main_exploiter_match": 0.33, # Only for ME matches: Prob to play against learning # main (vs a snapshot main). "prob_main_exploiter_playing_against_learning_main": 0.5, } self.max_num_policies_to_train = None # Override some of APPOConfig's default values with AlphaStar-specific # values. self.vtrace_drop_last_ts = False self.min_time_s_per_reporting = 2 # __sphinx_doc_end__ # fmt: on @override(appo.APPOConfig) def training( self, *, replay_buffer_capacity: Optional[int] = None, replay_buffer_replay_ratio: Optional[float] = None, sample_wait_timeout: Optional[float] = None, learn_wait_timeout: Optional[float] = None, league_builder_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, max_num_policies_to_train: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> "AlphaStarConfig": """Sets the training related configuration. Args: replay_buffer_capacity: This is num batches held at any time for each policy. replay_buffer_replay_ratio: For example, ratio=0.2 -> 20% of samples in each train batch are old (replayed) ones. sample_wait_timeout: Timeout to use for `ray.wait()` when waiting for samplers to have placed new data into the buffers. If no samples are ready within the timeout, the buffers used for mixin-sampling will return only older samples. learn_wait_timeout: Timeout to use for `ray.wait()` when waiting for the policy learner actors to have performed an update and returned learning stats. If no learner actors have produced any learning results in the meantime, their learner-stats in the results will be empty for that iteration. league_builder_config: League-building config dict. The dict Must contain a `type` key indicating the LeagueBuilder class to be used for league building logic. All other keys (that are not `type`) will be used as constructor kwargs on the given class to construct the LeagueBuilder instance. See the `ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star.league_builder::AlphaStarLeagueBuilder` (used by default by this algo) as an example. max_num_policies_to_train: The maximum number of trainable policies for this Trainer. Each trainable policy will exist as a independent remote actor, co-located with a replay buffer. This is besides its existence inside the RolloutWorkers for training and evaluation. Set to None for automatically inferring this value from the number of trainable policies found in the `multiagent` config. Returns: This updated TrainerConfig object. """ # Pass kwargs onto super's `training()` method. super().training(**kwargs) # TODO: Unify the buffer API, then clean up our existing # implementations of different buffers. if replay_buffer_capacity is not None: self.replay_buffer_capacity = replay_buffer_capacity if replay_buffer_replay_ratio is not None: self.replay_buffer_replay_ratio = replay_buffer_replay_ratio if sample_wait_timeout is not None: self.sample_wait_timeout = sample_wait_timeout if learn_wait_timeout is not None: self.learn_wait_timeout = learn_wait_timeout if league_builder_config is not None: self.league_builder_config = league_builder_config if max_num_policies_to_train is not None: self.max_num_policies_to_train = max_num_policies_to_train return self class AlphaStarTrainer(appo.APPOTrainer): _allow_unknown_subkeys = appo.APPOTrainer._allow_unknown_subkeys + [ "league_builder_config", ] _override_all_subkeys_if_type_changes = ( appo.APPOTrainer._override_all_subkeys_if_type_changes + [ "league_builder_config", ] ) @classmethod @override(Trainer) def default_resource_request(cls, config): cf = dict(cls.get_default_config(), **config) # Construct a dummy LeagueBuilder, such that it gets the opportunity to # adjust the multiagent config, according to its setup, and we can then # properly infer the resources to allocate. from_config(cf["league_builder_config"], trainer=None, trainer_config=cf) max_num_policies_to_train = cf["max_num_policies_to_train"] or len( cf["multiagent"].get("policies_to_train") or cf["multiagent"]["policies"] ) num_learner_shards = min( cf["num_gpus"] or max_num_policies_to_train, max_num_policies_to_train ) num_gpus_per_shard = cf["num_gpus"] / num_learner_shards num_policies_per_shard = max_num_policies_to_train / num_learner_shards fake_gpus = cf["_fake_gpus"] eval_config = cf["evaluation_config"] # Return PlacementGroupFactory containing all needed resources # (already properly defined as device bundles). return PlacementGroupFactory( bundles=[ { # Driver (no GPUs). "CPU": cf["num_cpus_for_driver"], } ] + [ { # RolloutWorkers (no GPUs). "CPU": cf["num_cpus_per_worker"], } for _ in range(cf["num_workers"]) ] + [ { # Policy learners (and Replay buffer shards). # 1 CPU for the replay buffer. # 1 CPU (or fractional GPU) for each learning policy. "CPU": 1 + (num_policies_per_shard if fake_gpus else 0), "GPU": 0 if fake_gpus else num_gpus_per_shard, } for _ in range(num_learner_shards) ] + ( [ { # Evaluation (remote) workers. # Note: The local eval worker is located on the driver # CPU or not even created iff >0 eval workers. "CPU": eval_config.get( "num_cpus_per_worker", cf["num_cpus_per_worker"] ), } for _ in