#include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "common.h" #include "event_loop.h" #include "io.h" #include "photon.h" #include "photon_scheduler.h" #include "state/db.h" #include "state/task_log.h" #include "utarray.h" typedef struct { /** The file descriptor used to communicate with the worker. */ int client_sock; } available_worker; /* These are needed to define the UT_arrays. */ UT_icd task_ptr_icd = {sizeof(task_instance *), NULL, NULL, NULL}; UT_icd worker_icd = {sizeof(available_worker), NULL, NULL, NULL}; struct local_scheduler_state { db_handle *db; /** This is an array of pointers to tasks that are waiting to be scheduled. */ UT_array *task_queue; /** This is an array of file descriptors corresponding to clients that are * waiting for tasks. */ UT_array *available_worker_queue; }; local_scheduler_state * init_local_scheduler(event_loop *loop, const char *redis_addr, int redis_port) { local_scheduler_state *state = malloc(sizeof(local_scheduler_state)); state->db = db_connect(redis_addr, redis_port, "photon", "", -1); db_attach(state->db, loop); utarray_new(state->task_queue, &task_ptr_icd); utarray_new(state->available_worker_queue, &worker_icd); return state; }; void handle_submit_task(local_scheduler_state *s, task_spec *task) { /* Assign this task to an available worker. If there are no available workers, * then add this task to the local task queue. */ task_iid task_iid = globally_unique_id(); task_instance *instance = make_task_instance(task_iid, task, TASK_STATUS_WAITING, NIL_ID); if (utarray_len(s->available_worker_queue) > 0) { /* Get the last available worker in the available worker queue. */ available_worker *worker = (available_worker *)utarray_back(s->available_worker_queue); /* Tell the available worker to execute the task. */ write_message(worker->client_sock, EXECUTE_TASK, task_size(task), (uint8_t *)task); utarray_pop_back(s->available_worker_queue); /* TODO: Do we need to free the available_worker struct? */ } else { /* Add the task to the task queue. */ utarray_push_back(s->task_queue, &instance); } /* Submit task to redis. */ task_log_add_task(s->db, instance); // free(instance); } void handle_get_task(local_scheduler_state *s, int client_sock) { if (utarray_len(s->task_queue) > 0) { /* Get the last task in the task queue. */ task_instance **back = (task_instance **)utarray_back(s->task_queue); task_spec *task = task_instance_task_spec(*back); /* Send a task to the worker. */ write_message(client_sock, EXECUTE_TASK, task_size(task), (uint8_t *)task); /* Update the task queue data structure and free the task. */ utarray_pop_back(s->task_queue); free(*back); } else { /* Check that client_sock is not already in the available workers. */ for (available_worker *p = (available_worker *)utarray_front(s->available_worker_queue); p != NULL; p = (available_worker *)utarray_next(s->available_worker_queue, p)) { CHECK(p->client_sock != client_sock); } /* Add client_sock to a list of available workers. */ available_worker worker_info = {.client_sock = client_sock}; utarray_push_back(s->available_worker_queue, &worker_info); LOG_INFO("Adding client_sock %d to available workers.\n", client_sock); } } void process_message(event_loop *loop, int client_sock, void *context, int events) { local_scheduler_state *s = context; uint8_t *message; int64_t type; int64_t length; read_message(client_sock, &type, &length, &message); switch (type) { case SUBMIT_TASK: { task_spec *task = (task_spec *)message; CHECK(task_size(task) == length); /* Create a unique task instance ID. This is different from the task ID and * is used to distinguish between potentially multiple executions of the * task. */ unique_id id = globally_unique_id(); // task_queue_submit_task(s->db, id, task); /* Try to assign the task to a worker locally. TODO(rkn): This should * probably go somewhere else. */ handle_submit_task(s, task); } break; case TASK_DONE: { } break; case GET_TASK: { handle_get_task(s, client_sock); } break; case DISCONNECT_CLIENT: { LOG_INFO("Disconnecting client on fd %d", client_sock); event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock); } break; case LOG_MESSAGE: { } break; default: /* This code should be unreachable. */ CHECK(0); } free(message); } void new_client_connection(event_loop *loop, int listener_sock, void *context, int events) { local_scheduler_state *s = context; int new_socket = accept_client(listener_sock); event_loop_add_file(loop, new_socket, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message, s); LOG_INFO("new connection with fd %d", new_socket); } void start_server(const char *socket_name, const char *redis_addr, int redis_port) { int fd = bind_ipc_sock(socket_name); event_loop *loop = event_loop_create(); local_scheduler_state *state = init_local_scheduler(loop, redis_addr, redis_port); /* Run event loop. */ event_loop_add_file(loop, fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ, new_client_connection, state); event_loop_run(loop); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Path of the listening socket of the local scheduler. */ char *scheduler_socket_name = NULL; /* IP address and port of redis. */ char *redis_addr_port = NULL; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:r:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 's': scheduler_socket_name = optarg; break; case 'r': redis_addr_port = optarg; break; default: LOG_ERR("unknown option %c", c); exit(-1); } } if (!scheduler_socket_name) { LOG_ERR("please specify socket for incoming connections with -s switch"); exit(-1); } char redis_addr[16] = {0}; char redis_port[6] = {0}; if (!redis_addr_port || sscanf(redis_addr_port, "%15[0-9.]:%5[0-9]", redis_addr, redis_port) != 2) { LOG_ERR("need to specify redis address like with -r switch"); exit(-1); } start_server(scheduler_socket_name, &redis_addr[0], atoi(redis_port)); }