# This script is copied and adapted from https://github.com/amplab/spark-ec2. from __future__ import division, print_function, with_statement import codecs import hashlib import itertools import logging import os import os.path import pipes import random import shutil import string from stat import S_IRUSR import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import textwrap import time import warnings from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from sys import stderr import boto from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping, BlockDeviceType, EBSBlockDeviceType from boto import ec2 class UsageError(Exception): pass # Configure and parse our command-line arguments def parse_args(): parser = OptionParser( prog="ec2", usage="%prog [options] \n\n" + " can be: launch, destroy, stop, start, get-master, reboot-slaves") parser.add_option( "-s", "--slaves", type="int", default=1, help="Number of slaves to launch (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "-k", "--key-pair", help="Key pair to use on instances") parser.add_option( "-i", "--identity-file", help="SSH private key file to use for logging into instances") parser.add_option( "-p", "--profile", default=None, help="If you have multiple profiles (AWS or boto config), you can configure " + "additional, named profiles by using this option (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "-t", "--instance-type", default="m3.large", help="Type of instance to launch (default: %default). " + "WARNING: must be 64-bit; small instances won't work") parser.add_option( "-m", "--master-instance-type", default="", help="Master instance type (leave empty for same as instance-type)") parser.add_option( "-r", "--region", default="us-east-1", help="EC2 region used to launch instances in, or to find them in (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "-z", "--zone", default="", help="Availability zone to launch instances in, or 'all' to spread " + "slaves across multiple (an additional $0.01/Gb for bandwidth" + "between zones applies) (default: a single zone chosen at random)") parser.add_option( "-a", "--ami", help="Amazon Machine Image ID to use") parser.add_option( "-D", metavar="[ADDRESS:]PORT", dest="proxy_port", help="Use SSH dynamic port forwarding to create a SOCKS proxy at " + "the given local address (for use with login)") parser.add_option( "--resume", action="store_true", default=False, help="Resume installation on a previously launched cluster " + "(for debugging)") parser.add_option( "--ebs-vol-size", metavar="SIZE", type="int", default=0, help="Size (in GB) of each EBS volume.") parser.add_option( "--ebs-vol-type", default="standard", help="EBS volume type (e.g. 'gp2', 'standard').") parser.add_option( "--ebs-vol-num", type="int", default=1, help="Number of EBS volumes to attach to each node as /vol[x]. " + "The volumes will be deleted when the instances terminate. " + "Only possible on EBS-backed AMIs. " + "EBS volumes are only attached if --ebs-vol-size > 0. " + "Only support up to 8 EBS volumes.") parser.add_option( "--placement-group", type="string", default=None, help="Which placement group to try and launch " + "instances into. Assumes placement group is already " + "created.") parser.add_option( "--swap", metavar="SWAP", type="int", default=1024, help="Swap space to set up per node, in MB (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "--spot-price", metavar="PRICE", type="float", help="If specified, launch slaves as spot instances with the given " + "maximum price (in dollars)") parser.add_option( "-u", "--user", default="ubuntu", help="The SSH user you want to connect as (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "--delete-groups", action="store_true", default=False, help="When destroying a cluster, delete the security groups that were created") parser.add_option( "--use-existing-master", action="store_true", default=False, help="Launch fresh slaves, but use an existing stopped master if possible") parser.add_option( "--authorized-address", type="string", default="", help="Address to authorize on created security groups (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "--additional-security-group", type="string", default="", help="Additional security group to place the machines