import argparse import os from collections import OrderedDict from aws_requests_auth.boto_utils import BotoAWSRequestsAuth import requests parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Helper script to upload files to S3 bucket") parser.add_argument("--path", type=str) parser.add_argument("--destination", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() assert os.path.exists(args.path) assert args.destination in {"wheels", "containers"} assert "BUILDKITE_JOB_ID" in os.environ assert "BUILDKITE_COMMIT" in os.environ is_dir = os.path.isdir(args.path) # # Assume the caller role from the instance # sts_client = boto3.client('sts') # assumed_role_object = sts_client.assume_role( # RoleArn="arn:aws:iam::029272617770:role/presigner_caller_role", # RoleSessionName="ProdSessionFromBK") # credentials = assumed_role_object["Credentials"] # # Construct the HTTP auth to call the API gateway # auth = AWSRequestsAuth( # aws_host="", # aws_region="us-west-2", # aws_service="execute-api", # aws_access_key=credentials["AccessKeyId"], # aws_secret_access_key=credentials["SecretAccessKey"], # aws_token=credentials["SessionToken"], # ) auth = BotoAWSRequestsAuth( aws_host="", aws_region="us-west-2", aws_service="execute-api", ) resp = requests.get( "", auth=auth, params={"job_id": os.environ["BUILDKITE_JOB_ID"]}) print("Getting Presigned URL", resp.status_code) sha = os.environ["BUILDKITE_COMMIT"] if is_dir: paths = [os.path.join(args.path, f) for f in os.listdir(args.path)] else: paths = [args.path] print("Planning to upload", paths) for path in paths: fn = os.path.split(path)[-1] if args.destination == "wheels": c = resp.json()["presigned_wheels"] of = OrderedDict(c["fields"]) of["key"] = f"scratch/bk/{sha}/{fn}" elif args.destination == "containers": c = resp.json()["presigned_containers"] of = OrderedDict(c["fields"]) of["key"] = f"{sha}/{fn}" else: raise ValueError("Unknown destination") of["file"] = open(path, "rb") r =["url"], files=of) print(f"Uploaded {path} to {of['key']}", r.status_code)