.. _tune-wandb: Using Weights & Biases with Tune ================================ `Weights & Biases <https://www.wandb.ai/>`_ (Wandb) is a tool for experiment tracking, model optimizaton, and dataset versioning. It is very popular in the machine learning and data science community for its superb visualization tools. .. image:: /images/wandb_logo_full.png :height: 80px :alt: Weights & Biases :align: center :target: https://www.wandb.ai/ Ray Tune currently offers two lightweight integrations for Weights & Biases. One is the :ref:`WandbLoggerCallback <tune-wandb-logger>`, which automatically logs metrics reported to Tune to the Wandb API. The other one is the :ref:`@wandb_mixin <tune-wandb-mixin>` decorator, which can be used with the function API. It automatically initializes the Wandb API with Tune's training information. You can just use the Wandb API like you would normally do, e.g. using ``wandb.log()`` to log your training process. Please :doc:`see here for a full example </tune/examples/wandb_example>`. .. _tune-wandb-logger: .. autoclass:: ray.tune.integration.wandb.WandbLoggerCallback :noindex: .. _tune-wandb-mixin: .. autofunction:: ray.tune.integration.wandb.wandb_mixin :noindex: