.. _end_to_end_tutorial: =================== End-to-End Tutorial =================== By the end of this tutorial you will have learned how to deploy a machine learning model locally via Ray Serve. First, install Ray Serve and all of its dependencies by running the following command in your terminal: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install "ray[serve]" For this tutorial, we'll use `HuggingFace's SummarizationPipeline `_ to access a model that summarizes text. Example Model ============= Let's first take a look at how the model works, without using Ray Serve. This is the code for the model: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_local.py :linenos: :language: python :start-after: __local_model_start__ :end-before: __local_model_end__ The Python file, called ``local_model.py`` uses the ``summarize`` function to generate summaries of text. - The ``summarizer`` variable on line 7 inside ``summarize`` points to a function that uses the `t5-small `_ model to summarize text. - When ``summarizer`` is called on a Python String, it returns summarized text inside a dictionary formatted as ``[{"summary_text": "...", ...}, ...]``. - ``summarize`` then extracts the summarized text on line 13 by indexing into the dictionary. The file can be run locally by executing the Python script, which uses the model to summarize an article about the Apollo 11 moon landing [#f1]_. .. code-block:: bash $ python local_model.py "two astronauts steered their fragile lunar module safely and smoothly to the historic landing . the first men to reach the moon -- Armstrong and his co-pilot, col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. of the air force -- brought their ship to rest on a level, rock-strewn plain ." Keep in mind that the ``SummarizationPipeline`` is an example machine learning model for this tutorial. You can follow along using arbitrary models in any framework that has a Python API. Check out our tutorials on sckit-learn, PyTorch, and Tensorflow for more info and examples: - :ref:`serve-sklearn-tutorial` - :ref:`serve-pytorch-tutorial` - :ref:`serve-tensorflow-tutorial` Converting to Ray Serve Deployment ================================== This tutorial's goal is to deploy this model using Ray Serve, so it can be scaled up and queried over HTTP. We'll start by converting the above Python function into a Ray Serve deployment that can be launched locally on a laptop. We start by opening a new Python file. First, we need to import ``ray`` and ``ray serve``, to use features in Ray Serve such as ``deployments``, which provide HTTP access to our model. .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :language: python :start-after: __import_start__ :end-before: __import_end__ After these imports, we can include our model code from above. We won't call our ``summarize`` function just yet though! We will soon add logic to handle HTTP requests, so the ``summarize`` function can operate on article text sent via HTTP request. .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :language: python :start-after: __local_model_start__ :end-before: __local_model_end__ Ray Serve needs to run on top of a Ray cluster, so we connect to a local one. See :ref:`serve-deploy-tutorial` to learn more about starting a Ray Serve instance and deploying to a Ray cluster. .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :language: python :start-after: __start_ray_cluster_start__ :end-before: __start_ray_cluster_end__ The ``address`` parameter in ``ray.init()`` connects your Serve script to a running local Ray cluster. Later, we'll discuss how to start a local Ray cluster. .. note:: ``ray.init()`` connects to or starts a single-node Ray cluster on your local machine, which allows you to use all your CPU cores to serve requests in parallel. To start a multi-node cluster, see :ref:`serve-deploy-tutorial`. Next, we start the Ray Serve runtime: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :language: python :start-after: __start_serve_start__ :end-before: __start_serve_end__ .. note:: ``detached=True`` means Ray Serve will continue running even when the Python script exits. If you would rather stop Ray Serve after the script exits, use ``serve.start()`` instead (see :ref:`ray-serve-instance-lifetime` for details). Now that we have defined our ``summarize`` function, connected to a Ray Cluster, and started the Ray Serve runtime, we can define a function that accepts HTTP requests and routes them to the ``summarize`` function. We define a function called ``router`` that takes in a Starlette ``request`` object [#f2]_: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :linenos: :language: python :start-after: __router_start__ :end-before: __router_end__ - In line 1, we add the decorator ``@serve.deployment`` to the ``router`` function to turn the function into a Serve ``Deployment`` object. - In line 3, ``router`` uses the ``"txt"`` query parameter in the ``request`` to get the article text to summarize. - In line 4, it then passes this article text into the ``summarize`` function and returns the value. .. note:: Lines 