in") parser.add_option( "--additional-tags", type="string", default="", help="Additional tags to set on the machines; tags are comma-separated, while name and " + "value are colon separated; ex: \"Task:MyProject,Env:production\"") parser.add_option( "--subnet-id", default=None, help="VPC subnet to launch instances in") parser.add_option( "--vpc-id", default=None, help="VPC to launch instances in") parser.add_option( "--private-ips", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use private IPs for instances rather than public if VPC/subnet " + "requires that.") parser.add_option( "--instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior", default="stop", choices=["stop", "terminate"], help="Whether instances should terminate when shut down or just stop") parser.add_option( "--instance-profile-name", default=None, help="IAM profile name to launch instances under") (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) (action, cluster_name) = args opts.identity_file = os.path.expanduser(opts.identity_file) # Boto config check # http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html home_dir = os.getenv('HOME') if home_dir is None or not os.path.isfile(home_dir + '/.boto'): if not os.path.isfile('/etc/boto.cfg'): # If there is no boto config, check aws credentials if not os.path.isfile(home_dir + '/.aws/credentials'): if os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') is None: print("ERROR: The environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID must be set", file=stderr) sys.exit(1) if os.getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') is None: print("ERROR: The environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY must be set", file=stderr) sys.exit(1) return (opts, action, cluster_name) # Get the EC2 security group of the given name, creating it if it doesn't exist def get_or_make_group(conn, name, vpc_id): groups = conn.get_all_security_groups() group = [g for g in groups if g.name == name] if len(group) > 0: return group[0] else: print("Creating security group " + name) return conn.create_security_group(name, "Ray EC2 group", vpc_id) # Source: http://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/instance-type-matrix/ # Last Updated: 2015-06-19 # For easy maintainability, please keep this manually-inputted dictionary sorted by key. EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES = { "c1.medium": "pvm", "c1.xlarge": "pvm", "c3.large": "hvm", "c3.xlarge": "hvm", "c3.2xlarge": "hvm", "c3.4xlarge": "hvm", "c3.8xlarge": "hvm", "c4.large": "hvm", "c4.xlarge": "hvm", "c4.2xlarge": "hvm", "c4.4xlarge": "hvm", "c4.8xlarge": "hvm", "cc1.4xlarge": "hvm", "cc2.8xlarge": "hvm", "cg1.4xlarge": "hvm", "cr1.8xlarge": "hvm", "d2.xlarge": "hvm", "d2.2xlarge": "hvm", "d2.4xlarge": "hvm", "d2.8xlarge": "hvm", "g2.2xlarge": "hvm", "g2.8xlarge": "hvm", "hi1.4xlarge": "pvm", "hs1.8xlarge": "pvm", "i2.xlarge": "hvm", "i2.2xlarge": "hvm", "i2.4xlarge": "hvm", "i2.8xlarge": "hvm", "m1.small": "pvm", "m1.medium": "pvm", "m1.large": "pvm", "m1.xlarge": "pvm", "m2.xlarge": "pvm", "m2.2xlarge": "pvm", "m2.4xlarge": "pvm", "m3.medium": "hvm", "m3.large": "hvm", "m3.xlarge": "hvm", "m3.2xlarge": "hvm", "m4.large": "hvm", "m4.xlarge": "hvm", "m4.2xlarge": "hvm", "m4.4xlarge": "hvm", "m4.10xlarge": "hvm", "r3.large": "hvm", "r3.xlarge": "hvm", "r3.2xlarge": "hvm", "r3.4xlarge": "hvm", "r3.8xlarge": "hvm", "t1.micro": "pvm", "t2.micro": "hvm", "t2.small": "hvm", "t2.medium": "hvm", "t2.large": "hvm", } # Launch a cluster of the given name, by setting up its security groups, # and then starting new instances in them. # Returns a tuple of EC2 reservation objects for the master and slaves # Fails if there already instances running in the cluster's groups. def launch_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name): if opts.identity_file is None: print("ERROR: Must provide an identity file (-i) for ssh connections.", file=stderr) sys.exit(1) if opts.key_pair is None: print("ERROR: Must provide a key pair name (-k) to use on instances.", file=stderr) sys.exit(1) user_data_content = None print("Setting up security groups...") master_group = get_or_make_group(conn, cluster_name + "-master", opts.vpc_id) slave_group = get_or_make_group(conn, cluster_name + "-slaves", opts.vpc_id) authorized_address = opts.authorized_address if master_group.rules == []: # Group was just now created master_group.authorize(src_group=master_group) master_group.authorize(src_group=slave_group) master_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, authorized_address) if slave_group.rules == []: # Group was just now created slave_group.authorize(src_group=master_group) slave_group.authorize(src_group=slave_group) slave_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, authorized_address) # Check if instances are already running in our groups existing_masters, existing_slaves = get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=False) if existing_slaves or (existing_masters and not opts.use_existing_master): print("ERROR: There are already instances running in group %s or %s" % (master_group.name, slave_group.name), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) # Use the default Ubuntu AMI. if opts.ami is None: if opts.region == "us-east-1": opts.ami = "ami-2d39803a" elif opts.region == "us-west-1": opts.ami = "ami-06116566" elif opts.region == "us-west-2": opts.ami = "ami-9abea4fb" elif opts.region == "eu-west-1": opts.ami = "ami-f95ef58a" elif opts.region == "eu-central-1": opts.ami = "ami-87564feb" elif opts.region == "ap-northeast-1": opts.ami = "ami-a21529cc" elif opts.region == "ap-northeast-2": opts.ami = "ami-09dc1267" elif opts.region == "ap-southeast-1": opts.ami = "ami-25c00c46" elif opts.region == "ap-southeast-2": opts.ami = "ami-6c14310f" elif opts.region == "ap-south-1": opts.ami = "ami-4a90fa25" elif opts.region == "sa-east-1": opts.ami = "ami-0fb83963" else: raise Exception("The specified region is unknown.") # we use group ids to work around https://github.com/boto/boto/issues/350 additional_group_ids = [] if opts.additional_security_group: additional_group_ids = [sg.id for sg in conn.get_all_security_groups() if opts.additional_security_group in (sg.name, sg.id)] print("Launching instances...") try: image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=[opts.ami])[0] except: print("Could not find AMI " + opts.ami, file=stderr) sys.exit(1) # Create block device mapping so that we can add EBS volumes if asked to. # The first drive is attached as /dev/sds, 2nd as /dev/sdt, ... /dev/sdz block_map = BlockDeviceMapping() if opts.ebs_vol_size > 0: for i in range(opts.ebs_vol_num): device = EBSBlockDeviceType() device.size = opts.ebs_vol_size device.volume_type = opts.ebs_vol_type device.delete_on_termination = True block_map["/dev/sd" + chr(ord('s') + i)] = device # AWS ignores the AMI-specified block device mapping for M3 (see SPARK-3342). if opts.instance_type.startswith('m3.'): for i in range(get_num_disks(opts.instance_type)): dev = BlockDeviceType() dev.ephemeral_name = 'ephemeral%d' % i # The first ephemeral drive is /dev/sdb. name = '/dev/sd' + string.ascii_letters[i + 1] block_map[name] = dev # Launch slaves if opts.spot_price is not None: # Launch spot instances with the requested price print("Requesting %d slaves as spot instances with price $%.3f" % (opts.slaves, opts.spot_price)) zones = get_zones(conn, opts) num_zones = len(zones) i = 0 my_req_ids = [] for zone in zones: num_slaves_this_zone = get_partition(opts.slaves, num_zones, i) slave_reqs = conn.request_spot_instances( price=opts.spot_price, image_id=opts.ami, launch_group="launch-group-%s" % cluster_name, placement=zone, count=num_slaves_this_zone, key_name=opts.key_pair, security_group_ids=[slave_group.id] + additional_group_ids, instance_type=opts.instance_type, block_device_map=block_map, subnet_id=opts.subnet_id, placement_group=opts.placement_group, user_data=user_data_content, instance_profile_name=opts.instance_profile_name) my_req_ids += [req.id for req in slave_reqs] i += 1 print("Waiting for spot instances to be granted...") try: while True: time.sleep(10) reqs = conn.get_all_spot_instance_requests() id_to_req = {} for r in reqs: id_to_req[r.id] = r active_instance_ids = [] for i in my_req_ids: if i in id_to_req and id_to_req[i].state == "active": active_instance_ids.append(id_to_req[i].instance_id) if len(active_instance_ids) == opts.slaves: print("All %d slaves granted" % opts.slaves) reservations = conn.get_all_reservations(active_instance_ids) slave_nodes = [] for r in reservations: slave_nodes += r.instances break else: print("%d