Deploying on YARN ================= .. warning:: Running Ray on YARN is still a work in progress. If you have a suggestion for how to improve this documentation or want to request a missing feature, please feel free to create a pull request or get in touch using one of the channels in the `Questions or Issues?`_ section below. This document assumes that you have access to a YARN cluster and will walk you through using `Skein`_ to deploy a YARN job that starts a Ray cluster and runs an example script on it. Skein uses a declarative specification (either written as a yaml file or using the Python API) and allows users to launch jobs and scale applications without the need to write Java code. You will firt need to install Skein: ``pip install skein``. The Skein ``yaml`` file and example Ray program used here are provided in the `Ray repository`_ to get you started. Refer to the provided ``yaml`` files to be sure that you maintain important configuration options for Ray to function properly. .. _`Ray repository`: Skein Configuration ------------------- A Ray job is configured to run as two `Skein services`: 1. The ``ray-head`` service that starts the Ray head node and then runs the application. 2. The ``ray-worker`` service that starts worker nodes that join the Ray cluster. You can change the number of instances in this configuration or at runtime using ``skein scale`` to scale the cluster up/down. The specification for each service consists of necessary files and commands that will be run to start the service. .. code-block:: yaml services: ray-head: # There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster. instances: 1 resources: # The resources for the head node. vcores: 1 memory: 2048 files: ... script: ... ray-worker: # There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster. instances: 1 resources: # The resources for the head node. vcores: 1 memory: 2048 files: ... script: ... Packaging Dependencies ---------------------- Use the ``files`` option to specify files that will be copied into the YARN container for the application to use. See `the Skein file distribution page `_ for more information. .. code-block:: yaml services: ray-head: # There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster. instances: 1 resources: # The resources for the head node. vcores: 1 memory: 2048 files: # ray/doc/yarn/ # # A packaged python environment using `conda-pack`. Note that Skein # # doesn't require any specific way of distributing files, but this # # is a good one for python projects. # # See # environment: environment.tar.gz Ray Setup in YARN ----------------- Below is a walkthrough of the bash commands used to start the ``ray-head`` and ``ray-worker`` services. Note that this configuration will launch a new Ray cluster for each application, not reuse the same cluster. Head node commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start by activating a pre-existing environment for dependency management. .. code-block:: bash source /home/rayonyarn/miniconda3/bin/activate Obtain the Skein Application ID which is used when pushing addresses to worker services. .. code-block:: bash APP_ID=$(python -c 'import skein;print(') Register the Ray head addresses needed by the workers in the Skein key-value store using the Application ID. .. code-block:: bash skein kv put --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS --value=$(hostname -i) $APP_ID Start all the processes needed on the ray head node. By default, we set object store memory and heap memory to roughly 200 MB. This is conservative and should be set according to application needs. .. code-block:: bash ray start --head --redis-port=6379 --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 Execute the user script containing the Ray program. .. code-block:: bash python Clean up all started processes even if the application fails or is killed. .. code-block:: bash ray stop skein application shutdown $APP_ID Putting things together, we have: .. code-block:: bash services: ray-head: # There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster. instances: 1 resources: # The resources for the head node. vcores: 1 memory: 2048 files: # ray/doc/yarn/ # # A packaged python environment using `conda-pack`. Note that Skein # # doesn't require any specific way of distributing files, but this # # is a good one for python projects. # # See # environment: environment.tar.gz script: | # Activate the packaged conda environment # - source environment/bin/activate # This activates a pre-existing environment for dependency management. source /home/rayonyarn/miniconda3/bin/activate # This obtains the Skein Application ID which is used when pushing addresses to worker services. APP_ID=$(python -c 'import skein;print(') # This register the Ray head addresses needed by the workers with the Skein key-value store. skein kv put --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS --value=$(hostname -i) $APP_ID # This command starts all the processes needed on the ray head node. # By default, we set object store memory and heap memory to roughly 200 MB. This is conservative # and should be set according to application needs. # ray start --head --redis-port=6379 --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 # This executes the user script. python # After the user script has executed, all started processes should also die. ray stop skein application shutdown $APP_ID Worker node commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fetch the address of the head node from the Skein key-value store. .. code-block:: bash APP_ID=$(python -c 'import skein;print(') RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS=$(skein kv get --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS "$APP_ID") Start all of the processes needed on a ray worker node, blocking until killed by Skein/YARN via SIGTERM. After receiving SIGTERM, all started processes should also die (ray stop). .. code-block:: bash ray start --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 --address=$RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS:6379 --block; ray stop Putting things together, we have: .. code-block:: bash services: ... ray-worker: # The number of instances to start initially. This can be scaled # dynamically later. instances: 4 resources: # The resources for the worker node vcores: 1 memory: 2048 # files: # environment: environment.tar.gz depends: # Don't start any worker nodes until the head node is started - ray-head script: | # Activate the packaged conda environment # - source environment/bin/activate source /home/rayonyarn/miniconda3/bin/activate # This command gets any addresses it needs (e.g. the head node) from # the skein key-value store. APP_ID=$(python -c 'import skein;print(') RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS=$(skein kv get --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS "$APP_ID") # The below command starts all the processes needed on a ray worker node, blocking until killed with sigterm. # After sigterm, all started processes should also die (ray stop). ray start --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 --address=$RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS:6379 --block; ray stop Running a Job ------------- Within your Ray script, use the following to connect to the started Ray cluster: .. code-block:: python if __name__ == "__main__": DRIVER_MEMORY = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # 100MB here, but set this based on the application (subject to the YARN container limit). ray.init( address="localhost:6379", driver_object_store_memory=DRIVER_MEMORY) main() You can use the following command to launch the application as specified by the Skein YAML file. .. code-block:: bash skein application submit [TEST.YAML] Once it has been submitted, you can see the job running on the YARN dashboard. .. image:: images/yarn-job.png Cleaning Up ----------- To clean up a running job, use the following: .. code-block:: bash skein application shutdown $appid Questions or Issues? -------------------- You can post questions or issues or feedback through the following channels: 1. ``_: For discussions about development or any general questions and feedback. 2. `StackOverflow`_: For questions about how to use Ray. 3. `GitHub Issues`_: For bug reports and feature requests. .. _``:!forum/ray-dev .. _`StackOverflow`: .. _`GitHub Issues`: .. _`Skein`: