import random from collections import defaultdict from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from ray.rllib.env.base_env import _DUMMY_AGENT_ID from ray.rllib.evaluation.collectors.simple_list_collector import ( _PolicyCollector, _PolicyCollectorGroup, ) from ray.rllib.evaluation.collectors.agent_collector import AgentCollector from ray.rllib.policy.policy_map import PolicyMap from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.typing import AgentID, EnvID, PolicyID, TensorType if TYPE_CHECKING: from ray.rllib.algorithms.callbacks import DefaultCallbacks from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import RolloutWorker @DeveloperAPI class EpisodeV2: """Tracks the current state of a (possibly multi-agent) episode.""" def __init__( self, env_id: EnvID, policies: PolicyMap, policy_mapping_fn: Callable[[AgentID, "EpisodeV2", "RolloutWorker"], PolicyID], *, worker: Optional["RolloutWorker"] = None, callbacks: Optional["DefaultCallbacks"] = None, ): """Initializes an Episode instance. Args: env_id: The environment's ID in which this episode runs. policies: The PolicyMap object (mapping PolicyIDs to Policy objects) to use for determining, which policy is used for which agent. policy_mapping_fn: The mapping function mapping AgentIDs to PolicyIDs. worker: The RolloutWorker instance, in which this episode runs. """ # Unique id identifying this trajectory. self.episode_id: int = random.randrange(2e9) # ID of the environment this episode is tracking. self.env_id = env_id # Summed reward across all agents in this episode. self.total_reward: float = 0.0 # Active (uncollected) # of env steps taken by this episode. # Start from -1. After add_init_obs(), we will be at 0 step. self.active_env_steps: int = -1 # Total # of env steps taken by this episode. # Start from -1, After add_init_obs(), we will be at 0 step. self.total_env_steps: int = -1 # Active (uncollected) agent steps. self.active_agent_steps: int = 0 # Total # of steps take by all agents in this env. self.total_agent_steps: int = 0 # Dict for user to add custom metrics. # TODO(jungong) : we should probably unify custom_metrics, user_data, # and hist_data into a single data container for user to track per-step # metrics and states. self.custom_metrics: Dict[str, float] = {} # Temporary storage. E.g. storing data in between two custom # callbacks referring to the same episode. self.user_data: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Dict mapping str keys to List[float] for storage of # per-timestep float data throughout the episode. self.hist_data: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} Dict[str, Any] = {} self.worker = worker self.callbacks = callbacks self.policy_map: PolicyMap = policies self.policy_mapping_fn: Callable[ [AgentID, "EpisodeV2", "RolloutWorker"], PolicyID ] = policy_mapping_fn # Per-agent data collectors. self._agent_to_policy: Dict[AgentID, PolicyID] = {} self._agent_collectors: Dict[AgentID, AgentCollector] = {} self._next_agent_index: int = 0 self._agent_to_index: Dict[AgentID, int] = {} # Summed rewards broken down by agent. self.agent_rewards: Dict[Tuple[AgentID, PolicyID], float] = defaultdict(float) self._agent_reward_history: Dict[AgentID, List[int]] = defaultdict(list) self._has_init_obs: Dict[AgentID, bool] = {} self._last_dones: Dict[AgentID, bool] = {} # Keep last info dict around, in case an environment tries to signal # us something. self._last_infos: Dict[AgentID, Dict] = {} @DeveloperAPI def policy_for( self, agent_id: AgentID = _DUMMY_AGENT_ID, refresh: bool = False ) -> PolicyID: """Returns and stores the policy ID for the specified agent. If the agent is new, the policy mapping fn will be called to bind the agent to a policy for the duration of the entire episode (even if the policy_mapping_fn is changed in the meantime!). Args: agent_id: The agent ID to lookup the policy ID for. Returns: The policy ID for the specified agent. """ # Perform a new policy_mapping_fn lookup and bind AgentID for the # duration of this episode to the returned PolicyID. if agent_id not in self._agent_to_policy or refresh: policy_id = self._agent_to_policy[agent_id] = self.policy_mapping_fn( agent_id, self, worker=self.worker ) # Use already determined PolicyID. else: policy_id = self._agent_to_policy[agent_id] # PolicyID not found in policy map -> Error. if policy_id not in self.policy_map: raise KeyError( "policy_mapping_fn returned invalid policy id " f"'{policy_id}'!" ) return policy_id @DeveloperAPI def get_agents(self) -> List[AgentID]: """Returns list of agent IDs that have appeared in this episode. Returns: The list of all agent IDs that have appeared so far in this episode. """ return list(self._agent_to_index.keys()) def agent_index(self, agent_id: AgentID) -> int: """Get the index of an agent among its environment. A new index will be created if an agent is seen for the first time. Args: agent_id: ID of an agent. Returns: The index of this agent. """ if agent_id not in self._agent_to_index: self._agent_to_index[agent_id] = self._next_agent_index self._next_agent_index += 1 return self._agent_to_index[agent_id] def step(self) -> None: """Advance the episode forward by one step.""" self.active_env_steps += 1 self.total_env_steps += 1 def add_init_obs( self, agent_id: AgentID, t: int, init_obs: TensorType, ) -> None: """Add initial env obs at the start of a new episode Args: agent_id: Agent ID. t: