import numpy as np from gym.spaces import Box, Tuple from scipy.stats import norm, beta import unittest from import Categorical, \ DiagGaussian, GumbelSoftmax, MultiActionDistribution, MultiCategorical, \ SquashedGaussian from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_action_dist import TorchMultiCategorical, \ TorchSquashedGaussian, TorchBeta, TorchCategorical, \ TorchMultiActionDistribution, TorchDiagGaussian from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tree from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf, try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, \ softmax, SMALL_NUMBER, LARGE_INTEGER from ray.rllib.utils.test_utils import check, framework_iterator tf = try_import_tf() torch, _ = try_import_torch() tree = try_import_tree() class TestDistributions(unittest.TestCase): """Tests ActionDistribution classes.""" def _stability_test(self, distribution_cls, network_output_shape, fw, sess=None, bounds=None): extreme_values = [ 0.0, float(LARGE_INTEGER), -float(LARGE_INTEGER), 1.1e-34, 1.1e34, -1.1e-34, -1.1e34, SMALL_NUMBER, -SMALL_NUMBER, ] inputs = np.zeros(shape=network_output_shape, dtype=np.float32) for batch_item in range(network_output_shape[0]): for num in range(len(inputs[batch_item])): inputs[batch_item][num] = np.random.choice(extreme_values) dist = distribution_cls(inputs, {}) for _ in range(100): sample = dist.sample() if fw != "tf": sample_check = sample.numpy() else: sample_check = assert not np.any(np.isnan(sample_check)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(sample_check)) if bounds: assert np.min(sample_check) >= bounds[0] assert np.max(sample_check) <= bounds[1] logp = dist.logp(sample) if fw != "tf": logp_check = logp.numpy() else: logp_check = assert not np.any(np.isnan(logp_check)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(logp_check)) def test_categorical(self): """Tests the Categorical ActionDistribution (tf only).""" num_samples = 100000 logits = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 10)) z = 8 * (np.random.rand(10) - 0.5) data = np.tile(z, (num_samples, 1)) c = Categorical(logits, {}) # dummy config dict sample_op = c.sample() sess = tf.Session() samples =, feed_dict={logits: data}) counts = np.zeros(10) for sample in samples: counts[sample] += 1.0 probs = np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z)) self.assertTrue(np.sum(np.abs(probs - counts / num_samples)) <= 0.01) def test_multi_categorical(self): batch_size = 100 num_categories = 3 num_sub_distributions = 5 # Create 5 categorical distributions of 3 categories each. inputs_space = Box( -1.0, 2.0, shape=(batch_size, num_sub_distributions * num_categories)) values_space = Box( 0, num_categories - 1, shape=(num_sub_distributions, batch_size), dtype=np.int32) inputs = inputs_space.sample() input_lengths = [num_categories] * num_sub_distributions inputs_split = np.split(inputs, num_sub_distributions, axis=1) for fw in framework_iterator(): # Create the correct distribution object. cls = MultiCategorical if fw != "torch" else TorchMultiCategorical multi_categorical = cls(inputs, None, input_lengths) # Batch of size=3 and deterministic (True). expected = np.transpose(np.argmax(inputs_split, axis=-1)) # Sample, expect always max value # (max likelihood for deterministic draw). out = multi_categorical.deterministic_sample() check(out, expected) # Batch of size=3 and non-deterministic -> expect roughly the mean. out = multi_categorical.sample() check( tf.reduce_mean(out) if fw != "torch" else torch.mean(out.float()), 1.0, decimals=0) # Test log-likelihood outputs. probs = softmax(inputs_split) values = values_space.sample() out = multi_categorical.logp(values if fw != "torch" else [ torch.Tensor(values[i]) for i in range(num_sub_distributions) ]) # v in np.stack(values, 1)]) expected = [] for i in range(batch_size): expected.append( np.sum( np.log( np.array([ probs[j][i][values[j][i]] for j in range(num_sub_distributions) ])))) check(out, expected, decimals=4) # Test entropy outputs. out = multi_categorical.entropy() expected_entropy = -np.sum(np.sum(probs * np.log(probs), 0), -1) check(out, expected_entropy) def test_squashed_gaussian(self): """Tests the SquashedGaussian ActionDistribution for all frameworks.""" input_space = Box(-2.0, 2.0, shape=(200, 10)) low, high = -2.0, 1.0 for fw, sess in