3 and 4 define our HTTP request schema. The HTTP requests sent to this endpoint must have a ``"txt"`` query parameter that contains a string. In general, you can accept HTTP data using query parameters or the request body. Additionally, you can add other Serve deployments with different names to create more endpoints that can accept different schemas. For more complex validation, you can also use FastAPI (see :ref:`serve-fastapi-http` for more info). .. tip:: This routing function's name doesn't have to be ``router``. It can be any function name as long as the corresponding name is present in the HTTP request. If you want the function name to be different than the name in the HTTP request, you can add the ``name`` keyword parameter to the ``@serve.deployment`` decorator to specify the name sent in the HTTP request. For example, if the decorator is ``@serve.deployment(name="responder")`` and the function signature is ``def request_manager(request)``, the HTTP request should use ``responder``, not ``request_manager``. If no ``name`` is passed into ``@serve.deployment``, the ``request`` uses the function's name by default. For example, if the decorator is ``@serve.deployment`` and the function's signature is ``def manager(request)``, the HTTP request should use ``manager``. Since ``@serve.deployment`` makes ``router`` a ``Deployment`` object, it can be deployed using ``router.deploy()``: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment.py :language: python :start-after: __router_deploy_start__ :end-before: __router_deploy_end__ Once we deploy ``router``, we can query the model over HTTP. With that, we can run our model on Ray Serve! Here's the full Ray Serve deployment script that we built for our model: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_deployment_full.py :linenos: :language: python :start-after: __deployment_full_start__ :end-before: __deployment_full_end__ To deploy ``router``, we first start a local Ray cluster: .. code-block:: bash $ ray start --head The Ray cluster that this command launches is the same Ray cluster that the Python code connects to using ``ray.init(address="auto", namespace="serve")``. It is also the same Ray cluster that keeps Ray Serve (and any deployments on it, such as ``router``) alive even after the Python script exits as long as ``detached=True`` inside ``serve.start()``. .. tip:: To stop the Ray cluster, run the command ``ray stop``. After starting the Ray cluster, we can run the Python file to deploy ``router`` and begin accepting HTTP requests: .. code-block:: bash $ python model_on_ray_serve.py Testing the Ray Serve Deployment ================================ We can now test our model over HTTP. The structure of our HTTP query is: ``[Deployment Name]?[Parameter Name-1]=[Parameter Value-1]&[Parameter Name-2]=[Parameter Value-2]&...&[Parameter Name-n]=[Parameter Value-n]`` Since the cluster is deployed locally in this tutorial, the ```` refers to a localhost with port 8000. The ``[Deployment Name]`` refers to either the name of the function that we called ``.deploy()`` on (in our case, this is ``router``), or the ``name`` keyword parameter's value in ``@serve.deployment`` (see the Tip under the ``router`` function definition above for more info). Each ``[Parameter Name]`` refers to a field's name in the request's ``query_params`` dictionary for our deployed function. In our example, the only parameter we need to pass in is ``txt``. This parameter is referenced in the ``txt = request.query_params["txt"]`` line in the ``router`` function. Each [Parameter Name] object has a corresponding [Parameter Value] object. The ``txt``'s [Parameter Value] is a string containing the article text to summarize. We can chain together any number of the name-value pairs using the ``&`` symbol in the request URL. Now that the ``summarize`` function is deployed on Ray Serve, we can make HTTP requests to it. Here's a client script that requests a summary from the same article as the original Python script: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_router_client.py :language: python :start-after: __client_function_start__ :end-before: __client_function_end__ We can run this script while the model is deployed to get a response over HTTP: .. code-block:: bash $ python router_client.py "two astronauts steered their fragile lunar module safely and smoothly to the historic landing . the first men to reach the moon -- Armstrong and his co-pilot, col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. of the air force -- brought their ship to rest on a level, rock-strewn plain ." Using Classes in the Ray Serve Deployment ========================================= Our application is still a bit inefficient though. In particular, the ``summarize`` function loads the model on each call when it sets the ``summarizer`` variable. However, the model never changes, so it would be more efficient to define ``summarizer`` only once and keep its value in memory instead of reloading it for each HTTP query. We can achieve this by converting our ``summarize`` function into a