Out-of-band Communication ========================= Typically, Ray actor communication is done through actor method calls and data is shared through the distributed object store. However, in some use cases out-of-band communication can be useful. Wrapping Library Processes -------------------------- Many libraries already have mature, high-performance internal communication stacks and they leverage Ray as a language-integrated actor scheduler. The actual communication between actors is mostly done out-of-band using existing communication stacks. For example, Horovod-on-Ray uses NCCL or MPI-based collective communications, and RayDP uses Spark's internal RPC and object manager. See `Ray Distributed Library Patterns `_ for more details. Ray Collective -------------- Ray's collective communication library (\ ``ray.util.collective``\ ) allows efficient out-of-band collective and point-to-point communication between distributed CPUs or GPUs. See :ref:`Ray Collective ` for more details. HTTP Server ----------- You can start a http server inside the actor and expose http endpoints to clients so users outside of the ray cluster can communicate with the actor. .. tabbed:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../doc_code/actor-http-server.py Similarly, you can expose other types of servers as well (e.g., gRPC servers). Limitations ----------- When using out-of-band communication with Ray actors, keep in mind that Ray does not manage the calls between actors. This means that functionality like distributed reference counting will not work with out-of-band communication, so you should take care not to pass object references in this way.