********** Ray Client ********** .. note:: This feature is still in beta and subject to changes. =========== Basic usage =========== While in beta, the server is available as an executable module. To start the server, run ``python -m ray.util.client.server [--host host_ip] [--port port] [--redis-address address] [--redis-password password]`` This runs ``ray.init()`` with default options and exposes the client gRPC port at ``host_ip:port`` (by default, ````). Providing ``redis-address`` and ``redis-password`` will be passed into ``ray.init()`` when the server starts, allowing connection to an existing Ray cluster, as per the `cluster setup `_ instructions. From here, another Ray script can access that server from a networked machine with ``ray.util.connect()`` .. code-block:: python import ray import ray.util ray.util.connect("") # replace with the appropriate host and port # Normal Ray code follows @ray.remote def f(x): return x ** x do_work.remote(2) #.... When the client disconnects, any object or actor references held by the server on behalf of the client are dropped, as if directly disconnecting from the cluster =================== ``RAY_CLIENT_MODE`` =================== Because Ray client mode affects the behavior of the Ray API, larger scripts or libraries imported before ``ray.util.connect()`` may not realize they're in client mode. This feature is being tracked with `issue #13272 `_ but the workaround here is provided for beta users. One option is to defer the imports from a ``main`` script that calls ``ray.util.connect()`` first. However, some older scripts or libraries might not support that. Therefore, an environment variable is also available to force a Ray program into client mode: ``RAY_CLIENT_MODE`` An example usage: .. code-block:: bash RAY_CLIENT_MODE=1 python my_ray_program.py =================================== Programatically creating the server =================================== For larger use-cases, it may be desirable to connect remote Ray clients to an existing Ray environment. The server can be started separately via .. code-block:: python from ray.util.client.server import serve server = serve("") # Server does some work # ... # Time to clean up server.stop(0)