class: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_class_deployment.py :linenos: :language: python :start-after: __deployment_class_start__ :end-before: __deployment_class_end__ In this configuration, we can query the ``Summarizer`` class directly. The ``Summarizer`` is initialized once (after calling ``Summarizer.deploy()``). In line 13, its ``__init__`` function loads and stores the model in ``self.summarize``. HTTP queries for the ``Summarizer`` class are routed to its ``__call__`` method by default, which takes in the Starlette ``request`` object. The ``Summarizer`` class can then take the request's ``txt`` data and call the ``self.summarize`` function on it without loading the model on each query. .. tip:: Instance variables can also store state. For example, to count the number of requests served, a ``@serve.deployment`` class can define a ``self.counter`` instance variable in its ``__init__`` function and set it to 0. When the class is queried, it can increment the ``self.counter`` variable inside of the function responding to the query. The ``self.counter`` will keep track of the number of requests served across requests. HTTP queries for the Ray Serve class deployments follow a similar format to Ray Serve function deployments. Here's an example client script for the ``Summarizer`` class. Notice that the only difference from the ``router``'s client script is that the URL uses the ``Summarizer`` path instead of ``router``. .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_summarizer_client.py :language: python :start-after: __client_class_start__ :end-before: __client_class_end__ We can deploy the class-based model on Serve without stopping the Ray cluster. However, for the purposes of this tutorial, let's restart the cluster, deploy the model, and query it over HTTP: .. code-block:: bash $ ray stop $ ray start --head $ python summarizer_on_ray_serve.py $ python summarizer_client.py "two astronauts steered their fragile lunar module safely and smoothly to the historic landing . the first men to reach the moon -- Armstrong and his co-pilot, col. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. of the air force -- brought their ship to rest on a level, rock-strewn plain ." Adding Functionality with FastAPI ================================= Now suppose we want to expose additional functionality in our model. In particular, the ``summarize`` function also has ``min_length`` and ``max_length`` parameters. Although we could expose these options as additional parameters in URL, Ray Serve also allows us to add more route options to the URL itself and handle each route separately. Because this logic can get complex, Serve integrates with `FastAPI `_. This allows us to define a Serve deployment by adding the ``@serve.ingress`` decorator to a FastAPI app. For more info about FastAPI with Serve, please see :ref:`serve-fastapi-http`. As an example of FastAPI, here's a modified version of our ``Summarizer`` class with route options to request a minimum or maximum length of ten words in the summaries: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_fastapi_deployment.py :linenos: :language: python :start-after: __fastapi_start__ :end-before: __fastapi_end__ The class now exposes three routes: - ``/Summarizer``: As before, this route takes in article text and returns a summary. - ``/Summarizer/min10``: This route takes in article text and returns a summary with at least 10 words. - ``/Summarizer/max10``: This route takes in article text and returns a summary with at most 10 words. Notice that ``Summarizer``'s methods no longer take in a Starlette ``request`` object. Instead, they take in the URL's `txt` parameter directly with FastAPI's `query parameter `_ feature. Since we still deploy our model locally, the full URL still uses the localhost IP. This means each of our three routes comes after the ```` IP and port address. As an example, we can make requests to the ``max10`` route using this client script: .. literalinclude:: ../../../python/ray/serve/examples/doc/e2e_fastapi_client.py :language: python :start-after: __client_fastapi_start__ :end-before: __client_fastapi_end__ .. code-block:: bash $ ray stop $ ray start --head $ python serve_with_fastapi.py $ python fastapi_client.py "two astronauts steered their fragile lunar" Congratulations! You just built and deployed a machine learning model on Ray Serve! You should now have enough context to dive into the :doc:`core-apis` to get a deeper understanding of Ray Serve. To learn more about how to start a multi-node cluster for your Ray Serve deployments, see :ref:`serve-deploy-tutorial`. For more interesting example applications, including integrations with popular machine learning frameworks and Python web servers, be sure to check out :doc:`tutorials/index`. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] The article text comes from the New York Times article "Astronauts Land on Plain; Collect Rocks, Plant Flag" archived `here `_. .. [#f2] `Starlette `_ is a web server framework used by Ray Serve. Its `Request `_ class provides a nice interface for incoming HTTP requests.