# flake8: noqa """ This file holds code for the runtime envs documentation. It ignores yapf because yapf doesn't allow comments right after code blocks, but we put comments right after code blocks to prevent large white spaces in the documentation. """ import ray # yapf: disable # __runtime_env_conda_def_start__ runtime_env = { "conda": { "dependencies": ["toolz", "dill", "pip", { "pip": ["pendulum", "ray[serve]"] }] }, "env_vars": {"TF_WARNINGS": "none"} } # __runtime_env_conda_def_end__ # __ray_init_start__ ray.init(job_config=ray.job_config.JobConfig(runtime_env=runtime_env)) # __ray_init_end__ @ray.remote def f_job(): pass @ray.remote class Actor_job: def g(self): pass ray.get(f_job.remote()) a = Actor_job.remote() ray.get(a.g.remote()) ray.shutdown() ray.init() @ray.remote def f(): pass @ray.remote class Actor: pass # __per_task_per_actor_start__ f.options(runtime_env=runtime_env).remote() Actor.options(runtime_env=runtime_env).remote() # __per_task_per_actor_end__