range(cf["evaluation_num_workers"]) ] if cf["evaluation_interval"] else [] ), strategy=config.get("placement_strategy", "PACK"), ) @classmethod @override(appo.APPOTrainer) def get_default_config(cls) -> TrainerConfigDict: return AlphaStarConfig().to_dict() @override(appo.APPOTrainer) def validate_config(self, config: TrainerConfigDict): # Create the LeagueBuilder object, allowing it to build the multiagent # config as well. self.league_builder = from_config( config["league_builder_config"], trainer=self, trainer_config=config ) super().validate_config(config) @override(appo.APPOTrainer) def setup(self, config: PartialTrainerConfigDict): # Call super's setup to validate config, create RolloutWorkers # (train and eval), etc.. num_gpus_saved = config["num_gpus"] config["num_gpus"] = min(config["num_gpus"], 1) super().setup(config) self.config["num_gpus"] = num_gpus_saved # - Create n policy learner actors (@ray.remote-converted Policies) on # one or more GPU nodes. # - On each such node, also locate one replay buffer shard. ma_cfg = self.config["multiagent"] # By default, set max_num_policies_to_train to the number of policy IDs # provided in the multiagent config. if self.config["max_num_policies_to_train"] is None: self.config["max_num_policies_to_train"] = len( self.workers.local_worker().get_policies_to_train() ) # Single CPU replay shard (co-located with GPUs so we can place the # policies on the same machine(s)). num_gpus = ( 0.01 if (self.config["num_gpus"] and not self.config["_fake_gpus"]) else 0 ) ReplayActor = ray.remote( num_cpus=1, num_gpus=num_gpus, )(MixInMultiAgentReplayBuffer) # Setup remote replay buffer shards and policy learner actors # (located on any GPU machine in the cluster): replay_actor_args = [ self.config["replay_buffer_capacity"], self.config["replay_buffer_replay_ratio"], ] # Create a DistributedLearners utility object and set it up with # the initial first n learnable policies (found in the config). distributed_learners = DistributedLearners( config=self.config, max_num_policies_to_train=self.config["max_num_policies_to_train"], replay_actor_class=ReplayActor, replay_actor_args=replay_actor_args, ) for pid, policy_spec in ma_cfg["policies"].items(): if pid in self.workers.local_worker().get_policies_to_train(): distributed_learners.add_policy(pid, policy_spec) # Store distributed_learners on all RolloutWorkers # so they know, to which replay shard to send samples to. def _set_policy_learners(worker): worker._distributed_learners = distributed_learners ray.get( [ w.apply.remote(_set_policy_learners) for w in self.workers.remote_workers() ] ) self.distributed_learners = distributed_learners @override(Trainer) def step(self) -> ResultDict: # Perform a full step (including evaluation). result = super().step() # Based on the (train + evaluate) results, perform a step of # league building. self.league_builder.build_league(result=result) return result @override(Trainer) def training_iteration(self) -> ResultDict: # Trigger asynchronous rollouts on all RolloutWorkers. # - Rollout results are sent directly to correct replay buffer # shards, instead of here (to the driver). with self._timers[SAMPLE_TIMER]: sample_results = asynchronous_parallel_requests( remote_requests_in_flight=self.remote_requests_in_flight, actors=self.workers.remote_workers() or [self.workers.local_worker()], ray_wait_timeout_s=self.config["sample_wait_timeout"], max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_actor=2, remote_fn=self._sample_and_send_to_buffer, ) # Update sample counters. for sample_result in sample_results.values(): for (env_steps, agent_steps) in sample_result: self._counters[NUM_ENV_STEPS_SAMPLED] += env_steps self._counters[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_SAMPLED] += agent_steps # Trigger asynchronous training update requests on all learning # policies. with self._timers[LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER]: pol_actors = [] args = [] for pid, pol_actor, repl_actor in self.distributed_learners: pol_actors.append(pol_actor) args.append([repl_actor, pid]) train_results = asynchronous_parallel_requests( remote_requests_in_flight=self.remote_requests_in_flight, actors=pol_actors, ray_wait_timeout_s=self.config["learn_wait_timeout"], max_remote_requests_in_flight_per_actor=2, remote_fn=self._update_policy, remote_args=args, ) # Update sample counters. for train_result in train_results.values(): for result in train_result: if NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED in result: self._counters[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED] += result[ NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED ] # For those policies that have been updated in this iteration # (not all policies may have undergone an updated as we are # requesting updates asynchronously): # - Gather train infos. # - Update weights to those remote rollout workers that contain # the respective policy. with self._timers[SYNCH_WORKER_WEIGHTS_TIMER]: train_infos = {} policy_weights = {} for pol_actor, policy_results in train_results.items(): results_have_same_structure = True for result1, result2 in zip(policy_results, policy_results[1:]): try: tree.assert_same_structure(result1, result2) except (ValueError, TypeError): results_have_same_structure = False break if len(policy_results) > 1 and results_have_same_structure: policy_result = tree.map_structure( lambda *_args: sum(_args) / len(policy_results), *policy_results ) else: policy_result = policy_results[-1] if policy_result: pid = self.distributed_learners.get_policy_id(pol_actor) train_infos[pid] = policy_result policy_weights[pid] = pol_actor.get_weights.remote() policy_weights_ref = ray.put(policy_weights) global_vars = { "timestep": self._counters[NUM_ENV_STEPS_SAMPLED], "league_builder": self.league_builder.