Advanced Topics

Workflow task Checkpointing

Ray Workflow provides strong fault tolerance and exactly-once execution semantics by checkpointing. However, checkpointing could be time consuming, especially when you have large inputs and outputs for workflow tasks. When exactly-once execution semantics is not required, you can skip some checkpoints to speed up your workflow.

We control the checkpoints by specify the checkpoint options like this:

.. code-block:: python

    data = read_data.options(**workflow.options(checkpoint=False)).bind(10)

This example skips checkpointing the output of ``read_data``. During recovery, ``read_data`` would be executed again if recovery requires its output.

By default, we have ``checkpoint=True`` if not specified.

If the output of a task is another task (i.e. dynamic workflows), we skips checkpointing the entire task.

Use Workflow with Ray Client

Ray Workflow supports :ref:`Ray Client API<ray-client>`, so you can submit workflows to a remote
Ray cluster. This requires starting the Ray cluster with the ``--storage=<storage_uri>`` option
for specifying the workflow storage.

To submit a workflow to a remote cluster, All you need is connecting Ray to the cluster before
submitting a workflow. No code changes are required for Ray Workflow afterwards. For example:

.. code-block:: python

    import subprocess
    import ray
    from ray import workflow

    def hello(count):
        return ["hello world"] * count

            ["ray", "start", "--head", "--ray-client-server-port=10001", "--storage=file:///tmp/ray/workflow_data"])
        assert == ["hello world"] * 3
        subprocess.check_call(["ray", "stop"])

.. warning::

  Ray client support is still experimental and has some limitations. One known limitation is that
  Ray Workflow would not work properly with ObjjectRefs as workflow task inputs. For example,