framework_iterator( frameworks=("torch", "tf", "eager"), session=True): cls = SquashedGaussian if fw != "torch" else TorchSquashedGaussian # Do a stability test using extreme NN outputs to see whether # sampling and logp'ing result in NaN or +/-inf values. self._stability_test( cls, input_space.shape, fw=fw, sess=sess, bounds=(low, high)) # Batch of size=n and deterministic. inputs = input_space.sample() means, _ = np.split(inputs, 2, axis=-1) squashed_distribution = cls(inputs, {}, low=low, high=high) expected = ((np.tanh(means) + 1.0) / 2.0) * (high - low) + low # Sample n times, expect always mean value (deterministic draw). out = squashed_distribution.deterministic_sample() check(out, expected) # Batch of size=n and non-deterministic -> expect roughly the mean. inputs = input_space.sample() means, log_stds = np.split(inputs, 2, axis=-1) squashed_distribution = cls(inputs, {}, low=low, high=high) expected = ((np.tanh(means) + 1.0) / 2.0) * (high - low) + low values = squashed_distribution.sample() if sess: values = else: values = values.numpy() self.assertTrue(np.max(values) <= high) self.assertTrue(np.min(values) >= low) check(np.mean(values), expected.mean(), decimals=1) # Test log-likelihood outputs. sampled_action_logp = squashed_distribution.logp( values if fw != "torch" else torch.Tensor(values)) if sess: sampled_action_logp = else: sampled_action_logp = sampled_action_logp.numpy() # Convert to parameters for distr. stds = np.exp( np.clip(log_stds, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT)) # Unsquash values, then get log-llh from regular gaussian. # atanh_in = np.clip((values - low) / (high - low) * 2.0 - 1.0, # -1.0 + SMALL_NUMBER, 1.0 - SMALL_NUMBER) normed_values = (values - low) / (high - low) * 2.0 - 1.0 save_normed_values = np.clip(normed_values, -1.0 + SMALL_NUMBER, 1.0 - SMALL_NUMBER) unsquashed_values = np.arctanh(save_normed_values) log_prob_unsquashed = np.sum( np.log(norm.pdf(unsquashed_values, means, stds)), -1) log_prob = log_prob_unsquashed - \ np.sum(np.log(1 - np.tanh(unsquashed_values) ** 2), axis=-1) check(np.sum(sampled_action_logp), np.sum(log_prob), rtol=0.05) # NN output. means = np.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 50.0], [-0.1, -0.2, -0.3, -0.4, -1.0]]) log_stds = np.array([[0.8, -0.2, 0.3, -1.0, 2.0], [0.7, -0.3, 0.4, -0.9, 2.0]]) squashed_distribution = cls( inputs=np.concatenate([means, log_stds], axis=-1), model={}, low=low, high=high) # Convert to parameters for distr. stds = np.exp(log_stds) # Values to get log-likelihoods for. values = np.array([[0.9, 0.2, 0.4, -0.1, -1.05], [-0.9, -0.2, 0.4, -0.1, -1.05]]) # Unsquash values, then get log-llh from regular gaussian. unsquashed_values = np.arctanh((values - low) / (high - low) * 2.0 - 1.0) log_prob_unsquashed = \ np.sum(np.log(norm.pdf(unsquashed_values, means, stds)), -1) log_prob = log_prob_unsquashed - \ np.sum(np.log(1 - np.tanh(unsquashed_values) ** 2), axis=-1) outs = squashed_distribution.logp(values if fw != "torch" else torch.Tensor(values)) if sess: outs = check(outs, log_prob, decimals=4) def test_beta(self): input_space = Box(-2.0, 1.0, shape=(200, 10)) low, high = -1.0, 2.0 plain_beta_value_space = Box(0.0, 1.0, shape=(200, 5)) for fw, sess in framework_iterator(frameworks="torch", session=True): cls = TorchBeta inputs = input_space.sample() beta_distribution = cls(inputs, {}, low=low, high=high) inputs = beta_distribution.inputs alpha, beta_ = np.split(inputs.numpy(), 2, axis=-1) # Mean for a Beta distribution: 1 / [1 + (beta/alpha)] expected = (1.0 / (1.0 + beta_ / alpha)) * (high - low) + low # Sample n times, expect always mean value (deterministic draw). out = beta_distribution.deterministic_sample() check(out, expected, rtol=0.01) # Batch of size=n and non-deterministic -> expect roughly the mean. values = beta_distribution.sample() if sess: values = else: values = values.numpy() self.assertTrue(np.max(values) <= high) self.assertTrue(np.min(values) >= low) check(np.mean(values), expected.mean(), decimals=1) # Test log-likelihood outputs (against scipy). inputs = input_space.sample() beta_distribution = cls(inputs, {}, low=low, high=high) inputs = beta_distribution.inputs alpha, beta_ = np.split(inputs.numpy(), 2, axis=-1) values = plain_beta_value_space.sample() values_scaled = values * (high - low) + low out = beta_distribution.logp(torch.Tensor(values_scaled)) check( out, np.sum(np.log(beta.pdf(values, alpha, beta_)), -1), rtol=0.001) # TODO(sven): Test entropy outputs (against scipy). def test_gumbel_softmax(self): """Tests the GumbelSoftmax ActionDistribution (tf + eager only).""" for fw, sess in framework_iterator( frameworks=["tf", "eager"], session=True): batch_size = 1000 num_categories = 5 input_space = Box(-1.0, 1.0, shape=(batch_size, num_categories)) # Batch of size=n and deterministic. inputs = input_space.sample() gumbel_softmax = GumbelSoftmax(inputs, {}, temperature=1.0) expected = softmax(inputs) # Sample n times, expect always mean value (deterministic draw). out = gumbel_softmax.deterministic_sample() check(out, expected) # Batch of size=n and non-deterministic -> expect roughly that # the max-likelihood (argmax) ints are output (most of the time). inputs = input_space.sample() gumbel_softmax = GumbelSoftmax(inputs, {}, temperature=1.0) expected_mean = np.mean(np.argmax(inputs, -1)).astype(np.float32) outs = gumbel_softmax.sample() if sess: outs = check(np.mean(np.argmax(outs, -1)), expected_mean, rtol=0.08) def test_multi_action_distribution(self): """Tests the MultiActionDistribution (only torch so far).""" batch_size = 1000 input_space = Tuple([ Box(-10.0, 10.0, shape=(batch_size, 4)), Box(-2.0, 2.0, shape=( batch_size, 6, )) ]) std_space = Box( -0.05, 0.05, shape=( batch_size, 3, )) value_space = Tuple([ Box(0, 3, shape=(batch_size, ), dtype=np.int32), Box(-2.0, 2.0, shape=(batch_size, 3), dtype=np.float32) ]) for fw, sess in framework_iterator(frameworks="torch", session=True): if fw == "torch": cls = TorchMultiActionDistribution child_distr_cls = [TorchCategorical, TorchDiagGaussian] else: cls = MultiActionDistribution child_distr_cls = [Categorical, DiagGaussian] inputs = list(input_space.sample()) distr = cls( np.concatenate([inputs[0], inputs[1]], axis=1), model={}, action_space=value_space, child_distributions=child_distr_cls, input_lens=[4, 6]) # Sample deterministically. expected_det = [ np.argmax(inputs[0], axis=-1), inputs[1][:, :3], # [:3]=Mean values. ] out = distr.deterministic_sample() if sess: out = check(out[0], expected_det[0]) check(out[1], expected_det[1]) # Stochastic sampling -> expect roughly the mean. inputs = list(input_space.sample()) # Fix categorical inputs (not needed for distribution itself, but # for our expectation calculations). inputs[0] = softmax(inputs[0], -1) # Fix std inputs (shouldn't be too large for this test). inputs[1][:, 3:] = std_space.sample() distr = cls( np.concatenate([inputs[0], inputs[1]], axis=1), model={}, action_space=value_space, child_distributions=child_distr_cls, input_lens=[4, 6]) expected_mean = [ np.mean(np.sum(inputs[0] * np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]), -1)), inputs[1][:, :3], # [:3]=Mean values. ] out = distr.sample() if sess: out = out = list(out) if fw == "torch": out[0] = out[0].numpy() out[1] = out[1].numpy() check(np.mean(out[0]), expected_mean[0], decimals=1) check(np.mean(out[1], 0), np.mean(expected_mean[1], 0), decimals=1) # Test log-likelihood outputs. # Make sure beta-values are within 0.0 and 1.0 for the numpy # calculation (which doesn't have scaling). inputs = list(input_space.sample()) distr = cls( np.concatenate([inputs[0], inputs[1]], axis=1), model={}, action_space=value_space, child_distributions=child_distr_cls, input_lens=[4, 6]) inputs[0] = softmax(inputs[0], -1) values = list(value_space.sample()) inputs[1][:, 3:] = np.exp(inputs[1][:, 3:]) expected_log_llh = np.sum( np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims( np.log( [i[values[0][j]] for j, i in enumerate(inputs[0])]), -1), np.log( norm.pdf(values[1], inputs[1][:, :3], inputs[1][:, 3:])) ], -1), -1) values[0] = np.expand_dims(values[0], -1) if fw == "torch": values = tree.map_structure(lambda s: torch.Tensor(s), values) # Test all flattened input. concat = np.concatenate(tree.flatten(values), -1).astype(np.float32) out = distr.logp(concat) if sess: out = check(out, expected_log_llh, atol=15) # Test structured input. out = distr.logp(values) if sess: out = check(out, expected_log_llh, atol=15) # Test flattened input. out = distr.logp(tree.flatten(values)) if sess: out = check(out, expected_log_llh, atol=15) if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest import sys sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))