import urllib import mock import sys from preprocess_github_markdown import preprocess_github_markdown_file # Note: the scipy import has to stay here, it's used implicitly down the line import scipy.stats # noqa: F401 import scipy.linalg # noqa: F401 __all__ = [ "fix_xgb_lgbm_docs", "mock_modules", "update_context", "download_and_preprocess_ecosystem_docs", ] try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundError = IOError def fix_xgb_lgbm_docs(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): """Fix XGBoost-Ray and LightGBM-Ray docstrings. For ``app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring')``. See Removes references to XGBoost ``callback_api`` and sets explicit module references to classes and functions that are named the same way in both XGBoost-Ray and LightGBM-Ray. """ def _remove_xgboost_refs(replacements: list): """Remove ``callback_api`` ref to XGBoost docs. Fixes ``undefined label: callback_api (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)`` """ if name.startswith("xgboost_ray"): replacements.append((":ref:`callback_api`", "Callback API")) def _replace_ray_params(replacements: list): """Replaces references to ``RayParams`` with module-specific ones. Fixes ``more than one target found for cross-reference 'RayParams'``. """ if name.startswith("xgboost_ray"): replacements.append(("RayParams", "xgboost_ray.RayParams")) elif name.startswith("lightgbm_ray"): replacements.append(("RayParams", "lightgbm_ray.RayParams")) replacements = [] _remove_xgboost_refs(replacements) _replace_ray_params(replacements) if replacements: for i, _ in enumerate(lines): for replacement in replacements: lines[i] = lines[i].replace(*replacement) # Taken from FEEDBACK_FORM_FMT = ( "" "title={title}&labels=docs&body={body}" ) def feedback_form_url(project, page): """Create a URL for feedback on a particular page in a project.""" return FEEDBACK_FORM_FMT.format( title=urllib.parse.quote("[docs] Issue on `{page}.rst`".format(page=page)), body=urllib.parse.quote( "# Documentation Problem/Question/Comment\n" "\n" "\n" "\n\n\n\n" "(Created directly from the docs)\n" ), ) def update_context(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): """Update the page rendering context to include ``feedback_form_url``.""" context["feedback_form_url"] = feedback_form_url(app.config.project, pagename) MOCK_MODULES = [ "ax", "ax.service.ax_client", "blist", "ConfigSpace", "dask.distributed", "gym", "gym.spaces", "horovod", "horovod.runner", "horovod.runner.common", "horovod.runner.common.util", "horovod.ray", "horovod.ray.runner", "horovod.ray.utils", "hyperopt", "hyperopt.hp" "kubernetes", "mlflow", "modin", "mxnet", "mxnet.model", "optuna", "optuna.distributions", "optuna.samplers", "optuna.trial", "psutil", "ray._raylet", "ray.core.generated", "ray.core.generated.common_pb2", "ray.core.generated.runtime_env_common_pb2", "ray.core.generated.gcs_pb2", "ray.core.generated.logging_pb2", "ray.core.generated.ray.protocol.Task", "ray.serve.generated", "ray.serve.generated.serve_pb2", "scipy.signal", "scipy.stats", "setproctitle", "tensorflow_probability", "tensorflow", "tensorflow.contrib", "tensorflow.contrib.all_reduce", "tree", "tensorflow.contrib.all_reduce.python", "tensorflow.contrib.layers", "tensorflow.contrib.rnn", "tensorflow.contrib.slim", "tensorflow.core", "tensorflow.core.util", "tensorflow.keras", "tensorflow.python", "tensorflow.python.client", "tensorflow.python.util", "torch", "torch.cuda.amp", "torch.distributed", "torch.nn", "torch.nn.parallel", "torch.optim", "torch.profiler", "", "", "wandb", "zoopt", ] CHILD_MOCK_MODULES = [ "pytorch_lightning", "pytorch_lightning.accelerators", "pytorch_lightning.plugins", "pytorch_lightning.plugins.environments", "pytorch_lightning.utilities", "tensorflow.keras.callbacks", ] class ChildClassMock(mock.Mock): @classmethod def __getattr__(cls, name): return mock.Mock def mock_modules(): for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = mock.Mock() sys.modules["tensorflow"].VERSION = "9.9.9" for mod_name in CHILD_MOCK_MODULES: sys.modules[mod_name] = ChildClassMock() # Add doc files from external repositories to be downloaded during build here # (repo, ref, path to get, path to save on disk) EXTERNAL_MARKDOWN_FILES = [ ("ray-project/xgboost_ray", "master", "", "ray-more-libs/"), ( "ray-project/lightgbm_ray", "master", "", "ray-more-libs/", ), ] def download_and_preprocess_ecosystem_docs(): """ This function downloads markdown readme files for various ecosystem libraries, saves them in specified locations and preprocesses them before sphinx build starts. If you have ecosystem libraries that live in a separate repo from Ray, adding them here will allow for their docs to be present in Ray docs without the need for duplicate files. For more details, see ``doc/``. """ import urllib.request import requests def get_latest_release_tag(repo: str) -> str: """repo is just the repo name, eg. ray-project/ray""" response = requests.get(f"{repo}/releases/latest") return response.json()["tag_name"] def get_file_from_github( repo: str, ref: str, path_to_get: str, path_to_save_on_disk: str ) -> None: """If ``ref == "latest"``, use latest release""" if ref == "latest": ref = get_latest_release_tag(repo) urllib.request.urlretrieve( f"{repo}/{ref}/{path_to_get}", path_to_save_on_disk, ) for x in EXTERNAL_MARKDOWN_FILES: get_file_from_github(*x) preprocess_github_markdown_file(x[-1])