# Serialization in the Object Store This document describes what Python objects Ray can and cannot serialize into the object store. Once an object is placed in the object store, it is immutable. There are a number of situations in which Ray will place objects in the object store. 1. When a remote function returns, its return values are stored in the object store. 2. A call to `ray.put(x)` places `x` in the object store. 3. When large objects or objects other than simple primitive types are passed as arguments into remote functions, they will be placed in the object store. A normal Python object may have pointers all over the place, so to place an object in the object store or send it between processes, it must first be converted to a contiguous string of bytes. This process is known as serialization. The process of turning the string of bytes back into a Python object is known as deserialization. Serialization and deserialization are often bottlenecks in distributed computing. Pickle is one example of a library for serialization and deserialization in Python. ```python import pickle pickle.dumps([1, 2, 3]) # prints b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x01K\x02K\x03e.' pickle.loads(b'\x80\x03]q\x00(K\x01K\x02K\x03e.') # prints [1, 2, 3] ``` Pickle (and its variants) are pretty general. They can successfully serialize a large variety of Python objects. However, for numerical workloads, pickling and unpickling can be inefficient. For example, when unpickling a list of numpy arrays, pickle will create completely new arrays in memory. In Ray, when we deserialize a list of numpy arrays from the object store, we will create a list of numpy array objects in Python, but each numpy array object is essentially just a pointer to the relevant location in shared memory. There are some advantages to this form of serialization. - Deserialization can be very fast. - Memory is shared between processes so worker processes can all read the same data without having to copy it. ## What Objects Does Ray Handle However, Ray is not currently capable of serializing arbitrary Python objects. The set of Python objects that Ray can serialize includes the following. 1. Primitive types: ints, floats, longs, bools, strings, unicode, and numpy arrays. 2. Any list, dictionary, or tuple whose elements can be serialized by Ray. 3. Objects whose classes can be registered with `ray.register_class`. This point is described below. ## Registering Custom Classes We currently support serializing a limited subset of custom classes. For example, suppose you define a new class `Foo` as follows. ```python class Foo(object): def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b ``` Simply calling `ray.put(Foo(1, 2))` will fail with a message like ``` Ray does not know how to serialize the object <__main__.Foo object at 0x1077d7c50>. ``` This can be addressed by calling `ray.register_class(Foo)`. ```python import ray ray.init(num_workers=10) # Define a custom class. class Foo(object): def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b # Calling ray.register_class(Foo) ships the class definition to all of the # workers so that workers know how to construct new Foo objects. ray.register_class(Foo) # Create a Foo object, place it in the object store, and retrieve it. f = Foo(1, 2) f_id = ray.put(f) ray.get(f_id) # prints <__main__.Foo at 0x1078128d0> ``` Under the hood, `ray.put` essentially replaces `f` with `f.__dict__`, which is just the dictionary `{"a": 1, "b": 2}`. Then during deserialization, `ray.get` constructs a new `Foo` object from the dictionary of fields. This naive substitution won't work in all cases. For example if we want to serialize Python objects of type `function` (for example `f = lambda x: x + 1`), this simple scheme doesn't quite work, and `ray.register_class(type(f))` will give an error message. In these cases, we can fall back to pickle (actually we use cloudpickle). ```python # This call tells Ray to fall back to using pickle when it encounters objects of # type function. f = lambda x: x + 1 ray.register_class(type(f), pickle=True) f_new = ray.get(ray.put(f)) f_new(0) # prints 1 ``` However, it's best to avoid using pickle for efficiency reasons. If you find yourself needing to pickle certain objects, consider trying to use more efficient data structures like arrays. **Note:** Another setting where the naive replacement of an object with its `__dict__` attribute fails is where an object recursively contains itself (or multiple objects recursively contain each other). For example, consider the code below. ```python l = [] l.append(l) # Try to put this list that recursively contains itself in the object store. ray.put(l) ``` It will throw an exception with a message like the following. ``` This object exceeds the maximum recursion depth. It may contain itself recursively. ``` ## Last Resort Workaround If you find cases where Ray doesn't work or does the wrong thing, please let us know so we can fix it. In the meantime, you can do your own custom serialization and deserialization (for example by calling pickle by hand). Or by writing your own custom serializer and deserializer. ```python import pickle @ray.remote def f(complicated_object): # Deserialize the object manually. obj = pickle.loads(complicated_object) return "Successfully passed {} into f.".format(obj) # Define a complicated object. l = [] l.append(l) # Manually serialize the object and pass it in as a string. ray.get(f.remote(pickle.dumps(l))) # prints 'Successfully passed [[...]] into f.' ``` **Note:** If you have trouble with pickle, you may have better luck with cloudpickle.