import argparse from collections import defaultdict, Counter from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Mapping, Optional import datetime import hashlib import json import logging import os import requests import sys import boto3 from e2e import GLOBAL_CONFIG from alerts.default import handle_result as default_handle_result from alerts.rllib_tests import handle_result as rllib_tests_handle_result from alerts.long_running_tests import handle_result as \ long_running_tests_handle_result from alerts.tune_tests import handle_result as tune_tests_handle_result from alerts.xgboost_tests import handle_result as xgboost_tests_handle_result SUITE_TO_FN = { "long_running_tests": long_running_tests_handle_result, "rllib_tests": rllib_tests_handle_result, "tune_tests": tune_tests_handle_result, "xgboost_tests": xgboost_tests_handle_result, } GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_STATE_TABLE"] = "alert_state" GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_WEBHOOK"] = os.environ.get("SLACK_WEBHOOK", "") GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_CHANNEL"] = os.environ.get("SLACK_CHANNEL", "#oss-test-cop") RESULTS_LIMIT = 120 logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt="[%(levelname)s %(asctime)s] " "%(filename)s: %(lineno)d " "%(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) def maybe_fetch_slack_webhook(): if GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_WEBHOOK"] in [None, ""]: print("Missing SLACK_WEBHOOK, retrieving from AWS secrets store") GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_WEBHOOK"] = boto3.client( "secretsmanager", region_name="us-west-2" ).get_secret_value( SecretId="arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:029272617770:secret:" "release-automation/" "slack-webhook-Na0CFP")["SecretString"] def _obj_hash(obj: Any) -> str: json_str = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=True) sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(json_str.encode()) return sha.hexdigest() def fetch_latest_alerts(rds_data_client): schema = GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_STATE_TABLE"] sql = (f""" SELECT DISTINCT ON (category, test_suite, test_name) category, test_suite, test_name, last_result_hash, last_notification_dt FROM {schema} ORDER BY category, test_suite, test_name, last_notification_dt DESC LIMIT {RESULTS_LIMIT} """) result = rds_data_client.execute_statement( database=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_NAME"], secretArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_SECRET_ARN"], resourceArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_RESOURCE_ARN"], schema=schema, sql=sql, ) for row in result["records"]: category, test_suite, test_name, last_result_hash, \ last_notification_dt = ( r["stringValue"] if "stringValue" in r else None for r in row ) last_notification_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( last_notification_dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") yield category, test_suite, test_name, last_result_hash, \ last_notification_dt def fetch_latest_results(rds_data_client, fetch_since: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None): schema = GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_TABLE"] sql = (f""" SELECT DISTINCT ON (category, test_suite, test_name) created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, results, artifacts, last_logs FROM {schema} """) parameters = [] if fetch_since is not None: sql += "WHERE created_on >= :created_on " parameters = [ { "name": "created_on", "typeHint": "TIMESTAMP", "value": { "stringValue": fetch_since.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }, }, ] sql += "ORDER BY category, test_suite, test_name, created_on DESC " sql += f"LIMIT {RESULTS_LIMIT}" result = rds_data_client.execute_statement( database=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_NAME"], secretArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_SECRET_ARN"], resourceArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_RESOURCE_ARN"], schema=schema, sql=sql, parameters=parameters, ) for row in result["records"]: created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, results, \ artifacts, last_logs = ( r["stringValue"] if "stringValue" in r else None for r in row) # Calculate hash before converting strings to objects result_obj = (created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, results, artifacts, last_logs) result_json = json.dumps(result_obj) result_hash = _obj_hash(result_json) # Convert some strings to python objects created_on = datetime.datetime.strptime(created_on, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") results = json.loads(results) artifacts = json.loads(artifacts) yield result_hash, created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, \ status, results, artifacts, last_logs def mark_as_handled(rds_data_client, update: bool, category: str, test_suite: str, test_name: str, result_hash: str, last_notification_dt: datetime.datetime): schema = GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_STATE_TABLE"] if not update: sql = (f""" INSERT INTO {schema} (category, test_suite, test_name, last_result_hash, last_notification_dt) VALUES (:category, :test_suite, :test_name, :last_result_hash, :last_notification_dt) """) else: sql = (f""" UPDATE {schema} SET last_result_hash=:last_result_hash, last_notification_dt=:last_notification_dt WHERE category=:category AND test_suite=:test_suite AND test_name=:test_name """) rds_data_client.execute_statement( database=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_NAME"], parameters=[ { "name": "category", "value": { "stringValue": category } }, { "name": "test_suite", "value": { "stringValue": test_suite or "" } }, { "name": "test_name", "value": { "stringValue": test_name } }, { "name": "last_result_hash", "value": { "stringValue": result_hash } }, { "name": "last_notification_dt", "typeHint": "TIMESTAMP", "value": { "stringValue": last_notification_dt.