# This file is generated by `ray project create`. name: long-running-distributed-tests cluster: config: ray-project/cluster.yaml params: - name: ray-wheel help: "URL to the ray wheel to test (defaults to latest)" default: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/latest/ray-0.9.0.dev0-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl commands: - name: test_workload help: "Start a long running distributed test." command: | python workloads/{{workload}}.py params: - name: workload help: "Name of workload to run." choices: [ "pytorch_pbt_failure" ] # Pathnames for files and directories that should be saved # in a snapshot but that should not be synced with a# session. Pathnames can be relative to the project # directory or absolute. Generally, this should be files # that were created by an active session, such as # application checkpoints and logs. output_files: [ # For example, uncomment this to save the logs from the # last ray job. # "/tmp/ray/session_latest", ]