# This script build docker images for autoscaler. # For now, we only build python3.6 images. set -e set -x SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd) ROOT_DIR=$(cd $SCRIPT_DIR/../../; pwd) DOCKER_USERNAME="raytravisbot" # We will only build and push when we are building branch build. if [[ "$TRAVIS" == "true" && "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]]; then echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin docker build -q -t rayproject/base-deps docker/base-deps wheel=$(cd $ROOT_DIR/.whl; ls | grep cp36m-manylinux) commit_sha=$(echo $TRAVIS_COMMIT | head -c 6) cp -r $ROOT_DIR/.whl $ROOT_DIR/docker/autoscaler/.whl docker build \ --build-arg WHEEL_PATH=".whl/$wheel" \ --build-arg WHEEL_NAME=$wheel \ -t rayproject/autoscaler:$commit_sha \ $ROOT_DIR/docker/autoscaler docker push rayproject/autoscaler:$commit_sha # We have a branch build, e.g. release/v0.7.0 if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then # Replace / in branch name to - so it is legal tag name normalized_branch_name=$(echo $TRAVIS_BRANCH | sed -e "s/\//-/") docker tag rayproject/autoscaler:$commit_sha rayproject/autoscaler:$normalized_branch_name docker push rayproject/autoscaler:$normalized_branch_name else docker tag rayproject/autoscaler:$commit_sha rayproject/autoscaler:latest docker push rayproject/autoscaler:latest fi fi