import os import ray from ray.streaming import StreamingContext def test_union_stream(): ray.init(load_code_from_local=True, include_java=True) ctx = StreamingContext.Builder() \ .option("streaming.metrics.reporters", "") \ .build() sink_file = "/tmp/test_union_stream.txt" if os.path.exists(sink_file): os.remove(sink_file) def sink_func(x): with open(sink_file, "a") as f: print("sink_func", x) f.write(str(x)) stream1 = ctx.from_values(1, 2) stream2 = ctx.from_values(3, 4) stream3 = ctx.from_values(5, 6) stream1.union(stream2, stream3).sink(sink_func) ctx.submit("test_union_stream") import time slept_time = 0 while True: if os.path.exists(sink_file): time.sleep(3) with open(sink_file, "r") as f: result = print("sink result", result) assert set(result) == {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"} print("Execution succeed") break if slept_time >= 60: raise Exception("Execution not finished") slept_time = slept_time + 1 print("Wait finish...") time.sleep(1) ray.shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": test_union_stream()