timestamp. init_obs: Initial observations. """ policy = self.policy_map[self.policy_for(agent_id)] # Add initial obs to Trajectory. assert agent_id not in self._agent_collectors self._agent_collectors[agent_id] = AgentCollector( policy.view_requirements, max_seq_len=policy.config["model"]["max_seq_len"], disable_action_flattening=policy.config.get( "_disable_action_flattening", False ), is_policy_recurrent=policy.is_recurrent(), ) self._agent_collectors[agent_id].add_init_obs( episode_id=self.episode_id, agent_index=self.agent_index(agent_id), env_id=self.env_id, t=t, init_obs=init_obs, ) self._has_init_obs[agent_id] = True def add_action_reward_done_next_obs( self, agent_id: AgentID, values: Dict[str, TensorType], ) -> None: """Add action, reward, info, and next_obs as a new step. Args: agent_id: Agent ID. values: Dict of action, reward, info, and next_obs. """ # Make sure, agent already has some (at least init) data. assert agent_id in self._agent_collectors self.active_agent_steps += 1 self.total_agent_steps += 1 # Include the current agent id for multi-agent algorithms. if agent_id != _DUMMY_AGENT_ID: values["agent_id"] = agent_id # Add action/reward/next-obs (and other data) to Trajectory. self._agent_collectors[agent_id].add_action_reward_next_obs(values) # Keep track of agent reward history. reward = values[SampleBatch.REWARDS] self.total_reward += reward self.agent_rewards[(agent_id, self.policy_for(agent_id))] += reward self._agent_reward_history[agent_id].append(reward) # Keep track of last done info for agent. if SampleBatch.DONES in values: self._last_dones[agent_id] = values[SampleBatch.DONES] # Keep track of last info dict if available. if SampleBatch.INFOS in values: self.set_last_info(agent_id, values[SampleBatch.INFOS]) def postprocess_episode( self, batch_builder: _PolicyCollectorGroup, is_done: bool = False, check_dones: bool = False, ) -> None: """Build and return currently collected training samples by policies. Clear agent collector states if this episode is done. Args: batch_builder: _PolicyCollectorGroup for saving the collected per-agent sample batches. is_done: If this episode is done. check_dones: Whether to make sure per-agent trajectories are actually done. """ # TODO: (sven) Once we implement multi-agent communication channels, # we have to resolve the restriction of only sending other agent # batches from the same policy to the postprocess methods. # Build SampleBatches for the given episode. pre_batches = {} for agent_id, collector in self._agent_collectors.items(): # Build only if there is data and agent is part of given episode. if collector.agent_steps == 0: continue pid = self.policy_for(agent_id) policy = self.policy_map[pid] pre_batch = collector.build_for_training(policy.view_requirements) pre_batches[agent_id] = (pid, policy, pre_batch) for agent_id, (pid, policy, pre_batch) in pre_batches.items(): # Entire episode is said to be done. # Error if no DONE at end of this agent's trajectory. if is_done and check_dones and not pre_batch[SampleBatch.DONES][-1]: raise ValueError( "Episode {} terminated for all agents, but we still " "don't have a last observation for agent {} (policy " "{}). ".format(self.episode_id, agent_id, self.policy_for(agent_id)) + "Please ensure that you include the last observations " "of all live agents when setting done[__all__] to " "True. Alternatively, set no_done_at_end=True to " "allow this." ) # Skip a trajectory's postprocessing (and thus using it for training), # if its agent's info exists and contains the training_enabled=False # setting (used by our PolicyClients). if not self._last_infos.get(agent_id, {}).get("training_enabled", True): continue if ( any(pre_batch[SampleBatch.DONES][:-1]) or len(set(pre_batch[SampleBatch.EPS_ID])) > 1 ): raise ValueError( "Batches sent to postprocessing must only contain steps " "from a single trajectory.", pre_batch, ) if len(pre_batches) > 1: other_batches = pre_batches.copy() del other_batches[agent_id] else: other_batches = {} # Call the Policy's Exploration's postprocess method. post_batch = pre_batch if getattr(policy, "exploration", None) is not None: policy.exploration.postprocess_trajectory( policy, post_batch, policy.get_session() ) post_batch.set_get_interceptor(None) post_batch = policy.postprocess_trajectory(post_batch, other_batches, self) from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import get_global_worker self.callbacks.on_postprocess_trajectory( worker=get_global_worker(), episode=self, agent_id=agent_id, policy_id=pid, policies=self.policy_map, postprocessed_batch=post_batch, original_batches=pre_batches, ) # Append post_batch for return. if pid not in batch_builder.policy_collectors: batch_builder.policy_collectors[pid] = _PolicyCollector(policy) batch_builder.policy_collectors[pid].add_postprocessed_batch_for_training( post_batch, policy.view_requirements ) batch_builder.agent_steps += self.active_agent_steps batch_builder.env_steps += self.active_env_steps # AgentCollector cleared. self.active_agent_steps = 0 self.active_env_steps = 0 def has_init_obs(self, agent_id: AgentID) -> bool: return agent_id in self._has_init_obs and self._has_init_obs[agent_id] def is_done(self, agent_id: AgentID) -> bool: return self._last_dones.get(agent_id, False) def set_last_info(self, agent_id: AgentID, info: Dict): self._last_infos[agent_id] = info @property def length(self): return self.total_env_steps