# The Ray Web UI This is Ray's Web UI. It consists of two components: * The **frontend** is a [Polymer](https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/) app that uses [D3](https://d3js.org/) for visualization. * The **backend** is a Python 3 websocket server (see `backend/ray_ui.py`) that connects to Redis and potentially Ray. ### Prerequisites The Ray Web UI requires Python 3. Install [polymer-cli](https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-cli): pip install aioredis websockets npm install -g polymer-cli ### Setup The following must be done once. cd webui bower install ### Start the backend First start Ray and note down the address of the Redis server. Then run cd webui/backend python ray_ui.py --redis-address where you substitute your Redis address appropriately. ### Start the frontend development server To start the front end, run the following. cd webui polymer serve --open The web UI can then be accessed at `http://localhost:8080`. ### Build This command performs HTML, CSS, and JS minification on the application dependencies, and generates a service-worker.js file with code to pre-cache the dependencies based on the entrypoint and fragments specified in `polymer.json`. The minified files are output to the `build/unbundled` folder, and are suitable for serving from a HTTP/2+Push compatible server. In addition the command also creates a fallback `build/bundled` folder, generated using fragment bundling, suitable for serving from non H2/push-compatible servers or to clients that do not support H2/Push. polymer build ### Preview the build This command serves the minified version of the app at `http://localhost:8080` in an unbundled state, as it would be served by a push-compatible server: polymer serve build/unbundled This command serves the minified version of the app at `http://localhost:8080` generated using fragment bundling: polymer serve build/bundled ### Run tests This command will run [Web Component Tester](https://github.com/Polymer/web-component-tester) against the browsers currently installed on your machine. polymer test ### Adding a new view You can extend the app by adding more views that will be demand-loaded e.g. based on the route, or to progressively render non-critical sections of the application. Each new demand-loaded fragment should be added to the list of `fragments` in the included `polymer.json` file. This will ensure those components and their dependencies are added to the list of pre-cached components (and will have bundles created in the fallback `bundled` build).