from collections import OrderedDict import gym import logging import numpy as np import re from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type from ray.util.debug import log_once from import TFActionDistribution from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2 from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy from ray.rllib.policy.view_requirement import ViewRequirement from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override, DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.debug import summarize from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.tf_ops import get_placeholder from ray.rllib.utils.tracking_dict import UsageTrackingDict from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ModelGradients, TensorType, \ TrainerConfigDict tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @DeveloperAPI class DynamicTFPolicy(TFPolicy): """A TFPolicy that auto-defines placeholders dynamically at runtime. Do not sub-class this class directly (neither should you sub-class TFPolicy), but rather use rllib.policy.tf_policy_template.build_tf_policy to generate your custom tf (graph-mode or eager) Policy classes. Initialization of this class occurs in two phases. * Phase 1: the model is created and model variables are initialized. * Phase 2: a fake batch of data is created, sent to the trajectory postprocessor, and then used to create placeholders for the loss function. The loss and stats functions are initialized with these placeholders. Initialization defines the static graph. Attributes: observation_space (gym.Space): observation space of the policy. action_space (gym.Space): action space of the policy. config (dict): config of the policy model (TorchModel): TF model instance dist_class (type): TF action distribution class """ @DeveloperAPI def __init__( self, obs_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: TrainerConfigDict, loss_fn: Callable[[ Policy, ModelV2, Type[TFActionDistribution], SampleBatch ], TensorType], *, stats_fn: Optional[Callable[[Policy, SampleBatch], Dict[ str, TensorType]]] = None, grad_stats_fn: Optional[Callable[[ Policy, SampleBatch, ModelGradients ], Dict[str, TensorType]]] = None, before_loss_init: Optional[Callable[[ Policy, gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space, TrainerConfigDict ], None]] = None, make_model: Optional[Callable[[ Policy, gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space, TrainerConfigDict ], ModelV2]] = None, action_sampler_fn: Optional[Callable[[ TensorType, List[TensorType] ], Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]] = None, action_distribution_fn: Optional[Callable[[ Policy, ModelV2, TensorType, TensorType, TensorType ], Tuple[TensorType, type, List[TensorType]]]] = None, existing_inputs: Optional[Dict[str, "tf1.placeholder"]] = None, existing_model: Optional[ModelV2] = None, get_batch_divisibility_req: Optional[Callable[[Policy], int]] = None, obs_include_prev_action_reward: bool = True): """Initialize a dynamic TF policy. Args: observation_space (gym.spaces.Space): Observation space of the policy. action_space (gym.spaces.Space): Action space of the policy. config (TrainerConfigDict): Policy-specific configuration data. loss_fn (Callable[[Policy, ModelV2, Type[TFActionDistribution], SampleBatch], TensorType]): Function that returns a loss tensor for the policy graph. stats_fn (Optional[Callable[[Policy, SampleBatch], Dict[str, TensorType]]]): Optional function that returns a dict of TF fetches given the policy and batch input tensors. grad_stats_fn (Optional[Callable[[Policy, SampleBatch, ModelGradients], Dict[str, TensorType]]]): Optional function that returns a dict of TF fetches given the policy, sample batch, and loss gradient tensors. before_loss_init (Optional[Callable[ [Policy, gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space, TrainerConfigDict], None]]): Optional function to run prior to loss init that takes the same arguments as __init__. make_model (Optional[Callable[[Policy, gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space, TrainerConfigDict], ModelV2]]): Optional function that returns a ModelV2 object given policy, obs_space, action_space, and policy config. All policy variables should be created in this function. If not specified, a default model will be created. action_sampler_fn (Optional[Callable[[Policy, ModelV2, Dict[ str, TensorType], TensorType, TensorType], Tuple[TensorType, TensorType]]]): A callable returning a sampled action and its log-likelihood given Policy, ModelV2, input_dict, explore, timestep, and is_training. action_distribution_fn (Optional[Callable[[Policy, ModelV2, Dict[str, TensorType], TensorType, TensorType], Tuple[TensorType, type, List[TensorType]]]]): A callable returning distribution inputs (parameters), a dist-class to generate an action distribution object from, and internal-state