import unittest import orchpy import orchpy.serialization as serialization import as services import orchpy.worker as worker import numpy as np import time import subprocess32 as subprocess import os from google.protobuf.text_format import * import orchestra_pb2 import types_pb2 import test_functions import arrays.single as single import arrays.dist as dist class SerializationTest(unittest.TestCase): def roundTripTest(self, worker, data): serialized, _ = serialization.serialize(worker.handle, data) result = serialization.deserialize(worker.handle, serialized) self.assertEqual(data, result) def numpyTypeTest(self, worker, typ): a = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(100, 100)).astype(typ) b, _ = serialization.serialize(worker.handle, a) c = serialization.deserialize(worker.handle, b) self.assertTrue((a == c).all()) def testSerialize(self): [w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True) self.roundTripTest(w, [1, "hello", 3.0]) self.roundTripTest(w, 42) self.roundTripTest(w, "hello world") self.roundTripTest(w, 42.0) self.roundTripTest(w, (1.0, "hi")) self.roundTripTest(w, {"hello" : "world", 1: 42, 1.0: 45}) self.roundTripTest(w, {}) a = np.zeros((100, 100)) res, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, a) b = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, res) self.assertTrue((a == b).all()) self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'int8') self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'uint8') # self.numpyTypeTest('int16') # TODO(pcm): implement this # self.numpyTypeTest('int32') # TODO(pcm): implement this self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'float32') self.numpyTypeTest(w, 'float64') ref0 = orchpy.push(0, w) ref1 = orchpy.push(0, w) ref2 = orchpy.push(0, w) ref3 = orchpy.push(0, w) a = np.array([[ref0, ref1], [ref2, ref3]]) capsule, _ = serialization.serialize(w.handle, a) result = serialization.deserialize(w.handle, capsule) self.assertTrue((a == result).all()) services.cleanup() class ObjStoreTest(unittest.TestCase): # Test setting up object stores, transfering data between them and retrieving data to a client def testObjStore(self): [w1, w2] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True, num_objstores=2, num_workers_per_objstore=0) # pushing and pulling an object shouldn't change it for data in ["h", "h" * 10000, 0, 0.0]: objref = orchpy.push(data, w1) result = orchpy.pull(objref, w1) self.assertEqual(result, data) # pushing an object, shipping it to another worker, and pulling it shouldn't change it # for data in ["h", "h" * 10000, 0, 0.0]: # objref = worker.push(data, worker1) # response = objstore1_stub.DeliverObj(orchestra_pb2.DeliverObjRequest(objref=objref.val, objstore_address=address(IP_ADDRESS, objstore2_port)), TIMEOUT_SECONDS) # result = worker.pull(objref, worker2) # self.assertEqual(result, data) services.cleanup() class SchedulerTest(unittest.TestCase): def testCall(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") [w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True, num_workers_per_objstore=1, worker_path=test_path) value_before = "test_string" objref = w.remote_call("test_functions.print_string", [value_before]) time.sleep(0.2) value_after = orchpy.pull(objref[0], w) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) time.sleep(0.1) services.cleanup() class WorkerTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPushPull(self): [w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True) for i in range(100): value_before = i * 10 ** 6 objref = orchpy.push(value_before, w) value_after = orchpy.pull(objref, w) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = i * 10 ** 6 * 1.0 objref = orchpy.push(value_before, w) value_after = orchpy.pull(objref, w) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = "h" * i objref = orchpy.push(value_before, w) value_after = orchpy.pull(objref, w) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = [1] * i objref = orchpy.push(value_before, w) value_after = orchpy.pull(objref, w) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) services.cleanup() class APITest(unittest.TestCase): def testObjRefAliasing(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") [w] = services.start_cluster(return_drivers=True, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=test_path) objref = w.remote_call("test_functions.test_alias_f", []) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5]))) objref = w.remote_call("test_functions.test_alias_g", []) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5]))) objref = w.remote_call("test_functions.test_alias_h", []) self.assertTrue(np.alltrue(orchpy.pull(objref[0], w) == np.ones([3, 4, 5]))) services.cleanup() class ReferenceCountingTest(unittest.TestCase): def testDeallocation(self): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "") services.start_cluster(return_drivers=False, num_workers_per_objstore=3, worker_path=test_path) x = test_functions.test_alias_f() orchpy.pull(x) time.sleep(0.1) objref_val = x.val self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val] == 1) del x self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val] == -1) # -1 indicates deallocated y = test_functions.test_alias_h() orchpy.pull(y) time.sleep(0.1) objref_val = y.val self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 0, 0]) del y self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1]) z = dist.zeros([dist.BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * dist.BLOCK_SIZE], "float") time.sleep(0.1) objref_val = z.val self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 1, 1]) del z time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1]) x = single.zeros([10, 10], "float") y = single.zeros([10, 10], "float") z =, y) objref_val = x.val time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [1, 1, 1]) del x time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, 1, 1]) del y time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, 1]) del z time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(orchpy.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objref_val:(objref_val + 3)] == [-1, -1, -1]) services.cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()