#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script gathers build metadata from Travis environment variables and Travis APIs. Usage: $ python get_build_info.py { "json": ["containing", "build", "metadata"] } """ import os import sys import json import requests def gha_get_self_url(): # stringed together api call to get the current check's html url. sha = os.environ["GITHUB_SHA"] repo = os.environ["GITHUB_REPOSITORY"] resp = requests.get( "https://api.github.com/repos/{}/commits/{}/check-suites".format( repo, sha)) data = resp.json() for check in data["check_suites"]: slug = check["app"]["slug"] if slug == "github-actions": run_url = check["check_runs_url"] html_url = ( requests.get(run_url).json()["check_runs"][0]["html_url"]) return html_url # Return a fallback url return "https://github.com/ray-project/ray/actions" def get_build_env(): if os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACTION"): return { "TRAVIS_COMMIT": os.environ["GITHUB_SHA"], "TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL": gha_get_self_url(), "TRAVIS_OS_NAME": "windows", } if os.environ.get("BUILDKITE"): return { "TRAVIS_COMMIT": os.environ["BUILDKITE_COMMIT"], "TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL": (os.environ["BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL"] + "#" + os.environ["BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID"]), "TRAVIS_OS_NAME": sys.platform, } keys = [ "TRAVIS_COMMIT", "TRAVIS_JOB_WEB_URL", "TRAVIS_OS_NAME", ] return {key: os.environ.get(key) for key in keys} def get_build_config(): if os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACTION"): return {"config": {"env": "Windows CI"}} if os.environ.get("BUILDKITE"): return { "config": { "env": "Buildkite " + os.environ["BUILDKITE_LABEL"] } } url = "https://api.travis-ci.com/job/{job_id}?include=job.config" url = url.format(job_id=os.environ["TRAVIS_JOB_ID"]) resp = requests.get(url, headers={"Travis-API-Version": "3"}) return resp.json() if __name__ == "__main__": build_env = get_build_env() build_config = get_build_config() print( json.dumps( { "build_env": build_env, "build_config": build_config }, indent=2))