#!/usr/bin/env bash # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e # Show explicitly which commands are currently running. set -x MEMORY_SIZE=$1 SHM_SIZE=$2 DOCKER_SHA=$3 ROOT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd) SUPPRESS_OUTPUT=$ROOT_DIR/../suppress_output if [ "$MEMORY_SIZE" == "" ]; then MEMORY_SIZE="20G" fi if [ "$SHM_SIZE" == "" ]; then SHM_SIZE="20G" fi if [ "$DOCKER_SHA" == "" ]; then echo "Building application docker." docker build -q --no-cache -t ray-project/base-deps docker/base-deps # Add Ray source git rev-parse HEAD > ./docker/tune_test/git-rev git archive -o ./docker/tune_test/ray.tar $(git rev-parse HEAD) if [ "$CI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "1" ]; then DOCKER_SHA=$(docker build --no-cache -q -t ray-project/tune_test docker/tune_test -f docker/tune_test/build_from_source.Dockerfile) else DOCKER_SHA=$(docker build --no-cache -q -t ray-project/tune_test docker/tune_test) fi fi echo "Using Docker image" $DOCKER_SHA ######################## EXAMPLE TESTS ################################# $SUPPRESS_OUTPUT docker run --rm --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} --memory=${MEMORY_SIZE} --memory-swap=-1 $DOCKER_SHA \ python /ray/doc/examples/plot_pong_example.py $SUPPRESS_OUTPUT docker run --rm --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} --memory=${MEMORY_SIZE} --memory-swap=-1 $DOCKER_SHA \ python /ray/doc/examples/plot_parameter_server.py $SUPPRESS_OUTPUT docker run --rm --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} --memory=${MEMORY_SIZE} --memory-swap=-1 $DOCKER_SHA \ python /ray/doc/examples/plot_hyperparameter.py $SUPPRESS_OUTPUT docker run --rm --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} --memory=${MEMORY_SIZE} --memory-swap=-1 $DOCKER_SHA \ python /ray/doc/examples/doc_code/torch_example.py $SUPPRESS_OUTPUT docker run --rm --shm-size=${SHM_SIZE} --memory=${MEMORY_SIZE} --memory-swap=-1 $DOCKER_SHA \ python /ray/doc/examples/doc_code/tf_example.py