outputs (or an empty list if not applicable). Note: No Exploration hooks have to be called from within `action_distribution_fn`. It's should only perform a simple forward pass through some model. If None, pass inputs through `self.model()` to get distribution inputs. The callable takes as inputs: Policy, ModelV2, input_dict, explore, timestep, is_training. existing_inputs (Optional[Dict[str, tf1.placeholder]]): When copying a policy, this specifies an existing dict of placeholders to use instead of defining new ones. existing_model (Optional[ModelV2]): When copying a policy, this specifies an existing model to clone and share weights with. get_batch_divisibility_req (Optional[Callable[[Policy], int]]): Optional callable that returns the divisibility requirement for sample batches. If None, will assume a value of 1. obs_include_prev_action_reward (bool): Whether to include the previous action and reward in the model input (default: True). """ self.observation_space = obs_space self.action_space = action_space self.config = config self.framework = "tf" self._loss_fn = loss_fn self._stats_fn = stats_fn self._grad_stats_fn = grad_stats_fn self._obs_include_prev_action_reward = obs_include_prev_action_reward dist_class = dist_inputs = None if action_sampler_fn or action_distribution_fn: if not make_model: raise ValueError( "`make_model` is required if `action_sampler_fn` OR " "`action_distribution_fn` is given") else: dist_class, logit_dim = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( action_space, self.config["model"]) # Setup self.model. if existing_model: if isinstance(existing_model, list): self.model = existing_model[0] # TODO: (sven) hack, but works for `target_[q_]?model`. for i in range(1, len(existing_model)): setattr(self, existing_model[i][0], existing_model[i][1]) elif make_model: self.model = make_model(self, obs_space, action_space, config) else: self.model = ModelCatalog.get_model_v2( obs_space=obs_space, action_space=action_space, num_outputs=logit_dim, model_config=self.config["model"], framework="tf") # Auto-update model's inference view requirements, if recurrent. self._update_model_view_requirements_from_init_state() if existing_inputs: self._state_inputs = [ v for k, v in existing_inputs.items() if k.startswith("state_in_") ] if self._state_inputs: self._seq_lens = existing_inputs["seq_lens"] else: if self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"]: self._state_inputs = [ get_placeholder(, time_axis=not isinstance(vr.shift, int), ) for k, vr in self.model.view_requirements.items() if k.startswith("state_in_") ] else: self._state_inputs = [ tf1.placeholder(shape=(None, ) + s.shape, dtype=s.dtype) for s in self.model.get_initial_state() ] # Use default settings. # Add NEXT_OBS, STATE_IN_0.., and others. self.view_requirements = self._get_default_view_requirements() # Combine view_requirements for Model and Policy. self.view_requirements.update(self.model.view_requirements) # Setup standard placeholders. if existing_inputs is not None: timestep = existing_inputs["timestep"] explore = existing_inputs["is_exploring"] self._input_dict, self._dummy_batch = \ self._get_input_dict_and_dummy_batch( self.view_requirements, existing_inputs) else: action_ph = ModelCatalog.get_action_placeholder(action_space) prev_action_ph = ModelCatalog.get_action_placeholder( action_space, "prev_action") if self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"]: self._input_dict, self._dummy_batch = \ self._get_input_dict_and_dummy_batch( self.view_requirements, {SampleBatch.ACTIONS: action_ph, SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: prev_action_ph}) else: self._input_dict = { SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: tf1.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[None] + list(obs_space.shape), name="observation") } self._input_dict[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = action_ph if self._obs_include_prev_action_reward: self._input_dict.update({ SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: prev_action_ph, SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS: tf1.placeholder( tf.float32, [None], name="prev_reward"), }) # Placeholder for (sampling steps) timestep (int). timestep = tf1.placeholder_with_default( tf.zeros((), dtype=tf.int64), (), name="timestep") # Placeholder for `is_exploring` flag. explore = tf1.placeholder_with_default( True, (), name="is_exploring") # Placeholder for RNN time-chunk valid lengths. self._seq_lens = tf1.placeholder( dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None], name="seq_lens") # Placeholder for `is_training` flag. self._input_dict["is_training"] = self._get_is_training_placeholder() # Create the Exploration object to use for this Policy. self.exploration = self._create_exploration() # Fully customized action generation (e.g., custom policy). if action_sampler_fn: