from collections import Counter import copy import gym import logging import numpy as np import re import time from typing import Any, Dict, List import yaml import ray from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_jax, try_import_tf, \ try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import LARGE_INTEGER from ray.tune import run_experiments jax, _ = try_import_jax() tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() if tf1: eager_mode = None try: from tensorflow.python.eager.context import eager_mode except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): pass torch, _ = try_import_torch() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def framework_iterator(config=None, frameworks=("tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch"), session=False): """An generator that allows for looping through n frameworks for testing. Provides the correct config entries ("framework") as well as the correct eager/non-eager contexts for tfe/tf. Args: config (Optional[dict]): An optional config dict to alter in place depending on the iteration. frameworks (Tuple[str]): A list/tuple of the frameworks to be tested. Allowed are: "tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch", and None. session (bool): If True and only in the tf-case: Enter a tf.Session() and yield that as second return value (otherwise yield (fw, None)). Also sets a seed (42) on the session to make the test deterministic. Yields: str: If enter_session is False: The current framework ("tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch") used. Tuple(str, Union[None,tf.Session]: If enter_session is True: A tuple of the current fw and the tf.Session if fw="tf". """ config = config or {} frameworks = [frameworks] if isinstance(frameworks, str) else \ list(frameworks) # Both tf2 and tfe present -> remove "tfe" or "tf2" depending on version. if "tf2" in frameworks and "tfe" in frameworks: frameworks.remove("tfe" if tfv == 2 else "tf2") for fw in frameworks: # Skip non-installed frameworks. if fw == "torch" and not torch: logger.warning( "framework_iterator skipping torch (not installed)!") continue if fw != "torch" and not tf: logger.warning("framework_iterator skipping {} (tf not " "installed)!".format(fw)) continue elif fw == "tfe" and not eager_mode: logger.warning("framework_iterator skipping tf-eager (could not " "import `eager_mode` from tensorflow.python)!") continue elif fw == "tf2" and tfv != 2: logger.warning( "framework_iterator skipping tf2.x (tf version is < 2.0)!") continue elif fw == "jax" and not jax: logger.warning("framework_iterator skipping JAX (not installed)!") continue assert fw in ["tf2", "tf", "tfe", "torch", "jax", None] # Do we need a test session? sess = None if fw == "tf" and session is True: sess = tf1.Session() sess.__enter__() tf1.set_random_seed(42) print("framework={}".format(fw)) config["framework"] = fw eager_ctx = None # Enable eager mode for tf2 and tfe. if fw in ["tf2", "tfe"]: eager_ctx = eager_mode() eager_ctx.__enter__() assert tf1.executing_eagerly() # Make sure, eager mode is off. elif fw == "tf": assert not tf1.executing_eagerly() yield fw if session is False else (fw, sess) # Exit any context we may have entered. if eager_ctx: eager_ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) elif sess: sess.__exit__(None, None, None) def check(x, y, decimals=5, atol=None, rtol=None, false=False): """ Checks two structures (dict, tuple, list, np.array, float, int, etc..) for (almost) numeric identity. All numbers in the two structures have to match up to `decimal` digits after the floating point. Uses assertions. Args: x (any): The value to be compared (to the expectation: `y`). This may be a Tensor. y (any): The expected value to be compared to `x`. This must not be a tf-Tensor, but may be a tfe/torch-Tensor. decimals (int): The number of digits after the floating point up to which all numeric values have to match. atol (float): Absolute tolerance of the difference between x and y (overrides `decimals` if given). rtol (float): Relative tolerance of the difference between x and y (overrides `decimals` if given). false (bool): Whether to check that x and y are NOT the same. """ # A dict type. if isinstance(x, dict): assert isinstance(y, dict), \ "ERROR: If x is dict, y needs to be a dict as well!" y_keys = set(x.keys()) for key, value in x.items(): assert key in y, \ "ERROR: y does not have x's key='{}'! y={}".format(key, y) check( value, y[key], decimals=decimals, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, false=false) y_keys.remove(key) assert not y_keys, \ "ERROR: y contains keys ({}) that are not in x! y={}".