of %d slaves granted, waiting longer" % ( len(active_instance_ids), opts.slaves)) except: print("Canceling spot instance requests") conn.cancel_spot_instance_requests(my_req_ids) # Log a warning if any of these requests actually launched instances: (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster( conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=False) running = len(master_nodes) + len(slave_nodes) if running: print(("WARNING: %d instances are still running" % running), file=stderr) sys.exit(0) else: # Launch non-spot instances zones = get_zones(conn, opts) num_zones = len(zones) i = 0 slave_nodes = [] for zone in zones: num_slaves_this_zone = get_partition(opts.slaves, num_zones, i) if num_slaves_this_zone > 0: slave_res = image.run( key_name=opts.key_pair, security_group_ids=[slave_group.id] + additional_group_ids, instance_type=opts.instance_type, placement=zone, min_count=num_slaves_this_zone, max_count=num_slaves_this_zone, block_device_map=block_map, subnet_id=opts.subnet_id, placement_group=opts.placement_group, user_data=user_data_content, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior=opts.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, instance_profile_name=opts.instance_profile_name) slave_nodes += slave_res.instances print("Launched {s} slave{plural_s} in {z}, regid = {r}".format( s=num_slaves_this_zone, plural_s=('' if num_slaves_this_zone == 1 else 's'), z=zone, r=slave_res.id)) i += 1 # Launch or resume masters if existing_masters: print("Starting master...") for inst in existing_masters: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: inst.start() master_nodes = existing_masters else: master_type = opts.master_instance_type if master_type == "": master_type = opts.instance_type if opts.zone == 'all': opts.zone = random.choice(conn.get_all_zones()).name master_res = image.run( key_name=opts.key_pair, security_group_ids=[master_group.id] + additional_group_ids, instance_type=master_type, placement=opts.zone, min_count=1, max_count=1, block_device_map=block_map, subnet_id=opts.subnet_id, placement_group=opts.placement_group, user_data=user_data_content, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior=opts.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, instance_profile_name=opts.instance_profile_name) master_nodes = master_res.instances print("Launched master in %s, regid = %s" % (zone, master_res.id)) # This wait time corresponds to SPARK-4983 print("Waiting for AWS to propagate instance metadata...") time.sleep(15) # Give the instances descriptive names and set additional tags additional_tags = {} if opts.additional_tags.strip(): additional_tags = dict( map(str.strip, tag.split(':', 1)) for tag in opts.additional_tags.split(',') ) for master in master_nodes: master.add_tags( dict(additional_tags, Name='{cn}-master-{iid}'.format(cn=cluster_name, iid=master.id)) ) for slave in slave_nodes: slave.add_tags( dict(additional_tags, Name='{cn}-slave-{iid}'.format(cn=cluster_name, iid=slave.id)) ) # Return all the instances return (master_nodes, slave_nodes) def get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=True): """ Get the EC2 instances in an existing cluster if available. Returns a tuple of lists of EC2 instance objects for the masters and slaves. """ print("Searching for existing cluster {c} in region {r}...".format( c=cluster_name, r=opts.region)) def get_instances(group_names): """ Get all non-terminated instances that belong to any of the provided security groups. EC2 reservation filters and instance states are documented here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-instances.html#options """ reservations = conn.get_all_reservations( filters={"instance.group-name": group_names}) instances = itertools.chain.from_iterable(r.instances for r in reservations) return [i for i in instances if i.