sampled_action, sampled_action_logp = action_sampler_fn( self, self.model, obs_batch=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], state_batches=self._state_inputs, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, prev_action_batch=self._input_dict.get( SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS), prev_reward_batch=self._input_dict.get( SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS), explore=explore, is_training=self._input_dict["is_training"]) # Distribution generation is customized, e.g., DQN, DDPG. else: if action_distribution_fn: # Try new action_distribution_fn signature, supporting # state_batches and seq_lens. in_dict = self._input_dict try: dist_inputs, dist_class, self._state_out = \ action_distribution_fn( self, self.model, input_dict=in_dict, state_batches=self._state_inputs, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, explore=explore, timestep=timestep, is_training=in_dict["is_training"]) # Trying the old way (to stay backward compatible). # TODO: Remove in future. except TypeError as e: if "positional argument" in e.args[0] or \ "unexpected keyword argument" in e.args[0]: dist_inputs, dist_class, self._state_out = \ action_distribution_fn( self, self.model, obs_batch=in_dict[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], state_batches=self._state_inputs, seq_lens=self._seq_lens, prev_action_batch=in_dict.get( SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS), prev_reward_batch=in_dict.get( SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS), explore=explore, is_training=in_dict["is_training"]) else: raise e # Default distribution generation behavior: # Pass through model. E.g., PG, PPO. else: dist_inputs, self._state_out = self.model( self._input_dict, self._state_inputs, self._seq_lens) action_dist = dist_class(dist_inputs, self.model) # Using exploration to get final action (e.g. via sampling). sampled_action, sampled_action_logp = \ self.exploration.get_exploration_action( action_distribution=action_dist, timestep=timestep, explore=explore) # Phase 1 init. sess = tf1.get_default_session() or tf1.Session() batch_divisibility_req = get_batch_divisibility_req(self) if \ callable(get_batch_divisibility_req) else \ (get_batch_divisibility_req or 1) super().__init__( observation_space=obs_space, action_space=action_space, config=config, sess=sess, obs_input=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS], action_input=self._input_dict[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], sampled_action=sampled_action, sampled_action_logp=sampled_action_logp, dist_inputs=dist_inputs, dist_class=dist_class, loss=None, # dynamically initialized on run loss_inputs=[], model=self.model, state_inputs=self._state_inputs, state_outputs=self._state_out, prev_action_input=self._input_dict.get(SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS), prev_reward_input=self._input_dict.get(SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS), seq_lens=self._seq_lens, max_seq_len=config["model"]["max_seq_len"], batch_divisibility_req=batch_divisibility_req, explore=explore, timestep=timestep) # Phase 2 init. if before_loss_init is not None: before_loss_init(self, obs_space, action_space, config) # Loss initialization and model/postprocessing test calls. if not existing_inputs: self._initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch( auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs=True) @override(TFPolicy) @DeveloperAPI def copy(self, existing_inputs: List[Tuple[str, "tf1.placeholder"]]) -> TFPolicy: """Creates a copy of self using existing input placeholders.""" # Note that there might be RNN state inputs at the end of the list if len(self._loss_input_dict) != len(existing_inputs): raise ValueError("Tensor list mismatch", self._loss_input_dict, self._state_inputs, existing_inputs) for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.items()): if v.shape.as_list() != existing_inputs[i].shape.as_list(): raise ValueError("Tensor shape mismatch", i, k, v.shape, existing_inputs[i].shape) # By convention, the loss inputs are followed by state inputs and then # the seq len tensor rnn_inputs = [] for i in range(len(self._state_inputs)): rnn_inputs.append( ("state_in_{}".format(i), existing_inputs[len(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn) + i])) if rnn_inputs: rnn_inputs.append(("seq_lens", existing_inputs[-1])) input_dict = OrderedDict( [("is_exploring", self._is_exploring), ("timestep", self._timestep)] + [(k, existing_inputs[i]) for i, k in enumerate(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.keys())] + rnn_inputs) instance = self.