.. warning:: This page is under construction! .. _ray-job-rest-api-under-construction: REST API ^^^^^^^^ Under the hood, both the Python SDK and the CLI make HTTP calls to the job server running on the Ray head node. You can also directly send requests to the corresponding endpoints via HTTP if needed: **Submit Job** .. code-block:: python import requests import json import time resp = requests.post( "", json={ "entrypoint": "echo hello", "runtime_env": {}, "job_id": None, "metadata": {"job_submission_id": "123"} } ) rst = json.loads(resp.text) job_id = rst["job_id"] **Query and poll for Job status** .. code-block:: python start = time.time() while time.time() - start <= 10: resp = requests.get( "" ) rst = json.loads(resp.text) status = rst["status"] print(f"status: {status}") if status in {JobStatus.SUCCEEDED, JobStatus.STOPPED, JobStatus.FAILED}: break time.sleep(1) **Query for logs** .. code-block:: python resp = requests.get( "" ) rst = json.loads(resp.text) logs = rst["logs"] **List all jobs** .. code-block:: python resp = requests.get( "" ) print(resp.json()) # {"job_id": {"metadata": ..., "status": ..., "message": ...}, ...}