# HTTP with Serve This section should help you understand how to: - send HTTP requests to Serve deployments - use Ray Serve to integrate with FastAPI - use customized HTTP Adapters :::{note} HTTP Proxy HA is enabled by using [REST API](serve-in-production-deploying) or [Kubernetes operator](deploying-serve-on-kubernetes) to start the Ray Serve ::: (serve-http)= ## Calling Deployments via HTTP When you deploy a Serve application, the ingress deployment (the one passed to `serve.run`) will be exposed over HTTP. If you want to route to another deployment, you can do so using the [ServeHandle API](serve-model-composition). ```python @serve.deployment class Counter: def __call__(self, request): pass ``` Any request to the Serve HTTP server at `/` is routed to the deployment's `__call__` method with a [Starlette Request object](https://www.starlette.io/requests/) as the sole argument. The `__call__` method can return any JSON-serializable object or a [Starlette Response object](https://www.starlette.io/responses/) (e.g., to return a custom status code). Below, we discuss some advanced features for customizing Ray Serve's HTTP functionality. (serve-fastapi-http)= ## FastAPI HTTP Deployments If you want to define more complex HTTP handling logic, Serve integrates with [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/). This allows you to define a Serve deployment using the {mod}`@serve.ingress ` decorator that wraps a FastAPI app with its full range of features. The most basic example of this is shown below, but for more details on all that FastAPI has to offer such as variable routes, automatic type validation, dependency injection (e.g., for database connections), and more, please check out [their documentation](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/). ```python import ray from fastapi import FastAPI from ray import serve app = FastAPI() ray.init(address="auto", namespace="summarizer") @serve.deployment(route_prefix="/hello") @serve.ingress(app) class MyFastAPIDeployment: @app.get("/") def root(self): return "Hello, world!" serve.run(MyFastAPIDeployment.bind()) ``` Now if you send a request to `/hello`, this will be routed to the `root` method of our deployment. We can also easily leverage FastAPI to define multiple routes with different HTTP methods: ```python import ray from fastapi import FastAPI from ray import serve app = FastAPI() ray.init(address="auto", namespace="summarizer") @serve.deployment(route_prefix="/hello") @serve.ingress(app) class MyFastAPIDeployment: @app.get("/") def root(self): return "Hello, world!" @app.post("/{subpath}") def root(self, subpath: str): return f"Hello from {subpath}!" serve.run(MyFastAPIDeployment.bind()) ``` You can also pass in an existing FastAPI app to a deployment to serve it as-is: ```python import ray from fastapi import FastAPI from ray import serve app = FastAPI() ray.init(address="auto", namespace="summarizer") @app.get("/") def f(): return "Hello from the root!" # ... add more routes, routers, etc. to `app` ... @serve.deployment(route_prefix="/") @serve.ingress(app) class FastAPIWrapper: pass serve.run(FastAPIWrapper.bind()) ``` This is useful for scaling out an existing FastAPI app with no modifications necessary. Existing middlewares, automatic OpenAPI documentation generation, and other advanced FastAPI features should work as-is. To try it out, save a code snippet in a local python file (e.g. `main.py`) and in the same directory, run the following commands to start a local Ray cluster on your machine. ```bash ray start --head python main.py ``` (serve-http-adapters)= ## HTTP Adapters HTTP adapters are functions that convert raw HTTP requests to basic Python types that you know and recognize. For example, here is an adapter that extracts the JSON content from a request: ```python async def json_resolver(request: starlette.requests.Request): return await request.json() ``` The input arguments to an HTTP adapter should be type-annotated. At a minimum, the adapter should accept a `starlette.requests.Request` type (https://www.starlette.io/requests/#request), but it can also accept any type that's recognized by [FastAPI's dependency injection framework](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/). Here is an HTTP adapter that accepts two HTTP query parameters: ```python def parse_query_args(field_a: int, field_b: str): return YourDataClass(field_a, field_b) ``` You can specify different type signatures to facilitate the extraction of HTTP fields, including - [query parameters](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params/), - [body parameters](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/body/), and - [many other data types](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/extra-data-types/). For more details, you can take a look at the [FastAPI documentation](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/). In addition to above adapters, you also use other adapters. Below we examine at least three: - Ray AIR `Predictor` - Serve Deployment Graph `DAGDriver` - Embedded in Bring Your Own `FastAPI` Application ### Ray AIR `Predictor` Ray Serve provides a suite of adapters to convert HTTP requests to ML inputs like `numpy` arrays. You can use them together with the [Ray AI Runtime (AIR) model wrapper](air-serving-guide) feature to one-click deploy pre-trained models. As an example, we provide a simple adapter for an *n*-dimensional array. When using [model wrappers](air-serving-guide), you can specify your HTTP adapter via the `http_adapter` field: ```python from ray import serve from ray.serve.http_adapters import json_to_ndarray from ray.serve import PredictorDeployment serve.run(PredictorDeployment.options(name="my_model").bind( my_ray_air_predictor, my_ray_air_checkpoint, http_adapter=json_to_ndarray )) ``` :::{note} `my_ray_air_predictor` and `my_ray_air_checkpoint` are two arguments int `PredictorDeployment` constructor. For detailed usage, please checkout [Ray AI Runtime (AIR) model wrapper](air-serving-guide) ::: ### Serve Deployment Graph `DAGDriver` When using a [Serve deployment graph](serve-model-composition-deployment-graph), you can configure `ray.serve.drivers.DAGDriver` to accept an HTTP adapter via its `http_adapter` field. For example, the `json_request` adapter parses JSON in the HTTP body: ```python from ray.serve.drivers import DAGDriver from ray.serve.http_adapters import json_request from ray.dag.input_node import InputNode with InputNode() as input_node: # ... dag = DAGDriver.bind(other_node, http_adapter=json_request) ``` ### Embedded in your existing `FastAPI` Application You can also bring the adapter to your own FastAPI app using [Depends](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/#import-depends). The input schema automatically become part of the generated OpenAPI schema with FastAPI. ```python from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends from ray.serve.http_adapters import json_to_ndarray app = FastAPI() @app.post("/endpoint") async def endpoint(np_array = Depends(json_to_ndarray)): ... ``` It has the following schema for input: (serve-ndarray-schema)= ```{eval-rst} .. autopydantic_model:: ray.serve.http_adapters.NdArray ``` ### Pydantic models as adapters Serve also supports [pydantic models](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/models/) as a shorthand for HTTP adapters in model wrappers. Instead of using a function to define your HTTP adapter as in the examples above, you can directly pass in a pydantic model class to effectively tell Ray Serve to validate the HTTP body with this schema. Once validated, the model instance will passed to the predictor. ```python from pydantic import BaseModel class User(BaseModel): user_id: int user_name: str # ... PredictorDeployment.deploy(..., http_adapter=User) # Or: DAGDriver.bind(other_node, http_adapter=User) ``` ### List of Built-in Adapters Here is a list of adapters; please feel free to [contribute more](https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/new/choose)! ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: ray.serve.http_adapters :members: json_to_ndarray, image_to_ndarray, starlette_request, json_request, pandas_read_json, json_to_multi_ndarray ```