__class__( self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.config, existing_inputs=input_dict, existing_model=[ self.model, ("target_q_model", getattr(self, "target_q_model", None)), ("target_model", getattr(self, "target_model", None)), ]) instance._loss_input_dict = input_dict loss = instance._do_loss_init(input_dict) loss_inputs = [ (k, existing_inputs[i]) for i, k in enumerate(self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn.keys()) ] TFPolicy._initialize_loss(instance, loss, loss_inputs) if instance._grad_stats_fn: instance._stats_fetches.update( instance._grad_stats_fn(instance, input_dict, instance._grads)) return instance # TODO: (sven) deprecate once _use_trajectory_view_api is always True. @override(Policy) @DeveloperAPI def get_initial_state(self) -> List[TensorType]: if self.model: return self.model.get_initial_state() else: return [] def _get_input_dict_and_dummy_batch(self, view_requirements, existing_inputs): """Creates input_dict and dummy_batch for loss initialization. Used for managing the Policy's input placeholders and for loss initialization. Input_dict: Str -> tf.placeholders, dummy_batch: str -> np.arrays. Args: view_requirements (ViewReqs): The view requirements dict. existing_inputs (Dict[str, tf.placeholder]): A dict of already existing placeholders. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, tf.placeholder], Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: The input_dict/dummy_batch tuple. """ input_dict = {} for view_col, view_req in view_requirements.items(): # Point state_in to the already existing self._state_inputs. mo = re.match("state_in_(\d+)", view_col) if mo is not None: input_dict[view_col] = self._state_inputs[int(] # State-outs (no placeholders needed). elif view_col.startswith("state_out_"): continue # Skip action dist inputs placeholder (do later). elif view_col == SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS: continue elif view_col in existing_inputs: input_dict[view_col] = existing_inputs[view_col] # All others. else: time_axis = not isinstance(view_req.shift, int) if view_req.used_for_training: # Create a +time-axis placeholder if the shift is not an # int (range or list of ints). input_dict[view_col] = get_placeholder(, name=view_col, time_axis=time_axis) dummy_batch = self._get_dummy_batch_from_view_requirements( batch_size=32) return input_dict, dummy_batch def _initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch( self, auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs: bool = True, stats_fn=None) -> None: # Create the optimizer/exploration optimizer here. Some initialization # steps (e.g. exploration postprocessing) may need this. self._optimizer = self.optimizer() # Test calls depend on variable init, so initialize model first. if self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"]:"Testing `compute_actions` w/ dummy batch.") actions, state_outs, extra_fetches = \ self.compute_actions_from_input_dict( self._dummy_batch, explore=False, timestep=0) for key, value in extra_fetches.items(): self._dummy_batch[key] = np.zeros_like(value) self._input_dict[key] = get_placeholder(value=value, name=key) if key not in self.view_requirements:"Adding extra-action-fetch `{}` to " "view-reqs.".format(key)) self.view_requirements[key] = \ ViewRequirement(space=gym.spaces.Box( -1.0, 1.0, shape=value.shape[1:], dtype=value.dtype)) dummy_batch = self._dummy_batch else: def fake_array(tensor): shape = tensor.shape.as_list() shape = [s if s is not None else 1 for s in shape] return np.zeros(shape, dtype=tensor.dtype.as_numpy_dtype) dummy_batch = { SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: fake_array(self._obs_input), SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: fake_array(self._obs_input), SampleBatch.DONES: np.array([False], dtype=np.bool), SampleBatch.ACTIONS: fake_array( ModelCatalog.get_action_placeholder(self.action_space)), SampleBatch.REWARDS: np.array([0], dtype=np.float32), } if self._obs_include_prev_action_reward: dummy_batch.update({ SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: fake_array( self._prev_action_input), SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS: fake_array( self._prev_reward_input), }) state_init = self.get_initial_state() state_batches = [] for i, h in enumerate(state_init): dummy_batch["state_in_{}".format(i)] = np.expand_dims(h, 0) dummy_batch["state_out_{}".format(i)] = np.expand_dims(h, 0) state_batches.append(np.expand_dims(h, 0)) if state_init: dummy_batch["seq_lens"] = np.array([1], dtype=np.int32) for k, v in self.extra_compute_action_fetches().items(): dummy_batch[k] = fake_array(v) dummy_batch = SampleBatch(dummy_batch) batch_for_postproc = UsageTrackingDict(dummy_batch) batch_for_postproc.count = dummy_batch.count"Testing `postprocess_trajectory` w/ dummy batch.") self.exploration.postprocess_trajectory(self, batch_for_postproc, self._sess) postprocessed_batch = self.postprocess_trajectory(batch_for_postproc) # Add new columns automatically to (loss) input_dict. if self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"]: for key in