\ format(list(y_keys), y) # A tuple type. elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)): assert isinstance(y, (tuple, list)),\ "ERROR: If x is tuple, y needs to be a tuple as well!" assert len(y) == len(x),\ "ERROR: y does not have the same length as x ({} vs {})!".\ format(len(y), len(x)) for i, value in enumerate(x): check( value, y[i], decimals=decimals, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, false=false) # Boolean comparison. elif isinstance(x, (np.bool_, bool)): if false is True: assert bool(x) is not bool(y), \ "ERROR: x ({}) is y ({})!".format(x, y) else: assert bool(x) is bool(y), \ "ERROR: x ({}) is not y ({})!".format(x, y) # Nones or primitives. elif x is None or y is None or isinstance(x, (str, int)): if false is True: assert x != y, "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) else: assert x == y, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is not the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) # String/byte comparisons. elif hasattr(x, "dtype") and \ (x.dtype == np.object or str(x.dtype) == " raise error (not expected to be equal). if false is True: assert False, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) # Using atol/rtol. else: # Provide defaults for either one of atol/rtol. if atol is None: atol = 0 if rtol is None: rtol = 1e-7 try: np.testing.assert_allclose(x, y, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) except AssertionError as e: if false is False: raise e else: if false is True: assert False, \ "ERROR: x ({}) is the same as y ({})!".format(x, y) def check_learning_achieved(tune_results, min_reward, evaluation=False): """Throws an error if `min_reward` is not reached within tune_results. Checks the last iteration found in tune_results for its "episode_reward_mean" value and compares it to `min_reward`. Args: tune_results: The returned results object. min_reward (float): The min reward that must be reached. Raises: ValueError: If `min_reward` not reached. """ # Get maximum reward of all trials # (check if at least one trial achieved some learning) avg_rewards = [(trial.last_result["episode_reward_mean"] if not evaluation else trial.last_result["evaluation"]["episode_reward_mean"]) for trial in tune_results.trials] best_avg_reward = max(avg_rewards) if best_avg_reward < min_reward: raise ValueError("`stop-reward` of {} not reached!".format(min_reward)) print("ok") def check_compute_single_action(trainer, include_state=False, include_prev_action_reward=False): """Tests different combinations of arguments for trainer.compute_action. Args: trainer (Trainer): The Trainer object to test. include_state (bool): Whether to include the initial state of the Policy's Model in the `compute_action` call. include_prev_action_reward (bool): Whether to include the prev-action and -reward in the `compute_action` call. Raises: ValueError: If anything unexpected happens. """ try: pol = trainer.get_policy() except AttributeError: pol = trainer.policy model = pol.model action_space = pol.action_space for what in [pol, trainer]: if what is trainer: method_to_test = trainer.compute_action # Get the obs-space from Workers.env (not Policy) due to possible # pre-processor up front. worker_set = getattr(trainer, "workers", getattr(trainer, "_workers", None)) assert worker_set if isinstance(worker_set, list): obs_space = trainer.get_policy().observation_space else: obs_space = worker_set.local_worker().for_policy( lambda p: p.observation_space) obs_space = getattr(obs_space, "original_space", obs_space) else: method_to_test = pol.compute_single_action obs_space = pol.observation_space for explore in [True, False]: for full_fetch in ([False, True] if what is trainer else [False]): call_kwargs = {} if what is trainer: call_kwargs["full_fetch"] = full_fetch else: call_kwargs["clip_actions"] = True obs = obs_space.sample() # Framestacking w/ traj. view API. framestacks = pol.config["model"].get("num_framestacks", "auto") if isinstance(framestacks, int) and framestacks > 1: obs = np.stack( [obs] * pol.config["model"]["num_framestacks"]) if isinstance(obs_space, gym.spaces.Box): obs = np.clip(obs, -1.0, 1.0) state_in = None if include_state: state_in = model.get_initial_state() if not state_in: state_in = [] i = 0 while f"state_in_{i}" in model.view_requirements: