Installing Ray ============== Ray should work with Python 2 and Python 3. We have tested Ray on Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, MacOS 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, and 10.14. Latest stable version --------------------- You can install the latest stable version of Ray as follows. .. code-block:: bash pip install -U ray # also recommended: ray[debug] Trying snapshots from master ---------------------------- Here are links to the latest wheels (which are built off of master). To install these wheels, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U [link to wheel] =================== =================== Linux MacOS =================== =================== `Linux Python 3.7`_ `MacOS Python 3.7`_ `Linux Python 3.6`_ `MacOS Python 3.6`_ `Linux Python 3.5`_ `MacOS Python 3.5`_ `Linux Python 3.4`_ `MacOS Python 3.4`_ `Linux Python 2.7`_ `MacOS Python 2.7`_ =================== =================== .. _`Linux Python 3.7`: .. _`Linux Python 3.6`: .. _`Linux Python 3.5`: .. _`Linux Python 3.4`: .. _`Linux Python 2.7`: .. _`MacOS Python 3.7`: .. _`MacOS Python 3.6`: .. _`MacOS Python 3.5`: .. _`MacOS Python 3.4`: .. _`MacOS Python 2.7`: Building Ray from source ------------------------ If you want to use the latest version of Ray, you can build it from source. Below, we have instructions for building from source for both Linux and MacOS. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build Ray, first install the following dependencies. We recommend using `Anaconda`_. .. _`Anaconda`: For Ubuntu, run the following commands: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl unzip psmisc python # we install python here because python2 is required to build the webui # If you are not using Anaconda, you need the following. sudo apt-get install python-dev # For Python 2. sudo apt-get install python3-dev # For Python 3. pip install cython==0.29.0 For MacOS, run the following commands: .. code-block:: bash brew update brew install wget pip install cython==0.29.0 If you are using Anaconda, you may also need to run the following. .. code-block:: bash conda install libgcc Install Ray ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ray can be built from the repository as follows. .. code-block:: bash git clone # Install Bazel. ray/ci/travis/ cd ray/python pip install -e . --verbose # Add --user if you see a permission denied error. Alternatively, Ray can be built from the repository without cloning using pip. .. code-block:: bash pip install git+ Test if the installation succeeded ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To test if the installation was successful, try running some tests. This assumes that you've cloned the git repository. .. code-block:: bash python -m pytest -v python/ray/tests/ Cleaning the source tree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The source tree can be cleaned by running .. code-block:: bash git clean -f -f -x -d in the ``ray/`` directory. Warning: this command will delete all untracked files and directories and will reset the repository to its checked out state. For a shallower working directory cleanup, you may want to try: .. code-block:: bash rm -rf ./build under ``ray/``. Incremental builds should work as follows: .. code-block:: bash pushd ./build && make && popd under ``ray/``.