from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import logging import pytest import time import ray import ray.ray_constants as ray_constants from ray.test.cluster_utils import Cluster logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture def start_connected_cluster(): # Start the Ray processes. g = Cluster( initialize_head=True, connect=True, head_node_args={ "num_cpus": 1, "_internal_config": json.dumps({ "num_heartbeats_timeout": 10 }) }) yield g # The code after the yield will run as teardown code. ray.shutdown() g.shutdown() @pytest.fixture def start_connected_longer_cluster(): """Creates a cluster with a longer timeout.""" g = Cluster( initialize_head=True, connect=True, head_node_args={ "num_cpus": 1, "_internal_config": json.dumps({ "num_heartbeats_timeout": 20 }) }) yield g # The code after the yield will run as teardown code. ray.shutdown() g.shutdown() def test_cluster(): """Basic test for adding and removing nodes in cluster.""" g = Cluster(initialize_head=False) node = g.add_node() node2 = g.add_node() assert node.remaining_processes_alive() assert node2.remaining_processes_alive() g.remove_node(node2) g.remove_node(node) assert not any(n.any_processes_alive() for n in [node, node2]) def test_shutdown(): g = Cluster(initialize_head=False) node = g.add_node() node2 = g.add_node() g.shutdown() assert not any(n.any_processes_alive() for n in [node, node2]) def test_internal_config(start_connected_longer_cluster): """Checks that the internal configuration setting works. We set the cluster to timeout nodes after 2 seconds of no timeouts. We then remove a node, wait for 1 second to check that the cluster is out of sync, then wait another 2 seconds (giving 1 second of leeway) to check that the client has timed out. """ cluster = start_connected_longer_cluster worker = cluster.add_node() cluster.wait_for_nodes() cluster.remove_node(worker) time.sleep(1) assert ray.global_state.cluster_resources()["CPU"] == 2 time.sleep(2) assert ray.global_state.cluster_resources()["CPU"] == 1 def test_wait_for_nodes(start_connected_cluster): """Unit test for `Cluster.wait_for_nodes`. Adds 4 workers, waits, then removes 4 workers, waits, then adds 1 worker, waits, and removes 1 worker, waits. """ cluster = start_connected_cluster workers = [cluster.add_node() for i in range(4)] cluster.wait_for_nodes() [cluster.remove_node(w) for w in workers] cluster.wait_for_nodes() assert ray.global_state.cluster_resources()["CPU"] == 1 worker2 = cluster.add_node() cluster.wait_for_nodes() cluster.remove_node(worker2) cluster.wait_for_nodes() assert ray.global_state.cluster_resources()["CPU"] == 1 def test_worker_plasma_store_failure(start_connected_cluster): cluster = start_connected_cluster worker = cluster.add_node() cluster.wait_for_nodes() # Log monitor doesn't die for some reason worker.kill_log_monitor() worker.kill_plasma_store() worker.all_processes[ray_constants.PROCESS_TYPE_RAYLET][0].process.wait() assert not worker.any_processes_alive(), worker.live_processes()