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]] master_instances = get_instances([cluster_name + "-master"]) slave_instances = get_instances([cluster_name + "-slaves"]) if any((master_instances, slave_instances)): print("Found {m} master{plural_m}, {s} slave{plural_s}.".format( m=len(master_instances), plural_m=('' if len(master_instances) == 1 else 's'), s=len(slave_instances), plural_s=('' if len(slave_instances) == 1 else 's'))) if not master_instances and die_on_error: print("ERROR: Could not find a master for cluster {c} in region {r}.".format( c=cluster_name, r=opts.region), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return (master_instances, slave_instances) # Deploy configuration files and run setup scripts on a newly launched # or started EC2 cluster. def setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, opts, deploy_ssh_key): master = get_dns_name(master_nodes[0], opts.private_ips) if deploy_ssh_key: print("Generating cluster's SSH key on master...") key_setup = """ [ -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] || (ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa && cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys) """ ssh(master, opts, key_setup) dot_ssh_tar = ssh_read(master, opts, ['tar', 'c', '.ssh']) print("Transferring cluster's SSH key to slaves...") for slave in slave_nodes: slave_address = get_dns_name(slave, opts.private_ips) print(slave_address) ssh_write(slave_address, opts, ['tar', 'x'], dot_ssh_tar) def is_ssh_available(host, opts, print_ssh_output=True): """ Check if SSH is available on a host. """ s = subprocess.Popen( ssh_command(opts) + ['-t', '-t', '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=3', '%s@%s' % (opts.user, host), stringify_command('true')], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT # we pipe stderr through stdout to preserve output order ) cmd_output = s.communicate()[0] # [1] is stderr, which we redirected to stdout if s.returncode != 0 and print_ssh_output: # extra leading newline is for spacing in wait_for_cluster_state() print(textwrap.dedent("""\n Warning: SSH connection error. (This could be temporary.) Host: {h} SSH return code: {r} SSH output: {o} """).format( h=host, r=s.returncode, o=cmd_output.strip() )) return s.returncode == 0 def is_cluster_ssh_available(cluster_instances, opts): """ Check if SSH is available on all the instances in a cluster. """ for i in cluster_instances: dns_name = get_dns_name(i, opts.private_ips) if not is_ssh_available(host=dns_name, opts=opts): return False else: return True def wait_for_cluster_state(conn, opts, cluster_instances, cluster_state): """ Wait for all the instances in the cluster to reach a designated state. cluster_instances: a list of boto.ec2.instance.Instance cluster_state: a string representing the desired state of all the instances in the cluster value can be 'ssh-ready' or a valid value from boto.ec2.instance.InstanceState such as 'running', 'terminated', etc. (would be nice to replace this with a proper enum: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1695250) """ sys.stdout.write( "Waiting for cluster to enter '{s}' state.".format(s=cluster_state) ) sys.stdout.flush() start_time = datetime.now() num_attempts = 0 while True: time.sleep(5 * num_attempts) # seconds for i in cluster_instances: i.update() max_batch = 100 statuses = [] for j in xrange(0, len(cluster_instances), max_batch): batch = [i.id for i in cluster_instances[j:j + max_batch]] statuses.extend(conn.get_all_instance_status(instance_ids=batch)) if cluster_state == 'ssh-ready': if all(i.state == 'running' for i in cluster_instances) and \ all(s.system_status.status == 'ok' for s in statuses) and \ all(s.instance_status.status == 'ok' for s in statuses) and \ is_cluster_ssh_available(cluster_instances, opts): break else: if all(i.state == cluster_state for i in cluster_instances): break num_attempts += 1 sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") end_time = datetime.now() print("Cluster is now in '{s}' state. Waited {t} seconds.".format( s=cluster_state, t=(end_time - start_time).seconds )) # Get number of local disks available for a given EC2 instance type. def get_num_disks(instance_type): # Source: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html # Last Updated: 2015-06-19 # For easy maintainability, please keep this manually-inputted dictionary sorted by key. disks_by_instance = { "c1.medium": 1, "c1.xlarge": 4, "c3.large": 2, "c3.xlarge": 2, "c3.2xlarge": 2, "c3.4xlarge": 2, "c3.8xlarge": 2, "c4.large": 0, "c4.xlarge": 0, "c4.2xlarge": 0, "c4.4xlarge": 0, "c4.8xlarge": 0, "cc1.4xlarge": 2, "cc2.8xlarge": 4, "cg1.4xlarge": 2, "cr1.8xlarge": 2, "d2.xlarge": 3, "d2.2xlarge": 6, "d2.4xlarge": 12, "d2.8xlarge": 