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") }, }, ], secretArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_SECRET_ARN"], resourceArn=GLOBAL_CONFIG["RELEASE_AWS_DB_RESOURCE_ARN"], schema=schema, sql=sql, ) def post_alerts_to_slack(channel: str, alerts: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]], non_alerts: Mapping[str, int]): if len(alerts) == 0:"No alerts to post to slack.") return markdown_lines = [ f"* {len(alerts)} new release test failures found!*", "", ] category_alerts = defaultdict(list) for (category, test_suite, test_name, alert) in alerts: category_alerts[category].append( f" *{test_suite}/{test_name}* failed: {alert}") for category, alert_list in category_alerts.items(): markdown_lines.append(f"Branch: *{category}*") markdown_lines.extend(alert_list) markdown_lines.append("") total_non_alerts = sum(n for n in non_alerts.values()) non_alert_detail = [f"{n} on {c}" for c, n in non_alerts.items()] markdown_lines += [ f"Additionally, {total_non_alerts} tests passed successfully " f"({', '.join(non_alert_detail)})." ] slack_url = GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_WEBHOOK"] resp = slack_url, json={ "text": "\n".join(markdown_lines), "channel": channel, "username": "Fail Bot", "icon_emoji": ":red_circle:", }, ) print(resp.status_code) print(resp.text) def post_statistics_to_slack(channel: str, alerts: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]], non_alerts: Mapping[str, int]): total_alerts = len(alerts) category_alerts = defaultdict(list) for (category, test_suite, test_name, alert) in alerts: category_alerts[category].append(f"`{test_suite}/{test_name}`") alert_detail = [f"{len(a)} on {c}" for c, a in category_alerts.items()] total_non_alerts = sum(n for n in non_alerts.values()) non_alert_detail = [f"{n} on {c}" for c, n in non_alerts.items()] markdown_lines = [ "*Periodic release test report*", "", f"In the past 24 hours, " f"*{total_non_alerts}* release tests finished successfully, and " f"*{total_alerts}* release tests failed." ] markdown_lines.append("") if total_alerts: markdown_lines.append(f"*Failing:* {', '.join(alert_detail)}") for c, a in category_alerts.items(): markdown_lines.append(f" *{c}*: {', '.join(sorted(a))}") else: markdown_lines.append("*Failing:* None") markdown_lines.append("") if total_non_alerts: markdown_lines.append(f"*Passing:* {', '.join(non_alert_detail)}") else: markdown_lines.append("*Passing:* None") slack_url = GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_WEBHOOK"] resp = slack_url, json={ "text": "\n".join(markdown_lines), "channel": channel, "username": "Fail Bot", "icon_emoji": ":red_circle:", }, ) print(resp.status_code) print(resp.text) def handle_results_and_get_alerts( rds_data_client, fetch_since: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, always_try_alert: bool = False, no_status_update: bool = False): # First build a map of last notifications last_notifications_map = {} for category, test_suite, test_name, last_result_hash, \ last_notification_dt in fetch_latest_alerts(rds_data_client): last_notifications_map[(category, test_suite, test_name)] = (last_result_hash, last_notification_dt) alerts = [] non_alerts = Counter() # Then fetch latest results for result_hash, created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, \ results, artifacts, last_logs in fetch_latest_results( rds_data_client, fetch_since=fetch_since): key = (category, test_suite, test_name) try_alert = always_try_alert if key in last_notifications_map: # If we have an alert for this key, fetch info last_result_hash, last_notification_dt = last_notifications_map[ key] if last_result_hash != result_hash: # If we got a new result, handle new result try_alert = True # Todo: maybe alert again after some time? else: try_alert = True if try_alert: handle_fn = SUITE_TO_FN.get(test_suite, None) if not handle_fn: logger.warning(f"No handle for suite {test_suite}") alert = default_handle_result(created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, results, artifacts, last_logs) else: alert = handle_fn(created_on, category, test_suite, test_name, status, results, artifacts, last_logs) if alert: logger.warning( f"Alert raised for test {test_suite}/{test_name} " f"({category}): {alert}") alerts.append((category, test_suite, test_name, alert)) else: logger.debug( f"No alert raised for test {test_suite}/{test_name} " f"({category})") non_alerts[category] += 1 if not no_status_update: mark_as_handled(rds_data_client, key in last_notifications_map, category, test_suite, test_name, result_hash, return alerts, non_alerts if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--stats", action="store_true", default=False, help="Finish quickly for training.") args = parser.parse_args() maybe_fetch_slack_webhook() rds_data_client = boto3.client("rds-data", region_name="us-west-2") if args.stats: # Only update last 24 hour stats fetch_since = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) alerts, non_alerts = handle_results_and_get_alerts( rds_data_client, fetch_since=fetch_since, always_try_alert=True, no_status_update=True) post_statistics_to_slack(GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_CHANNEL"], alerts, non_alerts) else: alerts, non_alerts = handle_results_and_get_alerts(rds_data_client) post_alerts_to_slack(GLOBAL_CONFIG["SLACK_CHANNEL"], alerts, non_alerts)