__getstate__(), } for worker in self.workers.remote_workers(): worker.set_weights.remote(policy_weights_ref, global_vars) return train_infos @override(Trainer) def add_policy( self, policy_id: PolicyID, policy_cls: Type[Policy], *, observation_space: Optional[gym.spaces.Space] = None, action_space: Optional[gym.spaces.Space] = None, config: Optional[PartialTrainerConfigDict] = None, policy_state: Optional[PolicyState] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Policy: # Add the new policy to all our train- and eval RolloutWorkers # (including the local worker). new_policy = super().add_policy( policy_id, policy_cls, observation_space=observation_space, action_space=action_space, config=config, policy_state=policy_state, **kwargs, ) # Do we have to create a policy-learner actor from it as well? if policy_id in kwargs.get("policies_to_train", []): new_policy_actor = self.distributed_learners.add_policy( policy_id, PolicySpec( policy_cls, new_policy.observation_space, new_policy.action_space, self.config, ), ) # Set state of new policy actor, if provided. if policy_state is not None: ray.get(new_policy_actor.set_state.remote(policy_state)) return new_policy @override(Trainer) def cleanup(self) -> None: super().cleanup() # Stop all policy- and replay actors. self.distributed_learners.stop() @staticmethod def _sample_and_send_to_buffer(worker: RolloutWorker): # Generate a sample. sample = worker.sample() # Send the per-agent SampleBatches to the correct buffer(s), # depending on which policies participated in the episode. assert isinstance(sample, MultiAgentBatch) for pid, batch in sample.policy_batches.items(): # Don't send data, if policy is not trainable. replay_actor, _ = worker._distributed_learners.get_replay_and_policy_actors( pid ) if replay_actor is not None: ma_batch = MultiAgentBatch({pid: batch}, batch.count) replay_actor.add_batch.remote(ma_batch) # Return counts (env-steps, agent-steps). return sample.count, sample.agent_steps() @staticmethod def _update_policy(policy: Policy, replay_actor: ActorHandle, pid: PolicyID): if not hasattr(policy, "_target_and_kl_stats"): policy._target_and_kl_stats = { LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS: 0, NUM_TARGET_UPDATES: 0, NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED: 0, TARGET_NET_UPDATE_TIMER: _Timer(), } train_results = policy.learn_on_batch_from_replay_buffer( replay_actor=replay_actor, policy_id=pid ) if not train_results: return train_results # Update target net and KL. with policy._target_and_kl_stats[TARGET_NET_UPDATE_TIMER]: policy._target_and_kl_stats[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED] += train_results[ NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED ] target_update_freq = ( policy.config["num_sgd_iter"] * policy.config["replay_buffer_capacity"] * policy.config["train_batch_size"] ) cur_ts = policy._target_and_kl_stats[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED] last_update = policy._target_and_kl_stats[LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS] # Update target networks on all policy learners. if cur_ts - last_update > target_update_freq: policy._target_and_kl_stats[NUM_TARGET_UPDATES] += 1 policy._target_and_kl_stats[LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS] = cur_ts policy.update_target() # Also update Policy's current KL coeff. if policy.config["use_kl_loss"]: kl = train_results[LEARNER_STATS_KEY].get("kl") assert kl is not None, train_results # Make the actual `Policy.update_kl()` call. policy.update_kl(kl) return train_results @override(appo.APPOTrainer) def __getstate__(self) -> dict: state = super().__getstate__() state.update( { "league_builder": self.league_builder.__getstate__(), } ) return state @override(appo.APPOTrainer) def __setstate__(self, state: dict) -> None: state_copy = state.copy() self.league_builder.__setstate__(state.pop("league_builder", {})) super().__setstate__(state_copy) # Deprecated: Use ray.rllib.agents.ppo.PPOConfig instead! class _deprecated_default_config(dict): def __init__(self): super().__init__(AlphaStarConfig().to_dict()) @Deprecated( old="ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star.alpha_star.DEFAULT_CONFIG", new="ray.rllib.agents.alpha_star.alpha_star.AlphaStarConfig(...)", error=False, ) def __getitem__(self, item): return super().__getitem__(item) DEFAULT_CONFIG = _deprecated_default_config()