# Ray Documentation Repository for documentation of the Ray project, hosted at [docs.ray.io](https://docs.ray.io). ## Installation To build the documentation, make sure you have `ray` installed first. For building the documentation locally, allowing for faster builds, install the _development_ dependencies: ```bash pip install -r requirements-dev.txt # development dependencies for faster builds ``` If you want to reproduce the production environment and its build, install the _production_ dependencies instead: ```bash pip install -r requirements-doc.txt # readthedocs.org dependencies ```` ## Building the documentation To compile the documentation and open it locally, run the following command from this directory. ```bash make html && open _build/html/index.html ``` To build the documentation more strictly, by treating warnings as errors, run the following command (the `-W` flag is required for this to work): ```bash sphinx-build -W -b html -d _build/doctrees source _build/html ``` ## Building just one sub-project Often your changes in documentation just concern one sub-project, such as Tune or Train. To build just this one sub-project, and ignore the rest (leading to build warnings due to broken references etc.), run the following command: ```shell DOC_LIB= sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees source _build/html ``` where `` is the name of the sub-project and can be any of "cluster", "contribute", "ray-core", "ray-data", "ray-design-patterns", "ray-more-libs", "ray-observability", "ray-overview", "ray-rllib", "ray-serve", "ray-train", "ray-tune", or "ray-workflows". ## Announcements and includes To add new announcements and other messaging to the top or bottom of a documentation page, check the `_includes` folder first to see if the message you want is already there (like "get help" or "we're hiring" etc.) If not, add the template you want and include it accordingly, i.e. with ```markdown .. include:: /_includes/ ``` This ensures consistent messaging across documentation pages. ## Checking for broken links To check if there are broken links, run the following (we are currently not running this in the CI since there are false positives). ```bash make linkcheck ``` ## Running doctests To run tests for examples shipping with docstrings in Python files, run the following command: ```shell make doctest ```