24, "g2.2xlarge": 1, "g2.8xlarge": 2, "hi1.4xlarge": 2, "hs1.8xlarge": 24, "i2.xlarge": 1, "i2.2xlarge": 2, "i2.4xlarge": 4, "i2.8xlarge": 8, "m1.small": 1, "m1.medium": 1, "m1.large": 2, "m1.xlarge": 4, "m2.xlarge": 1, "m2.2xlarge": 1, "m2.4xlarge": 2, "m3.medium": 1, "m3.large": 1, "m3.xlarge": 2, "m3.2xlarge": 2, "m4.large": 0, "m4.xlarge": 0, "m4.2xlarge": 0, "m4.4xlarge": 0, "m4.10xlarge": 0, "r3.large": 1, "r3.xlarge": 1, "r3.2xlarge": 1, "r3.4xlarge": 1, "r3.8xlarge": 2, "t1.micro": 0, "t2.micro": 0, "t2.small": 0, "t2.medium": 0, "t2.large": 0, } if instance_type in disks_by_instance: return disks_by_instance[instance_type] else: print("WARNING: Don't know number of disks on instance type %s; assuming 1" % instance_type, file=stderr) return 1 def stringify_command(parts): if isinstance(parts, str): return parts else: return ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, parts)) def ssh_args(opts): parts = ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'] parts += ['-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'] if opts.identity_file is not None: parts += ['-i', opts.identity_file] return parts def ssh_command(opts): return ['ssh'] + ssh_args(opts) # Run a command on a host through ssh, retrying up to five times # and then throwing an exception if ssh continues to fail. def ssh(host, opts, command): tries = 0 while True: try: return subprocess.check_call( ssh_command(opts) + ['-t', '-t', '%s@%s' % (opts.user, host), stringify_command(command)]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if tries > 5: # If this was an ssh failure, provide the user with hints. if e.returncode == 255: raise UsageError( "Failed to SSH to remote host {0}.\n" "Please check that you have provided the correct --identity-file and " "--key-pair parameters and try again.".format(host)) else: raise e print("Error executing remote command, retrying after 30 seconds: {0}".format(e), file=stderr) time.sleep(30) tries = tries + 1 # Backported from Python 2.7 for compatiblity with 2.6 (See SPARK-1990) def _check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): if 'stdout' in kwargs: raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.') process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, unused_err = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output) return output def ssh_read(host, opts, command): return _check_output( ssh_command(opts) + ['%s@%s' % (opts.user, host), stringify_command(command)]) def ssh_write(host, opts, command, arguments): tries = 0 while True: proc = subprocess.Popen( ssh_command(opts) + ['%s@%s' % (opts.user, host), stringify_command(command)], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) proc.stdin.write(arguments) proc.stdin.close() status = proc.wait() if status == 0: break elif tries > 5: raise RuntimeError("ssh_write failed with error %s" % proc.returncode) else: print("Error {0} while executing remote command, retrying after 30 seconds". format(status), file=stderr) time.sleep(30) tries = tries + 1 # Gets a list of zones to launch instances in def get_zones(conn, opts): if opts.zone == 'all': zones = [z.name for z in conn.get_all_zones()] else: zones = [opts.zone] return zones # Gets the number of items in a partition def get_partition(total, num_partitions, current_partitions): num_slaves_this_zone = total // num_partitions if (total % num_partitions) - current_partitions > 0: num_slaves_this_zone += 1 return num_slaves_this_zone # Gets the IP address, taking into account the --private-ips flag def get_ip_address(instance, private_ips=False): ip = instance.ip_address if not private_ips else \ instance.private_ip_address return ip # Gets the DNS name, taking into account the --private-ips flag def get_dns_name(instance, private_ips=False): dns = instance.public_dns_name if not private_ips else \ instance.private_ip_address if not dns: raise UsageError("Failed to determine hostname of {0}.