from typing import List import numpy as np import orchpy as op # TODO(rkn): this should take the same optional "mode" argument as np.linalg.qr, except that the different options sometimes have different numbers of return values, which could be a problem @op.distributed([np.ndarray], [np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) def qr(a): """ Suppose (n, m) = a.shape If n >= m: q.shape == (n, m) r.shape == (m, m) If n < m: q.shape == (n, n) r.shape == (n, m) """ return np.linalg.qr(a) #@op.distributed([np.ndarray], [np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) def modified_lu(q): """ Algorithm 5 from takes a matrix q with orthonormal columns, returns l, u, s such that q - s = l * u arguments: q: a two dimensional orthonormal q return values: l: lower triangular u: upper triangular s: a diagonal matrix represented by its diagonal """ m, b = q.shape[0], q.shape[1] S = np.zeros(b) q_work = np.copy(q) for i in range(b): S[i] = -1 * np.sign(q_work[i, i]) q_work[i, i] -= S[i] # scale ith column of L by diagonal element q_work[(i + 1):m, i] /= q_work[i, i] # perform Schur complement update q_work[(i + 1):m, (i + 1):b] -= np.outer(q_work[(i + 1):m, i], q_work[i, (i + 1):b]) L = np.tril(q_work) for i in range(b): L[i, i] = 1 U = np.triu(q_work)[:b, :] return L, U, S