import asyncio import datetime import json import logging import os import socket import subprocess import sys import traceback import aioredis import ray import ray.gcs_utils import ray.new_dashboard.modules.reporter.reporter_consts as reporter_consts import ray.new_dashboard.utils as dashboard_utils import import ray.utils from ray.core.generated import reporter_pb2 from ray.core.generated import reporter_pb2_grpc from ray.metrics_agent import MetricsAgent, Gauge, Record import psutil logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import gpustat.core as gpustat except ImportError: gpustat = None logger.warning( "Install gpustat with 'pip install gpustat' to enable GPU monitoring.") def recursive_asdict(o): if isinstance(o, tuple) and hasattr(o, "_asdict"): return recursive_asdict(o._asdict()) if isinstance(o, (tuple, list)): L = [] for k in o: L.append(recursive_asdict(k)) return L if isinstance(o, dict): D = {k: recursive_asdict(v) for k, v in o.items()} return D return o def jsonify_asdict(o): return json.dumps(dashboard_utils.to_google_style(recursive_asdict(o))) class ReporterAgent(dashboard_utils.DashboardAgentModule, reporter_pb2_grpc.ReporterServiceServicer): """A monitor process for monitoring Ray nodes. Attributes: dashboard_agent: The DashboardAgent object contains global config """ def __init__(self, dashboard_agent): """Initialize the reporter object.""" super().__init__(dashboard_agent) self._cpu_counts = (psutil.cpu_count(), psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) self._ip = self._hostname = socket.gethostname() self._workers = set() self._network_stats_hist = [(0, (0.0, 0.0))] # time, (sent, recv) self._metrics_agent = MetricsAgent(dashboard_agent.metrics_export_port) self._key = f"{reporter_consts.REPORTER_PREFIX}" \ f"{self._dashboard_agent.node_id}" # A list of gauges to record and export metrics. self._gauges = { "node_cpu_utilization": Gauge("node_cpu_utilization", "Total CPU usage on a ray node", "percentage", ["ip"]), "node_cpu_count": Gauge("node_cpu_count", "Total CPUs available on a ray node", "cores", ["ip"]), "node_mem_used": Gauge("node_mem_used", "Memory usage on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_mem_available": Gauge("node_mem_available", "Memory available on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_mem_total": Gauge("node_mem_total", "Total memory on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_gpus_available": Gauge("node_gpus_available", "Total GPUs available on a ray node", "percentage", ["ip"]), "node_gpus_utilization": Gauge("node_gpus_utilization", "Total GPUs usage on a ray node", "percentage", ["ip"]), "node_gram_used": Gauge("node_gram_used", "Total GPU RAM usage on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_gram_available": Gauge( "node_gram_available", "Total GPU RAM available on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_disk_usage": Gauge("node_disk_usage", "Total disk usage (bytes) on a ray node", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_disk_utilization_percentage": Gauge( "node_disk_utilization_percentage", "Total disk utilization (percentage) on a ray node", "percentage", ["ip"]), "node_network_sent": Gauge("node_network_sent", "Total network sent", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_network_received": Gauge("node_network_received", "Total network received", "bytes", ["ip"]), "node_network_send_speed": Gauge("node_network_send_speed", "Network send speed", "bytes/sec", ["ip"]), "node_network_receive_speed": Gauge("node_network_receive_speed", "Network receive speed", "bytes/sec", ["ip"]), "raylet_cpu": Gauge("raylet_cpu", "CPU usage of the raylet on a node.", "percentage", ["ip", "pid"]), "raylet_mem": Gauge("raylet_mem", "Memory usage of the raylet on a node", "mb", ["ip", "pid"]) } async def GetProfilingStats(self, request, context): pid = duration = request.duration profiling_file_path = os.path.join(ray.utils.get_ray_temp_dir(), f"{pid}_profiling.txt") sudo = "sudo" if ray.utils.get_user() != "root" else "" process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( f"{sudo} $(which py-spy) record " f"-o {profiling_file_path} -p {pid} -d {duration} -f speedscope", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: profiling_stats = "" else: with open(profiling_file_path, "r") as f: profiling_stats = return reporter_pb2.GetProfilingStatsReply( profiling_stats=profiling_stats, std_out=stdout, std_err=stderr) async def ReportOCMetrics(self, request, context): # This function receives a GRPC containing OpenCensus (OC) metrics # from a Ray process, then exposes those metrics to Prometheus. try: self._metrics_agent.record_metric_points_from_protobuf( request.metrics) except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return reporter_pb2.ReportOCMetricsReply() @staticmethod def _get_cpu_percent(): return psutil.cpu_percent() @staticmethod def _get_gpu_usage(): if gpustat is None: return [] gpu_utilizations = [] gpus = [] try: gpus = gpustat.new_query().gpus except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"gpustat failed to retrieve GPU information: {e}") for gpu in gpus: # Note the keys in this dict have periods which throws # off javascript so we change .s to _s gpu_data = { "_".join(key.split(".")): val for key, val in gpu.entry.items() } gpu_utilizations.append(gpu_data) return gpu_utilizations @staticmethod def _get_boot_time(): return psutil.boot_time() @staticmethod def _get_network_stats(): ifaces = [ v for k, v in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items() if k[0] == "e" ] sent = sum((iface.bytes_sent for iface in ifaces)) recv = sum((iface.bytes_recv for iface in ifaces)) return sent, recv @staticmethod def _get_mem_usage(): vm = psutil.virtual_memory() return, vm.available, vm.percent, vm.used @staticmethod def _get_disk_usage(): dirs = [ os.environ["USERPROFILE"] if sys.platform == "win32" else os.sep, ray.utils.get_user_temp_dir(), ] return {x: psutil.disk_usage(x) for x in dirs} def _get_workers(self): curr_proc = psutil.Process() parent = curr_proc.parent() if parent is None or == 1: return [] else: workers = set(parent.children()) self._workers.intersection_update(workers) self._workers.update(workers) self._workers.discard(curr_proc) return [ w.as_dict(attrs=[ "pid", "create_time", "cpu_percent", "cpu_times", "cmdline", "memory_info", ]) for w in self._workers if w.status() != psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE ] def _get_raylet_stats(self): curr_proc = psutil.Process() # Here, parent is always raylet because the # dashboard agent is a child of the raylet process. parent = curr_proc.parent() if parent is None or == 1: return [] if parent.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: return [] return parent.as_dict(attrs=[ "pid", "create_time", "cpu_percent", "cpu_times", "cmdline", "memory_info", ]) @staticmethod def _get_raylet_cmdline(): try: curr_proc = psutil.Process() parent = curr_proc.parent() if == 1: return [] else: return parent.cmdline() except (psutil.AccessDenied, ProcessLookupError): return [] def _get_load_avg(self): if sys.platform == "win32": cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent() load = (cpu_percent, cpu_percent, cpu_percent) else: load = os.getloadavg() per_cpu_load = tuple((round(x / self._cpu_counts[0], 2) for x in load)) return load, per_cpu_load def _get_all_stats(self): now = dashboard_utils.to_posix_time(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) network_stats = self._get_network_stats() self._network_stats_hist.append((now, network_stats)) self._network_stats_hist = self._network_stats_hist[-7:] then, prev_network_stats = self._network_stats_hist[0] prev_send, prev_recv = prev_network_stats now_send, now_recv = network_stats network_speed_stats = ((now_send - prev_send) / (now - then), (now_recv - prev_recv) / (now - then)) return { "now": now, "hostname": self._hostname, "ip": self._ip, "cpu": self._get_cpu_percent(), "cpus": self._cpu_counts, "mem": self._get_mem_usage(), "workers": self._get_workers(), "bootTime": self._get_boot_time(), "loadAvg": self._get_load_avg(), "disk": self._get_disk_usage(), "gpus": self._get_gpu_usage(), "network": network_stats, "network_speed": network_speed_stats, "cmdline": self._get_raylet_cmdline(), } def _record_stats(self, stats): ip = stats["ip"] # -- CPU per node -- cpu_usage = float(stats["cpu"]) cpu_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_cpu_utilization"], value=cpu_usage, tags={"ip": ip}) cpu_count, _ = stats["cpus"] cpu_count_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_cpu_count"], value=cpu_count, tags={"ip": ip}) # -- Mem per node -- mem_total, mem_available, _, mem_used = stats["mem"] mem_used_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_mem_used"], value=mem_used, tags={"ip": ip}) mem_available_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_mem_available"], value=mem_available, tags={"ip": ip}) mem_total_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_mem_total"], value=mem_total, tags={"ip": ip}) # -- GPU per node -- gpus = stats["gpus"] gpus_available = len(gpus) if gpus_available: gpus_utilization, gram_used, gram_total = 0, 0, 0 for gpu in gpus: gpus_utilization += gpu["utilization_gpu"] gram_used += gpu["memory_used"] gram_total += gpu["memory_total"] gram_available = gram_total - gram_used gpus_available_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_gpus_available"], value=gpus_available, tags={"ip": ip}) gpus_utilization_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_gpus_utilization"], value=gpus_utilization, tags={"ip": ip}) gram_used_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_gram_used"], value=gram_used, tags={"ip": ip}) gram_available_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_gram_available"], value=gram_available, tags={"ip": ip}) # -- Disk per node -- used, free = 0, 0 for entry in stats["disk"].values(): used += entry.used free += disk_utilization = float(used / (used + free)) * 100 disk_usage_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_disk_usage"], value=used, tags={"ip": ip}) disk_utilization_percentage_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_disk_utilization_percentage"], value=disk_utilization, tags={"ip": ip}) # -- Network speed (send/receive) stats per node -- network_stats = stats["network"] network_sent_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_network_sent"], value=network_stats[0], tags={"ip": ip}) network_received_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_network_received"], value=network_stats[1], tags={"ip": ip}) # -- Network speed (send/receive) per node -- network_speed_stats = stats["network_speed"] network_send_speed_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_network_send_speed"], value=network_speed_stats[0], tags={"ip": ip}) network_receive_speed_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["node_network_receive_speed"], value=network_speed_stats[1], tags={"ip": ip}) raylet_stats = self._get_raylet_stats() raylet_pid = str(raylet_stats["pid"]) # -- raylet CPU -- raylet_cpu_usage = float(raylet_stats["cpu_percent"]) * 100 raylet_cpu_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["raylet_cpu"], value=raylet_cpu_usage, tags={ "ip": ip, "pid": raylet_pid }) # -- raylet mem -- raylet_mem_usage = float(raylet_stats["memory_info"].rss) / 1e6 raylet_mem_record = Record( gauge=self._gauges["raylet_mem"], value=raylet_mem_usage, tags={ "ip": ip, "pid": raylet_pid }) records_reported = [ cpu_record, cpu_count_record, mem_used_record, mem_available_record, mem_total_record, disk_usage_record, disk_utilization_percentage_record, network_sent_record, network_received_record, network_send_speed_record, network_receive_speed_record ] if gpus_available: records_reported.extend([ gpus_available_record, gpus_utilization_record, gram_used_record, gram_available_record ]) raylet_records = [raylet_cpu_record, raylet_mem_record] records_reported.extend(raylet_records) self._metrics_agent.record_reporter_stats(records_reported) async def _perform_iteration(self, aioredis_client): """Get any changes to the log files and push updates to Redis.""" while True: try: stats = self._get_all_stats() self._record_stats(stats) await aioredis_client.publish(self._key, jsonify_asdict(stats)) except Exception: logger.exception("Error publishing node physical stats.") await asyncio.sleep( reporter_consts.REPORTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS / 1000) async def run(self, server): aioredis_client = await aioredis.create_redis_pool( address=self._dashboard_agent.redis_address, password=self._dashboard_agent.redis_password) reporter_pb2_grpc.add_ReporterServiceServicer_to_server(self, server) await self._perform_iteration(aioredis_client)