#!/usr/bin/env bash # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e ROOT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd) # Copy the libs to thirdparty/external_project_libs. # -n means do not build again. bash $ROOT_DIR/../../thirdparty/scripts/collect_dependent_libs.sh -n # Import all the libs cached in local to environment variables. source $ROOT_DIR/../../thirdparty/external_project_libs/resource.txt # Clean the arrow building libs and use the cache libs. pushd $ROOT_DIR/../../build/external/arrow/src/arrow_ep echo "Clean Arrow building files." rm -rf $ROOT_DIR/../../build/external/arrow/src/arrow_ep-build/ popd # Rebuild ray with libs cache environment variables, which is fast. bash $ROOT_DIR/install-ray.sh