state_in.append(model.view_requirements[ f"state_in_{i}"].space.sample()) i += 1 action_in = action_space.sample() \ if include_prev_action_reward else None reward_in = 1.0 if include_prev_action_reward else None action = method_to_test( obs, state_in, prev_action=action_in, prev_reward=reward_in, explore=explore, **call_kwargs) state_out = None if state_in or full_fetch or what is pol: action, state_out, _ = action if state_out: for si, so in zip(state_in, state_out): check(list(si.shape), so.shape) if not action_space.contains(action): raise ValueError( "Returned action ({}) of trainer/policy {} not in " "Env's action_space " "({})!".format(action, what, action_space)) def run_learning_tests_from_yaml( yaml_files: List[str], *, max_num_repeats: int = 2, smoke_test: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Runs the given experiments in yaml_files and returns results dict. Args: yaml_files (List[str]): List of yaml file names. max_num_repeats (int): How many times should we repeat a failed experiment? """ print("Will run the following yaml files:") for yaml_file in yaml_files: print("->", yaml_file) # All trials we'll ever run in this test script. all_trials = [] # The experiments (by name) we'll run up to `max_num_repeats` times. experiments = {} # The results per experiment. checks = {} start_time = time.monotonic() # Loop through all collected files and gather experiments. # Augment all by `torch` framework. for yaml_file in yaml_files: tf_experiments = yaml.load(open(yaml_file).read()) # Add torch version of all experiments to the list. for k, e in tf_experiments.items(): e["config"]["framework"] = "tf" # For smoke-tests, we just run for n min. if smoke_test: # 15min hardcoded for now. e["stop"]["time_total_s"] = 900 # Don't stop smoke tests b/c of any reward received. e["pass_criteria"]["episode_reward_mean"] = float("inf") # Same for timesteps. e["pass_criteria"]["timesteps_total"] = LARGE_INTEGER else: # We also stop early, once we reach the desired reward. e["stop"]["episode_reward_mean"] = \ e["pass_criteria"]["episode_reward_mean"] # Generate the torch copy of the experiment. e_torch = copy.deepcopy(e) e_torch["config"]["framework"] = "torch" k_tf = re.sub("^(\\w+)-", "\\1-tf-", k) k_torch = re.sub("-tf-", "-torch-", k_tf) experiments[k_tf] = e experiments[k_torch] = e_torch # Generate `checks` dict. for k_ in [k_tf, k_torch]: checks[k_] = { "min_reward": e["pass_criteria"]["episode_reward_mean"], "min_timesteps": e["pass_criteria"]["timesteps_total"], "time_total_s": e["stop"]["time_total_s"], "failures": 0, "passed": False, } # This key would break tune. del e["pass_criteria"] del e_torch["pass_criteria"] # Print out the actual config. print("== Test config ==") print(yaml.dump(experiments)) # Keep track of those experiments we still have to run. # If an experiment passes, we'll remove it from this dict. experiments_to_run = experiments.copy() try: ray.init(address="auto") except ConnectionError: ray.init() for i in range(max_num_repeats): # We are done. if len(experiments_to_run) == 0: print("All experiments finished.") break print(f"Starting learning test iteration {i}...") # Run remaining experiments. trials = run_experiments(experiments_to_run, resume=False, verbose=2) all_trials.extend(trials) # Check each trial for whether we passed. # Criteria is to a) reach reward AND b) to have reached the throughput # defined by `timesteps_total` / `time_total_s`. for t in trials: experiment = re.sub(".+/([^/]+)$", "\\1", t.local_dir) if t.status == "ERROR": checks[experiment]["failures"] += 1 else: desired_reward = checks[experiment]["min_reward"] desired_timesteps = checks[experiment]["min_timesteps"] throughput = t.last_result["timesteps_total"] / \ t.last_result["time_total_s"] desired_throughput = \ desired_timesteps / t.stopping_criterion["time_total_s"] if t.last_result["episode_reward_mean"] < desired_reward or \ desired_throughput and throughput < desired_throughput: checks[experiment]["failures"] += 1 else: checks[experiment]["passed"] = True del experiments_to_run[experiment] ray.shutdown() time_taken = time.monotonic() - start_time # Create results dict and write it to disk. result = { "time_taken": time_taken, "trial_states": dict(Counter([trial.status for trial in all_trials])), "last_update": time.time(), "passed": [k for k, exp in checks.items() if exp["passed"]], "failures": { k: exp["failures"] for k, exp in checks.items() if exp["failures"] > 0 } } return result