\n" "Please check that you provided --private-ips if " "necessary".format(instance)) return dns # Write the public and private ip addresses of the master and slave nodes to a file. This will be used by cluster.py. def write_public_and_private_ip_addresses_to_file(master_nodes, slave_nodes): master_public_ip_address = master_nodes[0].ip_address master_private_ip_address = master_nodes[0].private_ip_address slave_public_ip_addresses = [node.ip_address for node in slave_nodes] slave_private_ip_addresses = [node.private_ip_address for node in slave_nodes] all_public_ip_addresses = [master_public_ip_address] all_public_ip_addresses.extend(slave_public_ip_addresses) all_private_ip_addresses = [master_private_ip_address] all_private_ip_addresses.extend(slave_private_ip_addresses) with open("nodes.txt", "w") as f: for i in range(len(all_public_ip_addresses)): f.write("{}, {}\n".format(all_public_ip_addresses[i], all_private_ip_addresses[i])) def real_main(): (opts, action, cluster_name) = parse_args() if opts.identity_file is not None: if not os.path.exists(opts.identity_file): print("ERROR: The identity file '{f}' doesn't exist.".format(f=opts.identity_file), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) file_mode = os.stat(opts.identity_file).st_mode if not (file_mode & S_IRUSR) or not oct(file_mode)[-2:] == '00': print("ERROR: The identity file must be accessible only by you.", file=stderr) print('You can fix this with: chmod 400 "{f}"'.format(f=opts.identity_file), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) if opts.instance_type not in EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES: print("Warning: Unrecognized EC2 instance type for instance-type: {t}".format( t=opts.instance_type), file=stderr) if opts.master_instance_type != "": if opts.master_instance_type not in EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES: print("Warning: Unrecognized EC2 instance type for master-instance-type: {t}".format( t=opts.master_instance_type), file=stderr) # Since we try instance types even if we can't resolve them, we check if they resolve first # and, if they do, see if they resolve to the same virtualization type. if opts.instance_type in EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES and \ opts.master_instance_type in EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES: if EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES[opts.instance_type] != \ EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES[opts.master_instance_type]: print("Error: this script currently does not support having a master and slaves " "with different AMI virtualization types.", file=stderr) print("master instance virtualization type: {t}".format( t=EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES[opts.master_instance_type]), file=stderr) print("slave instance virtualization type: {t}".format( t=EC2_INSTANCE_TYPES[opts.instance_type]), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) try: if opts.profile is None: conn = ec2.connect_to_region(opts.region) else: conn = ec2.connect_to_region(opts.region, profile_name=opts.profile) except Exception as e: print((e), file=stderr) sys.exit(1) # Select an AZ at random if it was not specified. if opts.zone == "": opts.zone = random.choice(conn.get_all_zones()).name if action == "launch": if opts.slaves <= 0: print("ERROR: You have to start at least 1 slave", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opts.resume: (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name) else: (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = launch_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name) wait_for_cluster_state( conn=conn, opts=opts, cluster_instances=(master_nodes + slave_nodes), cluster_state='ssh-ready' ) setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, opts, True) # Write the public and private ip addresses to a file. write_public_and_private_ip_addresses_to_file(master_nodes, slave_nodes) elif action == "destroy": (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster( conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=False) if any(master_nodes + slave_nodes): print("The following instances will be terminated:") for inst in master_nodes + slave_nodes: print("> %s" % get_dns_name(inst, opts.private_ips)) print("ALL DATA ON ALL NODES WILL BE LOST!!") msg = "Are you sure you want to destroy the cluster {c}? (y/N) ".format(c=cluster_name) response = raw_input(msg) if response == "y": print("Terminating master...") for inst in master_nodes: inst.terminate() print("Terminating slaves...") for inst in slave_nodes: inst.terminate() # Delete security groups as well if opts.delete_groups: group_names = [cluster_name + "-master", cluster_name + "-slaves"] wait_for_cluster_state( conn=conn, opts=opts, cluster_instances=(master_nodes + slave_nodes), cluster_state='terminated' ) print("Deleting security groups (this will take some time)...") attempt = 1 while attempt <= 3: print("Attempt %d" % attempt) groups = [g for g in conn.get_all_security_groups() if g.name in group_names] success = True # Delete individual rules in all groups before deleting groups to # remove dependencies between them for group in groups: print("Deleting rules in security group " + group.name) for rule in group.rules: for grant in rule.grants: success &= group.revoke(ip_protocol=rule.ip_protocol, from_port=rule.from_port, to_port=rule.to_port, src_group=grant) # Sleep for AWS eventual-consistency to catch up, and for instances # to terminate time.sleep(30) # Yes, it does have to be this long :-( for group in groups: try: # It is needed to use group_id to make it work with VPC conn.delete_security_group(group_id=group.id) print("Deleted security group %s" % group.name) except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError: success = False print("Failed to delete security group %s" % group.name) # Unfortunately, group.revoke() returns True even if a rule was not # deleted, so this needs to be rerun if something fails if success: break attempt += 1 if not success: print("Failed to delete all security groups after 3 tries.") print("Try re-running in a few minutes.") elif action == "reboot-slaves": response = raw_input( "Are you sure you want to reboot the cluster " + cluster_name + " slaves?\n" + "Reboot cluster slaves " + cluster_name + " (y/N): ") if response == "y": (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster( conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=False) print("Rebooting slaves...") for inst in slave_nodes: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: print("Rebooting " + inst.id) inst.reboot() elif action == "get-master": (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name) if not master_nodes[0].public_dns_name and not opts.private_ips: print("Master has no public DNS name. Maybe you meant to specify --private-ips?") else: print(get_dns_name(master_nodes[0], opts.private_ips)) elif action == "stop": response = raw_input( "Are you sure you want to stop the cluster " + cluster_name + "?\nDATA ON EPHEMERAL DISKS WILL BE LOST, " + "BUT THE CLUSTER WILL KEEP USING SPACE ON\n" + "AMAZON EBS IF IT IS EBS-BACKED!!\n" + "All data on spot-instance slaves will be lost.\n" + "Stop cluster " + cluster_name + " (y/N): ") if response == "y": (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster( conn, opts, cluster_name, die_on_error=False) print("Stopping master...") for inst in master_nodes: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: inst.stop() print("Stopping slaves...") for inst in slave_nodes: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: if inst.spot_instance_request_id: inst.terminate() else: inst.stop() elif action == "start": (master_nodes, slave_nodes) = get_existing_cluster(conn, opts, cluster_name) print("Starting slaves...") for inst in slave_nodes: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: inst.start() print("Starting master...") for inst in master_nodes: if inst.state not in ["shutting-down", "terminated"]: inst.start() wait_for_cluster_state( conn=conn, opts=opts, cluster_instances=(master_nodes + slave_nodes), cluster_state='ssh-ready' ) # Determine types of running instances existing_master_type = master_nodes[0].instance_type existing_slave_type = slave_nodes[0].instance_type # Setting opts.master_instance_type to the empty string indicates we # have the same instance type for the master and the slaves if existing_master_type == existing_slave_type: existing_master_type = "" opts.master_instance_type = existing_master_type opts.instance_type = existing_slave_type setup_cluster(conn, master_nodes, slave_nodes, opts, False) # Write the public and private ip addresses to a file. write_public_and_private_ip_addresses_to_file(master_nodes, slave_nodes) else: print("Invalid action: %s" % action, file=stderr) sys.exit(1) def main(): try: real_main() except UsageError as e: print("\nError:\n", e, file=stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig() main()