apex-breakoutnoframeskip-v4: env: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 run: APEX # Minimum reward and total ts (in given time_total_s) to pass this test. stop: time_total_s: 7200 episode_reward_mean: 20.0 timesteps_total: 7000000 config: double_q: false dueling: false num_atoms: 1 noisy: false n_step: 3 lr: .0001 adam_epsilon: .00015 hiddens: [512] replay_buffer_config: capacity: 1000000 prioritized_replay_alpha: 0.5 exploration_config: epsilon_timesteps: 200000 final_epsilon: 0.01 num_gpus: 1 num_workers: 8 num_envs_per_worker: 8 rollout_fragment_length: 20 train_batch_size: 512 target_network_update_freq: 50000 min_sample_timesteps_per_iteration: 25000