batch_for_postproc.added_keys: if key not in self._input_dict: self._input_dict[key] = get_placeholder( value=batch_for_postproc[key], name=key) if key not in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[key] = \ ViewRequirement(space=gym.spaces.Box( -1.0, 1.0, shape=batch_for_postproc[key].shape[1:], dtype=batch_for_postproc[key].dtype)) if not self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"]: train_batch = UsageTrackingDict( dict({ SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: self._obs_input, }, **self._loss_input_dict)) if self._obs_include_prev_action_reward: train_batch.update({ SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS: self._prev_action_input, SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS: self._prev_reward_input, SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: self._obs_input, }) for k, v in postprocessed_batch.items(): if k in train_batch: continue elif v.dtype == np.object: continue # can't handle arbitrary objects in TF elif k == "seq_lens" or k.startswith("state_in_"): continue shape = (None, ) + v.shape[1:] dtype = np.float32 if v.dtype == np.float64 else v.dtype placeholder = tf1.placeholder(dtype, shape=shape, name=k) train_batch[k] = placeholder for i, si in enumerate(self._state_inputs): train_batch["state_in_{}".format(i)] = si else: train_batch = UsageTrackingDict( dict(self._input_dict, **self._loss_input_dict)) if self._state_inputs: train_batch["seq_lens"] = self._seq_lens if log_once("loss_init"): logger.debug( "Initializing loss function with dummy input:\n\n{}\n".format( summarize(train_batch))) self._loss_input_dict.update({k: v for k, v in train_batch.items()}) loss = self._do_loss_init(train_batch) all_accessed_keys = \ train_batch.accessed_keys | batch_for_postproc.accessed_keys | \ batch_for_postproc.added_keys | set( self.model.view_requirements.keys()) TFPolicy._initialize_loss(self, loss, [(k, v) for k, v in train_batch.items() if k in all_accessed_keys]) if "is_training" in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict["is_training"] # Call the grads stats fn. # TODO: (sven) rename to simply stats_fn to match eager and torch. if self._grad_stats_fn: self._stats_fetches.update( self._grad_stats_fn(self, train_batch, self._grads)) # Add new columns automatically to view-reqs. if self.config["_use_trajectory_view_api"] and \ auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs: # Add those needed for postprocessing and training. all_accessed_keys = train_batch.accessed_keys | \ batch_for_postproc.accessed_keys # Tag those only needed for post-processing (with some exceptions). for key in batch_for_postproc.accessed_keys: if key not in train_batch.accessed_keys and \ key not in self.model.view_requirements and \ key not in [ SampleBatch.EPS_ID, SampleBatch.AGENT_INDEX, SampleBatch.UNROLL_ID, SampleBatch.DONES, SampleBatch.REWARDS, SampleBatch.INFOS]: if key in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[key].used_for_training = False if key in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict[key] # Remove those not needed at all (leave those that are needed # by Sampler to properly execute sample collection). # Also always leave DONES, REWARDS, and INFOS, no matter what. for key in list(self.view_requirements.keys()): if key not in all_accessed_keys and key not in [ SampleBatch.EPS_ID, SampleBatch.AGENT_INDEX, SampleBatch.UNROLL_ID, SampleBatch.DONES, SampleBatch.REWARDS, SampleBatch.INFOS] and \ key not in self.model.view_requirements: # If user deleted this key manually in postprocessing # fn, warn about it and do not remove from # view-requirements. if key in batch_for_postproc.deleted_keys: logger.warning( "SampleBatch key '{}' was deleted manually in " "postprocessing function! RLlib will " "automatically remove non-used items from the " "data stream. Remove the `del` from your " "postprocessing function.".format(key)) else: del self.view_requirements[key] if key in self._loss_input_dict: del self._loss_input_dict[key] # Add those data_cols (again) that are missing and have # dependencies by view_cols. for key in list(self.view_requirements.keys()): vr = self.view_requirements[key] if (vr.data_col is not None and vr.data_col not in self.view_requirements): used_for_training = \ vr.data_col in train_batch.accessed_keys self.view_requirements[vr.data_col] = ViewRequirement(, used_for_training=used_for_training) self._loss_input_dict_no_rnn = { k: v for k, v in self._loss_input_dict.items() if (v not in self._state_inputs and v != self._seq_lens) } # Initialize again after loss init. def _do_loss_init(self, train_batch: SampleBatch): loss = self._loss_fn(self, self.model, self.dist_class, train_batch) if self._stats_fn: self._stats_fetches.update(self._stats_fn(self, train_batch)) # override the update ops to be those of the model self._update_ops = self.model.update_ops() return loss